Showing Posts For Legicon.7952:

Rate the sylvari name above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Legicon.7952


7/10 sounds neat

My sylvari engineer is Petal To The Metal

sPvP title rewards missing?

in PvP

Posted by: Legicon.7952


I apologize if perhaps I have simply missed something from previous posts or updates, but were the class specific titles rewards from pvp removed? I could’ve sworn there was titles for 200 wins with a specific class. Same as tournament wins just without the Champion part. I’ve been away from pvp for awhile so when i finally reached 200 with mesmer I see no title or indication that its even a reward anymore. Were they removed? If so, then why?

There is no real way to be 'invisible' or anonymous

in Suggestions

Posted by: Legicon.7952


Yes it’s an MMO. But not every time I log in do I want to be whispered for help or wondering what I’m doing. Some days I’m just not in an interactive mood and I’d rather farm and gather in peace. Or just practice pvp without having people questioning me the whole time, only to be offended bc I’m not replying due to pvp.

We should have the option to remain truly hidden. A little peace and quiet is nice every once in awhile.

Duel in everywhere !!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Legicon.7952


I would even like to see an area in the mists in which you can spar with a friend. The class npcs are fun at first, but c’mon, they become predictable quickly. Being able to 1v1 with a friend would really get some of that fight back into players. Testing out a build on dummies, only to find it doesn’t work so well against players is really disappointing

You don’t even have to reward duels. No achievements or glory gain, but the option alone to fight 1v1 with someone I’m sure would appeal to many
Work on strategies and counter builds. I don’t really see a downside to allowing duels or 1v1 practice fights.

Best emote thread that ever lived.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Legicon.7952


I would like to see interactive emotes. Much like you type say…. /dance * to sync emotes
Perhaps doing /dance @ * with a person doing the same thing while targeting you, it would be a new interactive emote. I’m not saying this so much with just /dance
But anything really. So it actually feels like your toons can emote interact with each other.

Say threatening at the same time while using @ and sync has the two bicker and quarrel.
Or dancing can add just a new step To the dance in which two or more people can join in

I’m sure I worded this all weird. Just a suggestion. I’m sure something like this would take a lot of time if considered but just throwing it out there.

(edited by Legicon.7952)

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Legicon.7952


The tower itself isn’t so hard tbh. It’s dealing with the other players and waiting. I waited til everyone had left the overflow so i had tower to myself and a couple guildies. Was much easier and I didn’t feel as rushed.
I don’t think easier puzzles are needed. Just don’t make 15 people at the same time do them. Gets way to crowded on areas that require precision

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Legicon.7952


Before engaging a Mesmer, mark him

Yes he can stealth out of it, but

Look for shields over one of them
Look for dodge rolls and other evasive movement
The real one attacks faster than his/ her clones.


killed in 1.5 sec by a thief litterally

in PvP

Posted by: Legicon.7952


I don’t play a thief. I play warrior and eng as my main pvp toons. But I’ll be honest….the constant crying about thieves is getting annoying.

There will always be that one guy who will destroy you! Complaining and whining to forums about it is getting old!
Yes work on your strategy.

Mesmers too! I’ve been completely demolished by both classes. Do I spam them and cry about it? No. I work on my build and try to find strats to counter this.

I have nothing against these thieves. In fact I enjoy facing them. Mesmers as well.

Stop spamming the forums with this QQ

[Camera] Zoom into first-person view

in Suggestions

Posted by: Legicon.7952


I agree!!! I enjoy taking screenshots and videos and I don’t always wanna see the back of my head in them.

[Request] Race Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Legicon.7952


I’m sure name changes and appearance changes will be available at some point. But as said above, they’d have to figure out how the story would be affected by the change. Charr and sylvari story are rather different :P . The only way I see it working is restarting the whole story. But then there’s an xp, karma, and money issue if one can just race change then replay all of the story at a higher level.
Anyways!!!!!!!! Yeah I don’t see Race change happening

Please Add An Option To Inspect Other Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Legicon.7952


I guess those options are better than just flat out being able to inspect everyone. But I personally do not miss the feature. It was awkward at first, but then I began to love the privacy. Really gets annoying when people are constantly checking your gear and ridiculing you if you don’t meet their own gear. This game isn’t as gear based as others, so the option to spy on someone else isn’t necessary.


in PvP

Posted by: Legicon.7952


It’s bc there’s no incentive to defend. Players are more rewarded for crowding up on downed enemies and zerging.

Um... auto-balance? What the pancakes?

in PvP

Posted by: Legicon.7952


Losing team rage quits. Winning team gets punished. Bc Anet wants losers to feel loved too. So no penalty for rage quitters either.

The key to beating a mesmer....

in PvP

Posted by: Legicon.7952


The key to winning? Stop clicking and key turning a learn to identify the real Mesmer. My 14 yr old bro 1v1 can easily tell which one is me on his warrior. No excuse. Players just wanna complain when things don’t go their way. With many different build and gear options, you’re going to come across one or two that owns you. It happens. I’ve been 2 shot by thieves and warriors but you don’t see me QQing on forums asking for a nerf.
It’s cool that you guys are showing how to beat em. But honestly if people just actually practiced and learned, theyd have less problems with any particular class

I think thieves are OP in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Legicon.7952


oh… another one of these? :-/

Rewarding Defending Players

in PvP

Posted by: Legicon.7952


Now before anyone gets upset and rages at me, I will say that i absolutely LOVE this game. I have cancelled all my previous subscriptions to other games and currently focused on this one. Both PvP and PvE are amazing and exciting.
However, and I am sure I’m not the only one who notices this, this game does not reward players who are defending nearly enough. As I play match after match, i notice that there is almost 0 incentive to defend.
Players are rewarded more for zerging, swarming, etc. Players act like vultures and crowd around downed enemies just for the points. It is almost as if ArenaNet wants players to zerg because they reward greatly for this.
I once stayed behind to defend a post for most of a match, yet I receive only 75 points as my thanks. Whereas players out there smashing through everything and leaving points completely undefended, are ending game with 200+ points.
Now I’m not implying that defenders should be getting the same points as those players pwning and taking heads (we really need you guys) , but i would like to know that defending is also a good strategy and rewarded for my time standing there and keeping others at bay.
Structured PvP matches should not be all about zerging to victory. This is good for WvW but to me it feels out of place in SPvP.

Does anyone else agree or am I just whining?