Showing Posts For Legendary Balls.3198:
Just so you have something to compare your video too.
This was my first ever montage video, as you can see your first video is always gonna have problems
(the terrible resolution i unwittingly uploaded mine at for example).
You just gotta learn from them and try to do it better next time.
How do you make it so that you could see your keybinds on your skills?
Had a look at my options, the only thing i could see that looked related to hotbars was a check box called: “show skill recharge”
This is my preference for stats:
Hp: ~20k (ok to have less aslong as you take defensive utilitys or get some toughness)
Armour: Never less then 2k
Attack: Never much more then 3k
Crit: ~30% (unless your going with a something happens on crit build i feel much more then 30% is overkill)
To be honest I found the vid to be very chaotic and it was often hard to make out what you wanted to show us. Plus, kills made with the help of sharks or call warband are a bit lame to put in imo.
Overall for a PvP vid it isn’t that good. Good pvp vids show you entire 1v1 fights without the use of huge CD skills. Also other things, but at least entire 1v1 fights.
Just my opinion of course.
Thanks always happy for constructive criticism. I found it very hard to add in full 1v1 fights because, for the better part of the fight, its rather boring and generally doesn’t fit with the music (trying to kite an enemy over one of my traps, stalling for time so poison does more damage / heal comes of cooldown, getting knocked down when doing a finisher, that sort of thing). Thats why ive only really shown the highlights of the fights but as you said thats made it very chaotic as it randomly jumps from one clip to another.
Do you reckon using fade in /out effects on the end / start of each clip might make future montages better ? or is that just lame and an obvious windows movie maker effect ? (i dunno something about using WMM effects just makes me fell like a 10 year old making a Modern Warfare 2 quick scope montage)
Nice video, I liked the way you slowed that one stomp to coincide with the bass hit. On the other hand maybe less sharks in the next vid. Sharks are the suck.
haha yeah i usually hate them 2, just thought that it was funny how them suddenly being my allies completely reversed the flow of the fight
Yeah i think i need to get better at editing so i can emphasize certain parts of the footage better.
Almost all (with the exception of some that just worked well with the music, the rally about halfway though for example) of the clips have something cool happening in them like wining 2v1’s, dodging devastating attacks, killing an enemy with reflected projectile, etc.
Unfortunately i don’t think i have the skill to make these any more apparent, guess you will just have to re-watch the video and try to spot them
Yeah i have a passionate hatred of all these cheesy builds, they just feel way too cheap to me
not sure i think it was a checkbox in the options, will check for you next time im logged in
Try using a black powder shoot next time another thief goes invisible then stand in the center of the smoke field.
Hilarity ensues as you see miss miss miss scrolling all over your screen.
just realized you can embed videos
in case anyone thought it was a fake link
My thief can crit over 20k easy, i even made a video of it
Heres a PvP Montage i made of some thief gameplay.
Whats your opinion ? good montage or wasted effort ?