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So if people don’t get 5 exotics and all make 100g from it then its bloody murder. Thank you guys for making me laugh
lmao so they have jormag type events…ppl get blues and they cry…they add this in one time only….hand out a 20 slot box….fyi that is over 10g in a value and give out exotics and ppl still cry…you ppl are amazing
Oh, and of course a “you are bad” comment. Seriously, grow up.
I’d appreciate reading what you are replying to. I never said people were bad…i said GAVE UP…they are very different. Yes granted bleed stacks do get wiped…there is the power build available. Each build has its strength and weaknesses. Some classes can purge conditions often while others have a harder time. I can only imagine why u might think the lack of importance of cc and utilities if you cant even read my post correctly.
Lol if that was true then there wouldn’t be builds with more survival beating glass cannons…everyone likes to act like this game is either black or white. It comes down to sheer skill and playstyle. Granted trying to climb the stairwell that is necro is like going up in crutches but anyone who manages to reach the top wont be disappointed. If it was all about burst and direct damage then i guess Anet might as well remove all forms of utility and cc out. A properly setup necro can outright cancel 4-5 backstabs with proper class knowledge(if you have to ask how then you are probably one of the ppl who gave up)
Necro was my first character to 80…i have 3 others and i can say my necro is my fav. Don’t let all the complaints pull you away from it. Don’t get me wrong there are still plenty of things needing to be fixed i played both a condition build and have been playing with power for about a month now(Rather enjoy killing invisible thieves). Working 10x harder is an extreme exaggeration of it and aside from warriors i can keep up with most classes in terms of damage. The only real build that is hurting right now is the MM due to really bad a.i. Some classes do require more work regardless they are jus more advanced classes i.e comparing a warrior to a elementalist. They fixed a few of our issues on friday and dispite what people may think they will have everything working eventually. What people fail to realize is that necros actually can keep up with other classes already…if they just outright went and had everything working it actually might make us a lil OP…give them time to figure out balancing its not as simple as flipping a switch. As for terms of pvp i only play wvw and i dont loose very often either. I recommend going to youtube and typing in shroudstomp in the search and watching some of his vids he more than holds his own
i dont even have a thief and i think that nerf was a lil overkill(i play a power necro)seems to me they just want to appease the generic casual players who DO NOT spec into any survivability or just map DPS increase utilities. IMO if you are roaming alone and get oneshot like this then you are doing something wrong. Like geewoody said backstabbing in a group situation is completely different.
they already said what they were going to do….thieves will have less burst…but will have higher sustained damage to compensate
um i get 7k crits+ on my DS….it actually out dps lich form completely….
….you only get usefulness out of DS if you actually invest in it…First off, 7k crits is a lie. Even in a full power spec against a glass canon, you do not hit for 7k.
That being said, why should you have to invest in it to get any usefulness out of it? What about a condition spec, we can’t invest in it. We hit for 500 when in it…and 1-2 hits while we’re in it and it’s gone. Not to mention, it seems any stun takes life force from 100 – 0…MOA takes life force instantly from 100-0.
….why should you have to invest points in your shroud to get something out of it? it has to be understood that there are many different builds and situations for necro…i can hit for 7k crits in shroud till about 75% then ill settle down to around 5.8k….and im also talking pve
um i get 7k crits+ on my DS….it actually out dps lich form completely….probably arent using it properly…id also like to point out all the traits that cause DS to behave differently…not to mention that necros have the most hp tied with warriors and the DS gauge is proportional to your health bar…you only get usefulness out of DS if you actually invest in it…while i will agree with starting at 0% LF is kinda lame the DS itself is amazing and is HIGHLY underestimated imo
It seems like people just want their necros to do everything…which seems to be what Arenanet does not want…granted you will be able to do a fair amount of mixing but it will come at a price. My build can build 50% every 15 seconds…i did have to give up a few things and I’m not running around with 4-5 groups of minions but that is the kind of choices we will have to deal with. Maybe in the future they will patch it so we can stack bleed, gain mass amounts of life force, and have 5 pets out, until then people will have to stop being greedy and have to build their characters for a particular reason and work within their means. So many people cry foul its only been changed for a couple of days.
It seems like people just want their necros to do everything…which seems to be what Arenanet does not want…granted you will be able to do a fair amount of mixing but it will come at a price. My build can build 50% every 15 seconds…i did have to give up a few things and I’m not running around with 4-5 groups of minions but that is the kind of choices we will have to deal with. Maybe in the future they will patch it so we can stack bleed, gain mass amounts of life force, and have 5 pets out, until then people will have to stop being greedy and have to build their characters for a particular reason and work within their means. So many people cry foul its only been changed for a couple of days.
Spectral armor is a untraited 90 sec CD and only give you LF when hit. And as some one else said, Gluttony does not work.
I’m at a loss at what gluttony has to do with my post…like i said if you are hurting on life force and required blood is power for it…you probably made some poor choices. Granted gluttony would make life easier. I just don’t see the logic in people saying they needed life force from the move for their Curses tree when they have trait choices to cover their losses. Arenanet simply closed one door and opened a few more. Id also like to point out that yes Spectral Armor does only give you life force when hit…but if you were using it to soak and then its basically the same concept.
what i don’t understand is why if they were hurting for life force why not just use spectral grasp and pick up the extra trait for more life force gain on use…it shares the same cd as blood is power. they buffed both moves. you can call it a nerf if you want, but by that logic you could also say all horses are alien beings from mars. Doesn’t mean you would be right about that either. If you needed the 20% life force gain for more survival it probably fell down to poor choice on utility skills…spectral armor covers that problem completly