Engineer, Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Guardian
[Kuna] Yak’s Bend
The problem that I have with this episode on dungeon builds is that it is emphasized that engineers should be versatile all the time. This is not ideal for any tougher dungeon or higher level fractal.
Control can be useful in certain fights, but it is not very significant in any area worth mentioning.
Support is perfectly viable on engineers (See Phineas Poe’s FT/EG build or Volcanis’ healing engi) but I don’t recommend it for arah or 30+ fractals. DPS is the way to go in PvE. Absolutely do not use celestial gear. The jack of all trades gear just doesn’t cut it.
I completely agree that engineers are the secret amazing class of GW2, but it is because of our excellent vulnerability, bleed and might stacking for ourselves and our allies. Our damage is comparable to other classes because our best direct DPS option is also our best condition damage option, which also stacks vulnerability helping out the entire party. This makes the engineer extremely useful in any party composition. The meta of this PvE game right now is damage whether you choose to believe it or not. The problem with glass cannon warriors or anything glass cannon in a party is that most pugs don’t know how to properly use zerker gear and die easily because they are not experienced enough to know when to dodge.
With a less experienced team, you can choose to run a more support oriented build with more toughness and vitality to learn how to do most of the dungeons, but this comes at a cost of your damage as well as your party’s overall damage. In higher level content, this not only extends your run, but can also prevent you from finishing it entirely.
Note: This remains true for all PvE content. Of course you can still complete the easier dungeons (CoF, CoE, SE) with almost whatever build you choose. To each his own, this is a game, you should enjoy yourself.
But if you ever wonder why your team fails in 38 fractals and you are wearing celestial gear using Pistol and Elixirs primarily, you have your answer.
I like these podcasts I really do but I just want to see some work into adding more PvE into an engineer focused podcast instead of giving it a single hour every 6 weeks from 2 hosts that have admitted they don’t really care for it. I believe the leveling guide episode was well done and would be useful to new players, but in PvE and even WvW to an extent, this game really starts once you hit 80.
This build is now updated as of the June 26th patch. A little late but it is now done.
I absolutely agree with Phineas on this one.
From a PvE side of things, Elixir U is hard-pressed to find a niche in my usual rotation. The projectile wall is amazing and will always be on my bar in nearly every PvE situation. I just don’t find the quickness that appealing. It is very nice in a pinch for damage but I find myself sometimes never even using the active ability.
I don’t see a problem with taking Elixir U and another stun break as Phineas said due to the WALL that is far too useful.(maybe the EG toolbelt that was newly changed for instance). Edit: Keep in mind that I’m only talking about PvE here, where the EG is also almost glued to my bar.
For the sPvP/WvW players complaining about his specific suggestions, come on guys.. there’s a very simple solution to that problem and it’s called skill split. Make skills different for PvE and PvP, then nobody(PvPers vs PvEers) has to fight over the ramifications of certain skill changes.
I’m not going to suggest anything concrete here, but I believe that U needs a rework at the very least. For starters maybe stop giving engineers 2 random choices in one skill that are ripped off from other professions in the first place, it speaks to laziness.
(edited by Lord Reks.8421)
I dont understand why everyone is just posting the same old DS power build but now with deathly perception (its exactly the same build most power necro’s were running before the patch). Deathly perception isnt even really needed when running beserker gear. Deathly perception opens up valkyrie builds if you can maintain DS effectively in high end pve.
For certain organized teams, no you do not need berserker’s gear, because of the power of that trait you can have lower precision and still hit just as hard. Other professions can also buff your crit chance through banners/fury, lessening the need for too much precision.
For pug teams however you can’t count on them to maintain fury 100% or even help you out at all damage-wise. Berserker’s is easy to obtain and provides consistently useful stats for the build, regardless of team composition.
Old DS power builds maybe, but this was not the best power option that necros had for DPS. Most pve power necros should have been running 30/25/0/0/15(or 30/30/0/0/10 was what I used personally) using dagger for the most possible damage before the patch. Target the weak was very strong and DS was limited to situational survivability use. This new trait among other things changes the way necromancers can now use Death Shroud. They have given us a reason to stay in Death Shroud now that isn’t simply “oh no, I’m about to die, better pop F1 quick!”
Axe/Focus fits this build much better. Also, consider getting CD on Ds reduction in certain fights. Already tested in CoF. SoU/WoS/BiP(switchable) with 30/10/0/0/30 seems pretty sweet, you have just enough Life Force generation to stay in DS for your rotation which is Axe #2, Focus #4, DS#1 +Tainted and Transfer. DPS around 4-5k per Blast over 50% hp, 6-7k below, not counting high might or vun stacks. Axe #2 does around 10k. Really goodand solid power build, sustaiable. For harder fight with constant damage, take reduced cd on spectrals instead of adept or master trait, may help you maintain your LF a lot.
Axe is an option and as I said in the build the quick changes would be to swap spiteful marks->Axe Mastery and staff->axe/focus. I’ve heard that the increased damage from the trait also increases the damage of life blast. I don’t know if this is confirmed or not.
I’ve tested the build out in 20-30+ fractals and it works very well. Good sustained damage close up or at range, but for times when it is needed a staff is a much better fit for ranged combat so you aren’t pummeled by harder hitting mobs because you were too close. Due to this you could swap the axe set for the dagger set possibly, and then swap it back for stacking/fights you can survive in melee.
Part 2:
Honorable Mentions:
Elite Skill: Flesh Golem
For a primarily direct DPS build, you will want mainly full berserker gear to maximize damage output because in tougher content that is what you need to have.
For runes, scholar runes or ruby orbs will work fine with the build.
The weapons will be Dagger/warhorn and staff. The dagger set is obvious for building life force and doing as much damage as possible outside of DS. The swiftness also doesn’t hurt.
The sigils are optional, whichever ones you feel most comfortable with should be the ones you should use. I recommend force, night, strength, or even accuracy to push your base crit chance over 50% to guarantee crits in death shroud.
This build is obviously not finished, but I wanted to get the idea out there as the updates today prove to be very exciting for all classes but necromancers especially. I will be testing and tweaking this build over the next few weeks in all different areas of PvE and comparing it to the standard Dagger/warhorn power builds that are circulating currently.
Thanks for reading my build guide on a Death Shroud DPS Necromancer!
Any comments/questions/concerns? Feel free to reply down below. Constructive feedback is appreciated and will help me fine tune this build immensely.
This build is also on guru!
Part 1:
Foreword: The newest patch updates have arrived on June 25th and necromancers got quite a few changes to their traits/utilities among other things.
I have been running a dagger power build for as long as I can remember on my necromancer and I wanted to try something similar that I think will work very well in all PvE content including higher level fractals, Arah, etc. thanks to today’s updates.
My Death Shroud DPS Build:
The rough build:
Obviously the skills calculator hasn’t been updated but the trait points are there and I will explain which ones I have selected.
Soul Reaping:
Speaking of AoE damage, I should talk about the utilities. The only problem with the dagger as a damage dealing weapon is that it is single-target only.
This is why I bring a warhorn offhand with the 2 damaging wells in my build.
Well of suffering is one of the best if not the best utility for direct DPS in the necromancer’s arsenal. It stacks vulnerability as it pulses increasing its own damage steadily as well as the damage of your entire party’s attacks. Well of corruption is less damaging than suffering and the boon stripping is usually more useful in PvP, but in certain fights can be a huge help.
Heal: Consume Conditions
If you are looking for a build for death shroud DPS, I recently posted a build guide on that very topic on guru.
It was a quick guide made from quick testing but the results were promising. Hopefully now Death Shroud can be built for some good sustained damage instead of a glorified “Oh S**t!” button in PvE.
I was hoping for a question like this.
I used to run a full berserker armor set with ruby orbs for this exact build but after some testing with the rampager’s set I could clearly see a difference in some fights.
If you take a look at the guru link at the top of the build, that forum discusses the condition damage changes to this build very nicely, and one of those posters was kind enough to do some number crunching comparing different sets of gear.
I’ve discussed it in the build above that the important part are the stats and sigils of the weapons, not the weapons themselves. Your bread and butter will be grenade kit almost exclusively if you are using the build properly, making quick swaps for certain skills and boons from med kit. To that end, Pistol/anything is the best option for the extra stats/sigil, just don’t get rid of your rifle because it is still useful in certain situations.
One of the changes I made personally while using this build was buying a mouse with programmable side buttons making the regular swaps back and forth slightly faster and easier. Obviously, not everyone will be able to do this. Without this I would recommend binding the dodge key to a button closer to your pinky finger or possibly even click to swap kits in between grenade strikes.
I realized during the day that pistol/shield doesn’t even have blowtorch, so yeah, definitely not enough to swap to it for attacks. I’ll take a look at that stats thread, thanks.
As for keys, I have “1” on a mouse button I can hit with my index finger (2/3/4/5 on thumb), which works wonders. Heal is on Q, and 7/8/9 are on E/R/T, so swapping for might, vigor and swiftness is a quick QE for me. Dodge is on the mouse, next to my “1” key. I think it works well, personally.
That does sound like a great setup. For the amount of time spamming 1, having that separate button on your mouse does wonders with fast cast ground targeting.
@Lord Reks
I appreciate your answer, please tell me what you mean with ‘short fuse’
And since this setup is primarly for PvE content, how do you build for WvW?
I think the lack of condition cleanse, not enough dmg mitigation and full GC spec isn’t even worth a try in WvW. So how do you build up for that ?
“Short fuse” as it says in the build is a 20 point explosives major trait that decreases cooldown of bombs and grenades by 20%.
This build is a PvE only build and wasn’t made for WvW. I am not near as experienced in this area of the game on my engineer but when I do take him into dubs I have a burst rifle build that I am crafting currently. That build uses glass cannon gear as well and it fits well with my guildmates that I run with in a squad/zerg etc.
If you did want to run a grenade setup similar to this in WvW , I think the easiest change would be the gear, selecting a high condition damage armor set with defensive stats on top of that such as rabid or carrion would be ideal. As well as changing the trinkets to help stay alive for zerging or 2v1s. More condition removal is an option in the utilities and traits additionally. Note that these gear sets are included as secondary choices in my PvE build, they just don’t put out near as much damage as needed for higher level PvE content.
(edited by Lord Reks.8421)
It depends on where you want to use the build primarily. For PvE, an offensive set like Rampager’s is optimal. If you would use the build more in WvW or find yourself dying too much in dungeons Carrion or Rabid are your best options.
As for builds there is the very standard HGH grenadier (30/10/0/30/0), which is not as good for PvE so I’m not the biggest fan of it, but in dubs it wouldn’t hurt near as much.
Other options include putting more points into firearms or tools to give you some options for utilities (tool kit for WvW is a great skill), but the choice is ultimately up to you.
I’ve been running a similar build to this just recently, but without condition damage and I still haven’t switched to pistol/shield, though I know I should. Similarly, I also haven’t made the switch to glass cannon equipment yet since the constant kit-swapping still distracts me from dodging.
Do you really feel that the condition damage adds a lot to the build? I find it hard to justify it myself, but I guess pistol might tip the scales on that once I switch. Do you use it often? I only really see myself using it for the burn—and maybe the confusion if someone ambushes me in WvW when I’m doing puzzles.
I was hoping for a question like this. I used to run a full berserker armor set with ruby orbs for this exact build but after some testing with the rampager’s set I could clearly see a difference in some fights.
If you take a look at the guru link at the top of the build, that forum discusses the condition damage changes to this build very nicely, and one of those posters was kind enough to do some number crunching comparing different sets of gear.
I’ve discussed it in the build above that the important part are the stats and sigils of the weapons, not the weapons themselves. Your bread and butter will be grenade kit almost exclusively if you are using the build properly, making quick swaps for certain skills and boons from med kit. To that end, Pistol/anything is the best option for the extra stats/sigil, just don’t get rid of your rifle because it is still useful in certain situations.
One of the changes I made personally while using this build was buying a mouse with programmable side buttons making the regular swaps back and forth slightly faster and easier. Obviously, not everyone will be able to do this. Without this I would recommend binding the dodge key to a button closer to your pinky finger or possibly even click to swap kits in between grenade strikes.
interessting. Could you tell me, how you make use of combofield, since you mentioned heavy might stacking???
As far as I know you have got the shield and Acid bomb. Whats your rotation of making use of combo fields?
And isnt the 5 sec speed buff from speedy kits affected by your + Boonduration?
The bomb 2 provides a fire field. If a blast finisher is used inside the radius of the bomb shortly after detonation(shield 4, acid bomb, etc.) 3 stacks of might will be granted to every ally including yourself in the immediate vicinity.
However, the might stacking in my build isn’t primarily from using fire finishers, it is from my altruism runes and my sigil of battle and constantly swapping back to med kit every few seconds or so in combat. With " X – Enhanced Performance" instead of “VIII – Short Fuse” this can be increased further. I can start a fight with 9 stacks and maintain around 18+ regardless of your team composition.
You could increase your party might stacks by quickly swapping to bomb kit dropping the fire bombs and possibly getting 2 blast finishers off in addition to the swapping. But the moments spent switching and the precision timing it takes to pull off more than a few blasts in the middle of a fight isn’t worth it to me. Throw mine could be placed in advance but then the utilities will be different..
Main thing is, for certain fights where you won’t need a stun break/reflect or extra healing, you could swap out for bomb kit to help stack might on your teammates.
And yes, boon duration effects the speedy kits swiftness and the invigorating speed vigor increasing both to ~7.5 seconds of each every 5 seconds.
(edited by Lord Reks.8421)
From the PvE side of things, not a lot has changed. Flamethrower builds will gain maybe 5 trait points to spare from the juggernaut change but grenadiers can go on the exact same way they have before.
The scope change is interesting but for certain fights even grenade builds should be up close and personal which still makes this trait useless a lot of the time in PvE.
What I’d like to see is changes to rifle and pistol only builds considering they still haven’t given us a stun breaker in a kit. The new firearms trait(target the weak for rifle or pistol engineers) is very exciting but favors the pistol heavily over the rifle as it has more conditions available and it is much easier to maintain different conditions on targets with the pistol or dual pistols. If we were given a second weapon set to swap between rifle and dual pistols I could see this trait being much more useful. Allowing coated bullets to be taken with only 20 points is another plus. I am absolutely going to experiment with these kinds of builds as soon as the changes are out.
The changes to Elixir R I’m on the fence about. On one hand they’ve made the main skill only useful for trash running by taking away the stun break but for that purpose it still isn’t a bad skill. Slick shoes may become a replacement running skill if need be with the buff to the toolbelt. The rez is much more situational in PvE than in PvP and isn’t too much of a loss for most builds. I like the nerf only so people will try different skills in their builds in PvE, but it should have been left untouched for PvP.
The rest are mostly positive bug fixes and balance changes on certain skills that still aren’t very viable and won’t change people’s opinions about them.
I am looking forward to these two episodes over the next week now. I’m interested in what you guys will talk about for dungeons/fractals and a leveling guide for the engineer sounds like a great idea.
The leaked notes do seem to have significant changes for the engineer as well and I’m glad that you guys will be on top of things talking about it immediately after it launches.
I hope PvE is at least talked about this time. I was drawn to SOAC podcasts from the necromancer episodes, especially the one with Takarazuka from Guru where they talked about a necro power build in PvE almost exclusively.
I enjoy perusing your site and I think you guys have done some great work on these profession-specific podcasts. I just think that this one needs some work.
The engineer is my main, how can we have 4 hour long podcasts already without any emphasis (barely any mention) on what should be one third or more of the entire game? Not every engineer in the game is playing WvW or sPvP without any PvE at all.
Lots of playtime with pugs and guildies alike have brought me to this build. As a disclaimer; not everyone will enjoy playing this build. Regardless, I can tell you without a doubt that this build can be used anywhere in PvE with relative success. It provides the highest DPS an engineer can dish out with the right amount of group support and flexibility as needed. If you are a new level 80 engineer, or even if you’ve had a level 80 one since september, this is a great starting point even without the ascended gear.
I plan to make a companion fractal guide to this build in the future, detailing certain moments where different skills excel and specific spots that require a little more attention.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far and I hope that this guide if nothing else, gave you something to think about when building your engineer. Cheers !
Any questions/comments/concerns? Feel free to reply down below or send me a PM.
Part 6 Food/Consumables:
A small section that has surprised me in my testing playtime. There are 2 different items that would work very well with my build and I thought I should mention them.
(edited by Lord Reks.8421)
Part 5 Weapons:
I fell in love with the rifle from day 1 with the engineer and it remains a very useful weapon. It scales with power and does more direct damage than the pistol. It has an excellent control skill for specific moments and should be in your inventory at the very least.(Maybe for the end of the dredge fractal perhaps…)
However with the extra sigil and the blast finisher, I’ve found that Pistol/Shield is the best choice for this build. When using this build you will be in a kit 90% of the time and two sigils will always be better than one.
If you don’t care for the extra defense or don’t have enough gold to buy a whole new giver’s weapon dual pistols will work just as well. Just keep in mind you won’t have the extra block or the blast finisher.
I will still be working towards the Predator but its use will probably be contained to WvW and certain PvE situations.
For my build I will be using a Superior Sigil of Battle and a Superior Sigil of Peril. This provides the build with more might stacking for yourself and vulnerability duration to help your entire team.
Other Sigils that can work:
Also, if you are running pistol/anything and feel like taking the best of both worlds you can mix and match a little. Just be aware that certain kinds of sigils don’t work together such as 2 on-crit sigils or 2 of the same sigil. On-switch sigils share a cooldown with on-crit sigils as well so keep that in mind.
Part 4 Gear:
For this build which revolves around maximizing your total damage you have a handful of great options.
My personal choice which I believe to be the most consistent and versatile in all areas is Full Rampager Armor with Berserker ascended trinkets. For those of you who might not know what these titles are I will explain:
Other options include fully going one way or the other, with rampager trinkets, or berserker armor. These options work perfectly well as the raw damage numbers are very similar.
With these armor sets I would definitely advise taking zerker trinkets as to not hurt your DPS too much from taking more survivable gear.
Side Note: Vitality and toughness matter less and less as you go higher in fractals and you will rely on smart dodging(with permanent vigor) and reflects to mitigate most of the damage sent your way.
The runes that I will be using are for heavy might-stacking and added boon duration to keep these stacks as high as possible. 4 Altruism runes and 2 Water runes. This allows me to place might on my allies as well without the use of blast finishers.
Other combinations that work well are:
(edited by Lord Reks.8421)
Part 3: Honorable Mentions:
Bomb Kit:
Elixir B:
Elixir R:
Elixir S:
Throw Mine:
(edited by Lord Reks.8421)
Part 2: Utilities:
Heal Skill: Med Kit
Grenade Kit:
Elixir Gun:
Elixir U:
Elite Skill: Supply crate
An obvious choice. A 2 second stun and blast finisher that also drops several turrets and med packs is much more useful than an elixir that forces you to play in semi-melee range with ripped off skills from other classes. It does grant stability though which is an interesting touch.
Don’t even get me started on that other elite that forces you to remain stationary and is outranged and outdamaged by our main kit’s auto attack.
(edited by Lord Reks.8421)
Hello, this is a build I posted on guru almost 2 weeks ago and I decided it was time to share this on the official forums as well. Here is the link to that forum which includes discussion on variants among other things:
My Engineer build guide for anything and everything PvE
After over 700 hours on the engineer which included getting map completion, story completion, the Dungeon Master title, semi-regularly running 30-40+ fractals, and more recently working towards the legendary rifle(with some help from alts), my build has changed several times over the months. There are many ways to build an engineer and I am going to show you my current build which has given me the most success and variants on it should you desire.
The Build:
Changed format so that it works on the official forums
Part 1: Traits:
Yes as you can already tell this build utilizes grenades. The grenade kit is the best DPS option that engineers have and a build that can work in every area of PvE should be doing the most damage it possibly can. If you aren’t a fan of the nades (perhaps if you enjoy not having carpal tunnel syndrome or the constant button mashing just bores you) I understand and there are many alternatives that can be used very effectively in certain situations. This build in my opinion from personal experience works everywhere. The traits are the only thing you can’t change without leaving the dungeon or fractal and as such will be the first thing talked about. This particular setup holds the possibility for trait swap variants that I will talk about later in this section.
With boon spamming guardians and warriors, perma swiftness and vigor in combat, regen from the EG toolbelt skill or even altruism runes, ECM is one of our best traits. Whether in a pug or an organized guild group this trait shines.
Thanks to the June 26th patch, we have a reason to go farther in tools for scope. The added crit chance from scope with crit damage in the trait line has excellent synergy. Enduring damage is helpful if you aren’t dodging all the time and since scope forces you to fight further away this can work. Inertial converter also works very nicely in this build due to a last ditch heal/reflect and new stun break from EG. There is one specific situation that prevents me from using this setup all the time(high level grawl fractal), but anywhere else I would recommend this setup if you specialize for pure direct damage.
(edited by Lord Reks.8421)
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