(edited by Lerre.2014)
Showing Posts For Lerre.2014:
Hi, I made a fairly long conditionmancer guide making full use of the buffs we got.
I really like it! But trick with condition necromancer is epidemic, not fear. Terrormancer uses fear :P There should be more work on your build…
Using it right now!
I’m not quite sure what your point is. Fear is a condition, making use of it as a conditionmancer is only natural.
Epidemic is second on the list in my build and if you want to reduce its cooldown by a mere 3 seconds you can. It makes no difference in my build and I included it as one of the alternative traits.
I’m glad you seem to be enjoying my build. If you have any suggestion for improving on it I’ll be glad to hear them.
I recently switched to Firefox from Chrome and they don’t seem to work together. I can’t get the sound queue to activate no matter what I do. The auto refresh also doesn’t work at all.
I see you have a note about IE, maybe you should add one for Firefox as well unless it works fine for others using it.
Hi, I made a fairly long conditionmancer guide making full use of the buffs we got.
I don’t remember exactly, but I’m pretty sure it was a newly opened tab. I do however think the browser itself hadn’t been restarted in a long time so there could be something there.
It seems to be working fine right now though.
Love your site and have been using it for a few days now.
Today I noticed the auto update doesn’t seem to be working anymore which I assume isn’t intended. Then it seemed to work in another tab with the old one still open.
Just thought I’d let you know in case you didn’t already.
Oh and I use Chrome if you for some reason wanted to know that.
(edited by Lerre.2014)
Yeah those Bounties last night were great fun, T3 was intense.
There’s been a couple interesting offers so far, but since one of my friends isn’t home for the weekend and the other is working, keep the offers coming!
Hi, we’re 3 people looking for a dungeon focused guild that isn’t just about running fractals. While we consider ourselves casual players, after looking for the right guild for us for a while we’ve come to realize that maybe we should consider ourselves hardcore players.
Being old WoW raiders where we raided 2-4 nights a week for 4 hrs for a few years I guess our view of hardcore has been skewed.
What we’re looking for isn’t one of the guilds with hundreds of members, it’s just not for us. What we actually want is a guild of 50-100 members with solid activity that’s mainly dungeon focused.
We do enjoy doing random stuff out in the world too, whether it be zone clearing on an alt or even occasional farming for some weapon someone’s going for.
We’re currently on Crystal Desert, but there’s nothing keeping us here, although it seems like a pretty good server overall.
Mature people is a must. That doesn’t mean people can’t be young, though we’re not looking to play with the stereotypical Call of Duty teen type.
I personally don’t like WvW, but my other 2 friends do.
SPvP is also fun from time to time.
We used to be kind of inbetween casual and hardcore raiders on WoW, after doing 25 mans for a few years we did 10 mans with a close knit group for about a year or so until last summer. After the summer it was obviously GW2 time.
We have 10 fully geared 80 characters so far between us, with warrior, thief and mesmer/necro being the mains, not that it should matter too much.
The way we like to run dungeons is to kill stuff, or in other words actually play the game. We do skip some packs here and there on occasion, but in general we kill everything in our path.
We’re currently level 14 in fractals simply because we don’t find the place that fun after a while, and once we had grinded our way up there in a couple days (a month after its release) we just didn’t see a reason to keep going higher since we didn’t really want to do anything past the daily for the ascended rings, which we don’t do everyday anyway.
One of us is Canadian, one American and I’m Swedish, apparently without an accent. We prefer being on Skype when we do dungeons since we don’t have to hold down a button to talk, but Mumble and Ventrilo are also acceptable.
As far as our mentality in the game goes, we’re used to somewhat min maxing from our old raiding days, and a couple of us played GW1 for a few years before playing WoW. That doesn’t mean we’re elitist kitten though, even though we dislike failing in a dungeon. Though I highly doubt that’s exclusive to us.
If you’ve made it through my little essay I guess thanks for reading. If you haven’t, here’s the TLDR version:
3 friends looking for a mature guild of 50-100 dungeon focused people who don’t just speed run everything.
EDIT: Didn’t think to add it, but we’re looking for a US server.
(edited by Lerre.2014)
My experience of the final event.
I had a lot of fun wasting 2 hrs and getting kicked off.
Another huge disappointment, getting DCed and trying for half an hour to get back on only to find that the boss is dead and I get none of the great rewards other people got for completely wasting my time in the epic invisible lag fest that this boredom of a “fight” should be called.
Definitely loving where the game is heading.