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Make free 5v5 tournaments PuG vs PuG, team vs team. (no PuG vs team)
Problem solved.
Interesting suggestion – any others….Im sure ANET wants to hear more
If you think they need to get more money into the game, then I would say that making dyes/skins work in PvP.
It is beyond me why you is forced into red/blue colors.. There isn’t much of a chance that I will confuse one of my team members for an enemy to be honest.. The names, ability to attack, red name tags etc etc should be enough. And if you can’t check the flag in your base (or just check which side you are on etc) to verify what color your team is, then you don’t deserve to know!Bottom line, They could make quite some money from skins and dyes if it actually worked in PvP. Not that I am against a PvP version of the game.
I agreed…to basically forced the teams to be attached to red or blue is beyond my pvp comprehension of this game mode as well, well said -thanks for the feedback
1. THERE NEEDS (not want) NEEDS, to be a “Duel” option. Everyone likes to be able to have that option, whether or not you accept to duel someone is different. But it is nice to be able to just battle it out at any lvl in any zone, with a buddy, and fight.
Agreed. I think most will pull for it being implemented.
2. THERE NEEDS to be 1v1 pvp matches and tournaments, as well as 2v2.
These two should be standard in GW2 and I am not sure why they have not done it yet.There is no “need” at all for 1v1 and 2v2 matches. The game isn’t balanced around a 1v1 philosophy. Are you talking about Deathmatch? I wouldn’t mind them having an option to do something like that, but should only be just for fun. Keep the balancing concentrated on 5v5 sPvP.
I agreed , keep working on the 5vs5 balancing issues and get it right first…we must have spectator mode as well
I vote for true “FREE PvP” no pre-purchased or a reduced price version – just a free version like LOL – then you can sell skins….etc
The problem is they know ladders scare people away, Rythgar above so eloquently put it that ladders are great because they give players a sense of progress. But he doesn’t realize the double edged-sword. Only around HALF the players progress in a ladder. In reality with quits its maybe 80%, but you lose that 20% over time. Then the new bottom 20% starts getting annoyed and falling out.
Saving grace is technically there’s PvE and 2 other types of PvP (WvW and Scenario/Battlegrounds which will probably come). But all three forms of PvP in this game are pretty mediocre and I think the idea of focusing on some fantasy of e-sport-iness will mean complete death. Then again, the whole idea of e-sports is just crazy BS so you never know what somebody can pull off…
This is wrong. Most ladders out there is organized so that people doesn’t have to de-progress (for lack of a better word) for others to progress..
To take SC2 as an example: There is more than one gold league, so people can still progress into a gold league without someone else having to fall down to silver league.
The only exception is the highest leagues (grand master and master). Those leagues have a set number of players on them, and only one league (one for EU, one for NA etc).
What this means (not counting the very top end) is that you can always progress forward. At some point you will of course get to the point where you are meeting people at your own skill level, but what happens then is that you will get good and even matches, where you learn and get better (aka progress) and will most likely keep climbing, although perhaps quite a bit slower.There is a few pages out there explaining the whole coding/mechanism of certain MM systems out there on the internet. I would research them a bit or give it all a thought before I make a “this wont work” reply.
Excellent point and I would like to add that ANET has mentioned multiple times that they want to take GW2 sPvP toward eSports …..
Seems I started a big thread here..
I just wanted devs to know, that there is still lot of people who love the game, but every day we don’t hear any info like – “the things You want for e-sport are comming soon guys”, people are loosing hope and with lost hope for competitive PvP, they don’t have many reasons to play the game.. My friends just tell me how bored they are from the stomp or be stomped kind of tournaments…
We need to play against equal enemies, We would love to rent a private server to host some tourney on it within our fansite, we would love to see observer implemented to see the top guilds in action (and to recognize who the top guilds currently are, we need the ladder). With the ladder comes the sense of progression for every team and that itself is a huge part of any game.. Please just think about it. We really like the combat and PvP style of Your game, but we need things that help us enjoy playing with these great systems..
Well said and I will second this as well – we would like to support GW2 for an eSports run, wasn’t that the ultimate plan for ANET???
any new updates on this ? thanks in advance!
“We dont see any perspective in the tPvP right now, without ladder, custom tournaments and observer mode, there is nothing that makes other succesfull PvP games good.. (You might say, there is QP ladder, but that is only for few chosen ones, we liked in GW1, that we were more like part of PvP community with ladder, started playing somewhere around rank 300 and we made it to TOP100, that was our achievment, coz we were never been able to finish in TOP10..) but here, those guilds like us have no goal to play for.. " I cant disagreed with this comment, give us more and keep the community updated as much as you can please – thank you!
There is still a good faithful community around GW2 PvP NA/EU – We have teams that are still serious about competition, but I totally understand why are the fans/players so frustrated at this point, hang in there and lets give ANET an opportunity to get things rolling!
(edited by Lord Drakoz.4702)
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tPvP/sPvP with High Rank GW2 team: ZZYZX, MIRTH, EKUE, DASKRO & ONETOKE
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Focus: PvP, WvW some of us play PvE
Quick Notes: Dedicated, mature and experienced competitive players.
Guild Wars2 gameplay is gaming heaven and second to none for us!!!
Our whole team is very loyal, respectful dedicated, hard-working, mature, responsible, professional and skilled.
While we have received quite a bit of publicity for Guild Wars 2, along with Team Spotlights, guests on podcasts, as well as invites to privately hosted tournaments. Through out the years we’ve moved onto various games together and expanded our core over the years. We have years and years of experience at a high competitive PvP in different kinds of games and have been battle tested thoroughly.
Formerly Team Slayers [sLaY] from Guild Wars who mainly focused and made a name for ourselves in HA PvP by being very high ranked and consistently winning vs. other top notch, high level guilds.
We pride ourselves in having great fundamental team work, being very strategic, very competitive, complete focus and dedication.
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we are answering on this post – Two of our Core team members will address the topics here as well , so there you go and be patience
and this is a place that also includes the community as well and our streams are a big part of it – no need to call out us and judge from the root up. Our place is here and where we feel comfortable to continue to promote GW2 competitive play – thanks!
BeyondTheGameplay featuring Guild War2: ZZYZX, MIRTH, EKUE, DASKRO & ONETOKE of Team Almost Famous. Other weekly broadcasters KillSKreeN from FraggedTV and also our friend RUINFX. Join and get community giveaways every weekend. Follow us and enjoy the stream!