Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Showing Posts For Leafstorm.1349:
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
I’m sorry, but that theory is horrible. Top tier players shouldn’t be brought down to lower brackets just to find a quick game and lose literally 40 places on LB because teammates aren’t at the 1600+ skill level. I don’t want that to sound harsh, but the loss is insanely punishing especially since you now have to carry that team as hard as possible. We should be getting better games. At the most there should be a 100 point skill gap up or down.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Any plans to record and post it. Not the greatest time for me, but would definitely watch it.
Not so much. We are going to try and do it like bi-weekly or something and rotate two maps each session.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
So as probably a lot of know, the Q’s right now are just pure cancer. Anet, you’re going for quantity over quality here. However, the thing is that in top tiers, I’m pretty sure almost everyone would rather wait for a quality game where we aren’t being put on teams that have gold tier 2 players in it. I don’t get how its even possible to be 200-300 rating higher than the people you get put on a team with man.
You want people to play, but the risk vs reward is just not worth it right now and it doesn’t make the game fun to play at all. -18 for one game because we have gold players or very low plat on our team is just too punishing. Talking to friends who are also top 250, this seems to be a common problem. It needs to get fixed.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Maybe it would be better to start off-season, but someone has to start sometime. Its just past time for our upper tier of players to take ownership and start expanding and (laugh here if you want) helping to get rid of the toxic environment that plagues lower divisions. Even if 5 people show up I’ll consider it a success, but I’m hoping for more
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Thanks! It should be fun. I know we have some guildies showing up and possibly more from TBT. These are the kinds of things that the PvP community needs to start doing. All the complaining about “there aren’t many people bla bla bla” is kinda useless imo. People don’t PvP because they either don’t know how to and get crushed or a toxic community. —--We should aim to fix that—-
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Lion Knight has now started a bi-weekly SPvP training night. Starting from the ground up for all kinds of exp players via custom games. They will be taught on Sunday 1 hour after reset (NA) and be hosted by top 250 players.
This is an effort to expand our PvP community a little and have fun. If you’re interested in coming along let us know. This Sunday will be hosted by me (Zoe Nightmare), Elite Saxa, and possibly Arome (have to see if the time works for em).
If you’re a top tier player and would like to help teach one night let me know.@ #CJ ^-^
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Well, they didn’t. It bugged and no one got rewards aside from one team who auto won without playing anything. Pretty stupid.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
I’m just wondering who thought it’s a great idea to push updates while an AT is running? We are all sitting here waiting for this thing to work after we have already been playing and it seems to be broken. This just doesn’t seem very smart.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
It sounds like you’re a little salty and by calling all your pugs trash, that indicates you have a bit of an ego as well. If you cant rely on your team, then duo queue. Furthermore, everyone always blames their team instead of taking personal responsibility and reflecting on what they could have done better. I have also seen that outside of the top 250, most people don’t multiclass and that’s a big problem.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Decay sets in with 3 days of being inactive and I think that is a little much. Maybe move it to like 7 days? A lot of things happen in life and people shouldn’t have to suffer too much for that. I also agree with Exedore, decay only effects people in D5/6. You still have the skill rating though for MMR really, so it’s kind of pointless if you’re not on the LB.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
You know, one thing that I see as an issue is that the monthly end AT happens on one single day at one specific time. You have hundreds of players who play the dailies at the 3 different times Anet made them for. That means you have people from around the world who probably have the 100 QP to play, but they wont be able to make the monthly due to time zone differences or maybe they have to work or something.
I’m not exactly sure what the answer is to this problem and I’ve heard some people say that those people are probably “trash” anyway, but regardless, they have the QP and should be afforded more options than just Sat at 3:15.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Rofl! Yeah, it’s a great way to keep people from quitting SPvP.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
This season/league system is garbage. That’s pretty much what it comes down to.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Things aren’t as bad as they were last season. Now that’s a step forward. The placement tiers need more but but sure are way better than what we’ve had. The classes are more balanced. You can’t really make this game perfectly balanced. Matchmaking is better but needs solution to pick right class mix.
The big negatives I see are around d HoT. Elite spec is poorly designed in general. We accept it as we don’t have much options ; at least till next expansion. Build diversity may return one day with signification changes.
I quite like the ascended rewards. No harm pipe guys farming it. Even in raked. I’d rather have a wider community than the niche pvp elites alone. Let them learn. Not having to get gear from pve is surely a bonus.
The league system is garbage right now. You have people that where division 6 for the past 4 seasons and now they’re pulling 1300-1500 ratings. You have players who are ranking into 1500-1600s after 10 games when their skill doesn’t reflect that and it costs people the games they’re playing and snowballs from there. Playing this season makes me want to spoon my eyes out.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Why it’s equal and fare if you skilled you move up.
It’s that moving up process that is chaos. Everything from elite pros to complete noobs all in a match together, and matchmaker having no idea which is which so it has no idea how to split the teams.
If they ever do that I’ll just play Unranked for the first month and wait for the chaos to settle. The one bright side, the forums will be very entertaining, more so than usual.
That already happens. Just start people off at 1550 and be done with it. Though part of the problem is that those players are then playing for the same amount of points as other, but at a different value considering their games are much harder.
My point is if we do a weekly update we can make small adjustments to make the season better overall. There shouldn’t EVER be a time when a gaming company recognizes that a class is too powerful or something is amiss during a pvp season and not start to take quick actions to balance it out.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
I don’t understand why Anet doesn’t do faster SPvP updates. Why is it that when we find out something is super over powered or even when there are broken things that we don’t hot fix these over night or even over the week?
There are so many problems every season with the classes that this needs to start becoming a thing. Each season there is always one or two classes that need a small nerf i.e. this season warriors are stupidly op. It would be really nice to have soft nerfs during the season so it doesn’t become complete trash like it always is.
Guess they are not willing to pay competent people for doing tests for them. Devs cant test things they come up with on every level of gameplay themselves, they should get help with that. They are only able to make small little stepps in the dark or jump forth into a ravine, couse the real effects of the changes they make are only going to be seen if they are launched to the big public.
The point is that they could make a weekly “soft” update and continuously adjust fire from each week. Most games actually do this and its how they keep any sort of balance between whatever it is they have going on. It feels like Anet just wants to come up with their own way of doing things to create a completely new way of doing things, and that’s cool, but there are things that have been proven effective over time and we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to them. If Anet wants this league to actually go anywhere they need to start making people actually want to play SPvP.
I also think we should revert a bit back to pre HoT and make it to where you can once again play unranked, solo queue, and team queue. I feel like adding back in the top 1,000 rankings and leaderboard would be a great idea as well as well as add back in the percentages they use to have for players who didn’t make it to the top 1k. We could even add titles for those top 1k, lesser titles, but still incentive. Having a top 250 makes the SPvP community seem smaller than what it really is.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
I don’t understand why Anet doesn’t do faster SPvP updates. Why is it that when we find out something is super over powered or even when there are broken things that we don’t hot fix these over night or even over the week?
There are so many problems every season with the classes that this needs to start becoming a thing. Each season there is always one or two classes that need a small nerf i.e. this season warriors are stupidly op. It would be really nice to have soft nerfs during the season so it doesn’t become complete trash like it always is.
As for the actual season it’s self, small changes can be made to the way it works as well during the week and NOT wait until the whole season is spend pounding your head against a desk.
I really love what Anet has done here this season, but it needs some small changes. Many of the people you guys consider to be in the top 250 are just second accounts, so that makes it more like a top 125. You guys allow people to be placed in said top 250 or even top 10 after playing 10 stupid games and that needs to be changed as well. How about we start those players off at 1550 and make them grind the rest of the way like everyone else does. Why are we still losing points when people DC and its a 4v5? There are many more things I could talk about, but the point is that you guys could be making small adjustments to these things over the week and for the most part people would be much more happy about it.
Its time to make a change in the way Anet operates regarding SPvP if you guys ever want to make it more than what it currently is. It starts with more frequent updates.
~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight.
490m PvX
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
It shouldn’t expand over time. That’s the point I’m trying to make. Its stupid.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Wrong. I’m in T3 of Diamond and I keep going against D6 players. This is just a bad matchmaking. Players shouldn’t be playing others outside their division.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
I have to say that S3 Matchmaking is the worse than S2. You guys toss in higher division players into the game just for someone having a 2 man group. In what world does this even make sense? Same division players should be playing in their same division. Not against a bunch of people a division above them.
There are so many things I’d say if I wouldn’t get banned. I’ll just leave it at this though.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
So I’m sure there has already been something said about this, but its pretty stupid how I’m stuck in D3 beating my head against a wall because everyone from last season who hit D5/6 are now in D3. Most people are just as stuck as I am.
Why and who exactly thought it was a great idea to do this? You now have a clash of D5/6 players fighting for the same value. This among other reasons are the reason why people want to just quit sPvP. It makes the idea of divisions worthless.
PS: Fix warrors. wth
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
I’m guessing most of the work comes from making the “journey” and not the actual skins since you guys pop them out every week it seems in the gem store. Why not just make the precursers drop from mobs/chests/mystic forge again and bring out the rest of the legendaries? Surely people would be much more happy with this. Go back and make the stupid waste of time precruser crafting when you’ve finished all the other projects you have going on.
Keep your people happy and they’ll take care of you. I literally have people in my guild quitting the game because of this. It feels like every decision you guys make, makes it more of a challenge for guild leaders. As a player I can say that I wouldn’t be playing this game anymore if not for my guild. Its time to take a look at how you guys are currently running things and make improvements. Honestly I could see spending $5-$10 a month for a sub if you guys got it together. You cant make empty promises though. That’s not taking care of your people. That’s not leadership.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
[Lion] Lion Knight: 450+ Man PvX Guild.
Our focus is our community. Its our vision to have the best community in the game and that means having awesome people with diverse personalities.
Things we do:
Raids: Our veteran team is currently all the way through Spirit Vale and has achieved The Eternal title. Our second raid group just started this week, but will soon enough get the hang of things. We’re looking to expand our raiding to 3-5 groups.
Guild Missions: Every Thursday night at 9 EST U.S we roll through all of our guild missions. Its quite fun to come hang out with everyone.
Fractals: We currently run every scale fractal. No matter if you’re lvl 1 or 100 we have people to play with everyday.
SPvP: We have both new and veteran players from division 1-6. We have some very very great players that have even hit top 20 in the leaderboards. Our PvP division is currently being built upon and it gets better everyday.
Mainly we’re a BP based guild, but we take everyone in. If you’re interested in playing with a good community come join us.
~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
It should be noted that we are on NA servers
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
With Anet it might need to be mentioned at least 14 million times more for them to make it happen. Things only get traction if they have a voice. Its nice to be told that they’re still thinking about it.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Good afternoon,
Lion Knight is currently recruiting new members for our PvX guild. Currently we have a huge focus on raiding, so we’re looking for players that wish to do said raid. We also love to do all tiers of fractals, dungeons, guild missions every Thursday, SPvP from casual to Division 6, we even have some WvW action going on.
Our guild isn’t just a guild though, its a community with really wonderful players. We are 100% drama free and will remain that way. We have players of all ages… I think our youngest is about 13 and our oldest is over 60.
We strive to promote a friendly community with integrity and excellence shining through in our attitudes. If you’re interested in finding a family that you’d like to play with in GW2 then this is the place for you.
We currently have Spirit Vale full cleared, lvl 1-100 fractals, div1-6 ect. Want to accomplish these things, but don’t have the skill? No worries, we’re always willing to teach as long as you bring the right attitude.
~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Good afternoon,
Our guild is currently looking for more people who enjoy raiding. Lion Knight is a 450 man PvX guild. Cleared Spirit Vale, all tier fractals, weekly guild missions, spvp from division 1-6, TS, website, FB ect.
While those are the hard facts, we’re just looking for good people to be dedicated to our raiding team or eventually teams. We have an awesome community with people of all ages from all around the world. While we don’t require rep, if you’d like to rank up its 70% rep 30% non rep.
If you’re interested send me a in game email
~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Good afternoon,
Our guild is currently looking for more people who enjoy raiding. Lion Knight is a 450 man PvX guild. Cleared Spirit Vale, all tier fractals, weekly guild missions, spvp from division 1-6, TS, website, FB ect.
While those are the hard facts, we’re just looking for good people to be dedicated to our raiding team or eventually teams. We have an awesome community with people of all ages from all around the world. While we don’t require rep, if you’d like to rank up its 70% rep 30% non rep.
If you’re interested send me a in game email
~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Good afternoon,
Our guild is currently looking for more people who enjoy raiding. Lion Knight is a 450 man PvX guild. Cleared Spirit Vale, all tier fractals, weekly guild missions, spvp from division 1-6, TS, website, FB ect.
While those are the hard facts, we’re just looking for good people to be dedicated to our raiding team or eventually teams. We have an awesome community with people of all ages from all around the world. While we don’t require rep, if you’d like to rank up its 70% rep 30% non rep.
If you’re interested send me a in game email
~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Good afternoon,
Our guild is currently looking for more people who enjoy raiding. Lion Knight is a 450 man PvX guild. Cleared Spirit Vale, all tier fractals, weekly guild missions, spvp from division 1-6, TS, website, FB ect.
While those are the hard facts, we’re just looking for good people to be dedicated to our raiding team or eventually teams. We have an awesome community with people of all ages from all around the world. While we don’t require rep, if you’d like to rank up its 70% rep 30% non rep.
If you’re interested send me a in game email
~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Good afternoon,
Our guild is currently looking for more people who enjoy raiding. Lion Knight is a 450 man PvX guild. Cleared Spirit Vale, all tier fractals, weekly guild missions, spvp from division 1-6, TS, website, FB ect.
While those are the hard facts, we’re just looking for good people to be dedicated to our raiding team or eventually teams. We have an awesome community with people of all ages from all around the world. While we don’t require rep, if you’d like to rank up its 70% rep 30% non rep.
If you’re interested send me a in game email
~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Good afternoon,
Our guild is currently looking for more people who enjoy raiding. Lion Knight is a 450 man PvX guild. Cleared Spirit Vale, all tier fractals, weekly guild missions, spvp from division 1-6, TS, website, FB ect.
While those are the hard facts, we’re just looking for good people to be dedicated to our raiding team or eventually teams. We have an awesome community with people of all ages from all around the world. While we don’t require rep, if you’d like to rank up its 70% rep 30% non rep.
If you’re interested send me a in game email
~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Just wondering why this hasn’t been made yet. You have so many people posting in open world content doing LFR and when you do this you get removed after about 2 minuets. It would seem very logical that we would make a own panel for raiding in the LFG system.
I understand that it might be hard to put into the game, but if one of the main focus points for GW2 right now is raiding, then why not put in the effort to make this a thing. Not only that, but it would make it more easy for raiding guilds/PvX guilds such as mine to recruit people who actually want to raid.
~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Well they either could do that or like in league, you can only queue with people for ranked that are max 1 division below you.
If people want to play with friends that are below their division/skill level that’s what unranked is for.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Bring solo queue back.
Make queue into ranked with groups either 1 div up or 1 div down from every player on the team.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
Lion Knight is doing our guild missions tonight and we’ve found out that when we activate our Guild Rush we get tagged onto another Guild’s mission. This can be an issue because we won’t have time to get our guild members through the rush.
Are other guild having this same problem and does anyone know if there is currently anything being worked on to prevent this?
Any info on this would be awesome. Thanks!
Respectfully, Zoe Nightmare.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)