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Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Little Kayli.7415

Little Kayli.7415

People do know how to be rude, and disrespectful. If you don’t have anything useful to give the devs, then just don’t type anything at all.

lol what is this in reference to O.O so much here hard to know if someone is being rude or just frustrated. We do sometimes say things when were frustrated not to be rude just because well were human. Now if cussing is involved and its flatout mean stuff being said then yes this is why it would help to use a reference to what you are talking about :P

Little Kayli

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Little Kayli.7415

Little Kayli.7415

As soon as the gw2 Heart of Thrones expansion went live this mission (Pact Assault – Point of No Return Living Story) has bugged out. When you are told to rescue people from the vine pods towards the end of the mission only two of the three are spawned. This was real unfortunate as I was getting my last achievement for the sinister amulet. Now i can’t complete the mission and therefore cant win the reward. This makes me a very sad panda. -_-

My friend and I have ran into the same problem. We wanted to complete this story line so we could move onto heart of thorns ~roles eyes~ which brings up for my questions with this expansion. I wonder why i wasted so much gold on influence in recent weeks when it reset all our stuff. We are a new and small guild not very much into pvp and WvW although im thinking of trying it on my own but still we were in the middle of upgrading to architecture IV to make the bank bigger and that influence is gone and no credit. Still having a hard time finding decent info how to earn favor. So many questions and scattered information. Even heart of thorns official pages are not answer sorely needed answer to questions. Lastly where is my extra character slot O.o

So complaints are as follows:

1. Glitched pact assault
2. Missing influence to ongoing upgrades that have been wiped or gold refund would be nice i spent 40 gold in the last few weeks on influence to do upgrades so that the bank could be increased to a larger size but like i said lost those upgrades and no influence return or exchange for favor. My gold was actually gotten with gems which was gotten with cash but i guess Anet dont care about that, the got my cash so who cares.
3. Missing character slot and i bought the most expensive package that came with the 4k in gems, got those and got my veterans slot but not the game slot when it updated.

Little Kayli

(edited by Little Kayli.7415)

Wedding Outfit Data-mined!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Little Kayli.7415

Little Kayli.7415

Im not sure whether to get it or not. I really want a dress for my Asuran female, I have nice outfits on my norn and human. Just i like the whole cute kawaii thing for my Asuran. I dun care if they are gender neutral whatever everyone keeps saying about them. It doesnt mean they cant be kawaii as well XD im thinking lolita dress with bloomers would be cute. I keep looking at the wedding dress and have trouble dealing with the i guess floating pearls. Maybe I just need to get it and try different dyes it to see if that helps. Still wearing it on my norn and human might be nice but im having my doubts after reading these comments. I dont want to waste gems and not like the dress in the end. Its one thing to try it on in the gem store but seeing it in action is another. going back to the my asuran, i saw a dress on one that the player told me was a wintersday dress unfortunately I was out sick during last wintersday so missed out on a lot. The outfit i have right now will have to do but still im undecided on the wedding dress.


Little Kayli

Game causing new computer to reboot

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Little Kayli.7415

Little Kayli.7415

I was not sure where to post this, I know other people in the past have had this issue with no solid solution. My computer listed below is barily a month old, ran memtest and that checked out fine. Temps on both the cpu and gpu run in the low 40s-upper 30s. This has been checked while playing Guild Wars 2 in the past few days. Everything is fine no overheating problems memory is fine plus there is not much that I can do without killing the warranty. I know I may have to call MSI but I was hoping someone had a solution that could help me not have to go through all the bs dealing with customer service. Now keep in mind FFXIV, archage, tera online, secret world all play fine without the problem that is happening in GW2. Also curious I used to use speed fan on my old windows 7 computer but for some reason when i try to run it on this computer it causes my computer to bluescreen as its trying to come on. Priority issue for this post GW2 causing new computer to reboot. Secondary issue off subject and not necessary to answer unless wanting to, speedfan causing blue screen at startup

MSI GT72 Dominator Pro 007 Dragon Series
Genuine Windows® 8.1, 64bit
4th Generation Intel Core i7-4710HQ Quad Core Processor, 2.5 GHz (Max Turbo Frequency 3.5GHz)
Kingston HyperX 32GB Dual Channel DDR3L at 2133MHz (4 × 8GB)
512GB “Super RAID 3” Quad SSD (4 x MSI Specified 128GB M.2 SATA3 6Gb/s 128GB SSD)
1TB 7200 RPM SATA 6Gb/s Hard Drive

Little Kayli