Showing Posts For Lilliana.2508:
I get this same issue, but I’m thinking mine is Win 10 related? I posted on another Win 10 specific forum to ask.
Anyone else had an issue with error# 42:0:9001:3858:101 ? (The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through a campus network. For additional support, please visit ) I get it repeatedly, with no warning.
This happens randomly since I upgraded to Windows 10. I’ve uninstalled Mcafee, though that’s never been an issue…I just never use it, so it’s gone. While I’ve been combing through the forums I’ve decided to turn my Windows firewall off, as well, to see if that helps at all. I’d appreciate any input you have (I’m on a desktop, and doubt that it’s my Nvidia card, that was another issue in and of itself that I had to sort out.)
My computer and another are both connected to a router with ethernet cords, and the other functions fine, but has not installed Win 10. If I can’t play GW2, I might just roll back to Win 7 for the time being. I love Cortana, but I roleplay heavily and this is a serious disruption.
Despite my rant on Tempest? I adore Chronomancer, though it complicates mesmer far more than it already was complicated. Which, I suppose, given the AMAZINGLY POWERFUL things mesmers can do now…is good! It will set a skill bar that not just anyone can surpass without putting real effort, and thought into how to best utilize the time-warp, heal, phantasms, and wells…etc.
I only played those two on my boyfriend’s account, as I can’t afford to pre-order the Xpac yet, myself. He plays Necro extensively, and has nothing but good things to say about Reaver (and how happy he is to finally have a greatsword!).
I expected dragonhunter to miss the bar that chronomancer set so high, as well…but I’ve only heard good things about that, as well. Thus far, it really feels like a majority of folks are truly pleased with most of what’s been released save for a few tweaks required here and there.
And, save for the whole Tempest spec. But I already lamented over that!
If Anet devs ever get around to reading these? I’d say thanks for all the hard work put into this Xpac – complaints abound, I know. And making something that pleases everyone is impossible.
(But I’d also beg for sweeping Tempest changes.)
I personally do not like the idea of shouts on tempest. I think something better could have been given to them. I almost feel like Anet could not come up with anything to give elementalist because they are already sitting in such a good balanced spot and have access to everything. Even with the addition of the warhorn its skills mostly are just redone things that they already have access to doing. If anything the only bonus that warhorn does is make tempest more support-ish…. with boon sharing and boon extension.
I’m not bashing how you feel on the profession but the reason I think you feel its near perfect is because it already was before they added its elite spec. But then again the elite specs are about adding more options to the game I guess ele just got stuck with the additional “If you want to be more support-ish without a staff” option.Back to the shouts though. These things could have been just about anything else and I would have been happier. It feels like “Well we gave reaper shouts so lets just give ele slightly better shouts too!”
I’m not even a fan of the shouts on reaper (Cast times are a bit long and benefits are very lacking) I personally like base ele better. It sustains better, does more damage, and can possibly even support better.
I have to say that my disappointment with the whole Elementalist specialization has driven me to post on the forums, at long last!
I wholeheartedly agree – and don’t even typically like to post on forums, but thought that more elementalists should be heard saying that they don’t agree with Tempest. Like the OP, I also regularly play Scepter/Dagger in PvP. Really, warhorn coooould be substituted in there and be okay – but to use that, I have to take the Tempest traitline, which does not compare to the traitlines I already utilize in SPvP – earth, water, and fire. The traitline I would have to trade for Tempest would be water…which gives condi cleanse and an AoE regen while in water attunement. That being said, the overloads were fun! The shouts were pretty, and the voice-acting was fine.
The shouts and the trait line in general are unimpressive, especially when compared to the god-like abilities that chronomancers get.
The shout heal cannot even begin to compare to the Ether Renewal heal which only has a 15sec CD, pulse heals, and removes condi. with every pulse. And as an ele in PVP, you really seem to get shoehorned into either ‘glass cannon’ or ‘survival-support.’ The skills you take determine how long you can survive, really – and I’ve finally found a happy balance that lets me deal great fire damage, but keep myself alive if I need to make a quick escape. This utilizes all cantrips – the shouts, I thought, might help…but were ultimately lackluster. The fire one is no better than the weapon skills you get in fire spec, the air one is a direct rip off of an engi toolbelt skill that exists, and the earth one is just dagger 5 again, it seems. (Don’t get me started on the elite- I already visited that thread to discuss what utter garbage that skill is.)
Yes, I can continue to live happily playing the build I have, and perhaps try tempest in PvE (though I’m not a fan of dungeons in this game, and Tempest doesn’t seem like it’s made for solo-play), but I’d really like to see Tempest hold its own in SPvP, like the base Ele can. Ideally, I wish I didn’t have to take the whole tempest trait line just to get access to the overloads, and warhorn.
TL;DR – The shouts sound and look beautiful – but the gameplay really let me down. The Tempest pales in comparison to other specializations being announced.
I have to say that my disappointment with the whole Elementalist specialization has driven me to post on the forums, at long last!
Firstly: I wholeheartedly agree that the elite skill is garbage. It has a ridiculously long CD, coupled with an ability that is difficult to coordinate, and if you’re not the ele? It’s difficult to tell that you have the ability. Furthermore, having such an ability apply to auto-attacks is rather ridiculous. I see why they probably thought this was a good idea – can it be used to lower CD of the overloads on attunements? But really, then why would it apply in an AoE that is difficult to manage? I agree with the individual that mentioned the UI change from guardians – the blue flames. Even some alert that you’ve got this boon would be nice.
Secondly: The shouts and the trait line in general are unimpressive, especially when compared to the god-like abilities that chronomancers get. I primarily PvP, and if the build stays the way it is, I will – sadly – never use the new changes. The shouts aren’t really any different than most of the skills your weapons grant you – and the air shout is exactly the same as a tool belt skill Engineers have, except it’s an AoE stunbreak.
The shouts sound and look beautiful – but the gameplay really let me down.