Showing Posts For LostSQ.4967:

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


1. Show how much is left for launcher/patcher. Number of files means nothing, give us MegaBytes left so we can know how much time is left.

2. Have a way to save builds for pvp so you can quickly/easily switch between them. I use a ranger trapper and druid healer but switching between them is a pain. Make it something you can buy in the TP if you have to.

3. Remove durability. It costs nothing to fix it anymore.. so why even have it. Having to run to the anvil to click to repair is just a pointless task. When it starts costing money then yes it should be in. Till then please remove it.

PvP Stats Are Incorrect?

in PvP

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


Multiple people can partake in a kill. Only 1 is involved in a death. Still need to look at math for possible ranges.

Edit: there are 24 deaths. If the average amount of people involved in a kill was between 2 & 3 than you can get 60 kills with 24 deaths.

If you are correct that’s fine, but why make it so confusing to the user.

I would like to know the real math, and I would like even more for it to be straightforward since we don’t know other people’s stats.

Why make it shared if we don’t see theirs. Just confuses us and makes it far more complex than it needs to be.

Thanks for your input though. I do think you are correct in how the math is done, would like an official response but doubt they will.

Just seemed so far off for the numbers in the raw. Keep it simple.

PvP Stats Are Incorrect?

in PvP

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


Well, only treb… I doubt that many fall deaths occurred in game… It must be the common core math… lol.
I think unless they want to look like complete buffoons it is time to release how stats are calculated.

Can’t argue there. Wish they would.

I just would like to know the math/truth.

PvP Stats Are Incorrect?

in PvP

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


Well there are no lords/beasts/ect. Unless a treb counts lol.

I don’t claim to know how they count things.. but at face value it seems pretty bad/incorrect. It should show the raw numbers simple and clear and not require too much effort to know how much you or your teammates helped.

Thanks for your input though.

PvP Stats Are Incorrect?

in PvP

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


So After many many games I’ve noticed that the top stats are wrong.

Screenshot attached shows what I mean with kills/deaths.

The screenshot shows I died 1 time and had 6 kills.

With 6 kills it shows I was 10% of the game. so 60 kills happened in the game…
(crazy number for sure… Maybe it counts shared kills as individuals.. which is bs but a different topic and that might be my error but still makes this confusing.)

Well with 60x kills i died 1 time showing 4.1% of the game.. meaning 100% / 4.1% = 24.39 deaths total in the game… WTF!!! Not even close to 60 or an even number…

Is my math wrong? Not only is it showing a way off number of 60 kills but it’s not even a even number…

If there were 60 kills and i died 1 time it should be 1.6%.
(Or my death count percentage should equal an even 100 or so.)

Please let me know what you think. Maybe I’m wrong, but to be I don’t seem to be and they just have some bad testers/devs checking this stuff. Simple math is not hard..


Why buy HoT or play GW2 anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


What does that leave me.. leave us, the non-expansion players.. it leaves us questioning if we should be playing this mmo.

It’s kind of like going to see a movie. You buy a ticket and go enjoy it but when the sequel comes out would you complain that the old movie is boring because you didn’t want to buy tickets to the new one?

Perfect example, except imagine if a few sequels to the “good movie” came out that sucked.. would you pay to go see the next sequel?

All the GW2 updates have been like mini expansions.. they have given us new zones, new updates, new.. well most everything.. and it’s been slouching/going down hill.. so when they finally ask for us to pay.. should we pay for half put together work? Not me, if there was extra stuff that I could only obtain in the expansion for pvp/wvw then that would be different. But a new class that I won’t play, an elite skill that kinda interests me, and a mastery system that give me… umm slightly faster res for my pvp/wvw (and might not even apply for all I know).

Yeah.. unless the player is omg about the new class it’s rather useless for us pvp/wvw peeps out there. The elite skills might be ok, but i’ve yet to face someone with them… so not enough info on them.

Just hope a dev looks this over and understands to not let the producers do this to the game! I’m sure they are the big threat with their money grabbing hands.

Why buy HoT or play GW2 anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


only because they decided to make the wvw and pvp maps available to everyone doesn’t mean it’s not new and interesting stuff.
Surely you wouldn’t have been happier if they gated those behind the expansion price.
If anything it seems like a very player-friendly move from Arenanet, instead of a mistake.

Those maps may have came out at the same time as the expansion, but since they don’t require it then they are more like an update.
I don’t think they would have gated those maps, and yes that would have been a bad move to make players pay for that.

They have made a few big mistakes, some over time and other’s recently.

One would be charging 50 bucks for something wvw/pvp players most likely won’t use. 80% of this expansion caters only to the pve people, while the other pvp/wvw people are left to either skip it (like myself), or pay 50 bucks for 20% of the content.
—A smarter decision would have been to separate out the different features, charge individual prices for them, and also offer a cheaper bundle for them all if the player wants.. not force players to buy stuff they don’t need to get the 1 thing they want… that’s like bundling crap with a good item just to sell it.. and I’m not buying.

Letting botters have free rule with their free core game that has no authentication aside from a simple email, thus making more core problems and not fixing them.
—A smarter decision would have been to use a CC to get the account set up and if they are a bot you can just ban all accounts that use that CC or something along those lines. We need to get rid of botters, not make it easier for them to bot,hack,ruin the economy.

Making it complex to understand their game. (don’t confuse game difficulty with understanding)
—A smarter decision would be to have a clear/simple flow to the game so that a person does not need to spend an hour looking up just how to get 1 item. I don’t mind grinding for an item, but not knowing what I need to grind or how to get it or where to get it can be frustrating since the wiki is not always correct/up to date.

Why buy HoT or play GW2 anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


The post also seems to have quite a bit of misinformation, so let’s see if I can actually clear some things:

- Elite specializations aren’t only for the new zones. Also I’m not really sure what you find confusing about them, but I’m more than happy to help if you have questions.

Thank you for an informational reply Zeghart, funny the others just go on and on about stuff I’ve already covered and don’t answer anything and some even thought I had bought the expansion and was complain about it after buying it.. but I’m not, I just want info and the devs to know this expansion is not flying for fans like myself.

I did not know that, and to all those before I did read the but the information on how the stuff is unlocked is not always complete and the past videos GW2 has released has stated false information on it.

But yes, aside from a new prof, the elite skill, and the very minor perk or the non-mag mastery (not counting the mag mastery since I won’t be in mag) that is all there is for pvp/wvw players.

You can say that the new pvp/wvw stuff is part of the expansion, but I would disagree on that since you don’t need to purchase the expansion.

The elite skills might be the only thing of interest to me and all those who don’t want to play the new profession.

Maybe when the expansion is down to 20$ or something worth just that one thing I’ll consider purchasing it, but until then the game still needs quite a bit of work in terms of botters/economy, and how confusing some things are.. good example of that is the precursor in the expansion.. here is the wiki.. take quite a few clicks to finally reach the recipie.. just to craft the dang thing.. might be why many people are confused/off put for crafting the legendary since the precursor is so difficult to find the recipe for..

Again I hope a dev takes the time to look this over and realize that they have made a mistake and try in the future to make things right. Else I don’t see the game lasting too much longer.. aka here comes GW3!! yay!

Why buy HoT or play GW2 anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


I think people are just inherently scared of change in all things in life. That will probably be misinterpreted by the OP, but I think it’s the cause of a lot of expansion complaints.

It is intimidating, I now no longer know how to play 9 different professions at expert level.

Yes, you are right that it is intimidating to play 9 different professions at expert level, however I only play a couple and like them. The Revenant just is not my cup of tea.

I’m not scare of changes, I like them.. I just don’t like changes that benefit the pockets of the producers. Maybe you do, but not me.

Again I ask what does this expansion offer a wvw/pvp player that would justify 50$?

Why buy HoT or play GW2 anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


the HoT expansion does not really do much for people who are not wanting to play that one new zone or play the new race.

Even though there’s way more than that, I’ll stop there, because you obviously don’t give enough of a kitten to actually read up.

Yes, I did state race instead of profession..

However I don’t want to play the new zones or profession. I want to know what all it offers to players who do not want those 2 things.. what is the major benefit to wvw players and pvp players? since that is a good chunk of the game, it’s called Guild Wars, not Guild go around do stuff but not fight one another.

Also my last post and my first post explain why I posted this.. and I’ll say it again, for the devs to hopefully see it and try to steer the game to better seas.

Why buy HoT or play GW2 anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


The point of this thread is to hopefully catch the attention of a dev since occasionally they will read these and this is about the only way to communicate with them.

Another point of this thread is to point out they made the game not fun, they invited in botters with their have unlimited accounts as long as you can fake an email address, they’ve made it more complex than it needs to be with systems that you can’t understand until you invest hours searching/wiki for what some new strange thing they introduced is suppose to do, and that the HoT expansion does not really do much for people who are not wanting to play that one new zone or play the new race.

Why buy HoT or play GW2 anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


I’m a longtime fan of GW2 and even pre-ordered it and was in the beta. It was a great game and a smoothish launch. Then in the last year they have made sooo many changes and also released an expansion. Seems like a million changes all happened so fast and some still make little sense to me, but when in Rome.

At first I was super excited for the expansion, new content, maybe levels, or yadda yadda. Then I heard it was no level increase, but I was still excited because that ment they were trying something new instead of just making us little by little stronger like all other MMOs.

Once I learned about the new content I was very disappointed.
A new zone is great, but I’m more wvw/pvp based and even when I’m not they bring out a new zone every half a year or so it seems like. *

Then I looked at the mysteries and was checking what’s new for non-new zone players.. nothing really.. some very minor perks but worth 50$… na.. might bring out some later

How about those legendary weapons? I’ve yet to get a precursor so I was excited since the statement arena net released made it sound like you could earn your way towards one. However after release.. I could find almost no information on it, and it sounds like you just buy the mats off the TP and done.. so much for a quest or cheaper/non-gold way to get them. I don’t have all ascended armor because I can’t afford it, so why do that to us!

Hmm, what’s next.. o the elete skill to turn like my ranger into a druid. Looking at the wiki it seems confusing and also seems to only be for the new zone, so another.. meh..

The new class looked awesome, and I most likely would have made one. However I still like playing my old classes and paying 50 bucks for 1 new class I most likely won’t be omg about is a waste.

There is the new guild stuff, but looking at it I don’t think it works for a 1 man or 3 man type guild. Only for HUGE guilds which I’m not a part of.

The cost of 50 bucks is a bit high for almost no extra content unless you are pve, and they even did not give veteran players an option to buy it cheaper. At first they said it included the game so made us feel like we were double buying the core game, then they just made the core game 100% free.. so yeah.. that was a kick in the shins.

So I decided not to get the expansion, just nothing in it for me for the most part. Upon deciding this I start to look at the game as a whole for me. I enjoy wvw/pvp and some pve here/there. They nuked my gold farms like they did for most people, so I can’t get gold cept the old way of grinding around. I don’t mind grinding around and playing pvp/wvw, but recently they changed all my pvp pots to exp boosters.. that sucked and knowing that now they can just swap any of my hard earned items for other items with out a good long warning.. upsets me a little. With the game now free if you have an email account, botters are at an all time high, before you could report them and they would eventually get banned and they were out that core cost.. but free and it’s worse than ever since they can just make new accounts.

What does that leave me.. leave us, the non-expansion players.. it leaves us questioning if we should be playing this mmo.

I’m not posting this to rage or qq, but am wanting the devs to look at it and understand that they or someone up there is making bad calls for their players. There are better options and better ways of doing things. Few examples would be, lets players buy the class with gems, or force players to have a valid CC number to sign up so if they are botters you can permaban that card, don’t make things so confusing to do that you need to spend more time on the wiki to figure it out than doing it. The game should be fun to play and it’s getting to the point where it is not.

This MMO has a good fan base and can still change to be better. I know that producers are always pushing things out the door before they are ready, but it’s not all their fault, it’s everyone on the team who works on the product. I hope you can change this around before it’s too late.

I’ll still play here/there if I’m bored enough, but why play if it’s not fun?

Half my gold is gone! Poor Design to blame?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


Sucks, but it happens. Something that anet SHOULD do is require confirmation whenever you are going to send more than a gold in the mail. Just a little popup (or 2) that say “ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO SEND x% OF YOUR TOTAL GOLD?”

That’s all I really want. Very simply when you are sending 1g and higher it to ask you “Are you sure you want to send x Gold?”

99% of the time I only send silver, the other 1% is to people and trust. A confirmation box for 1g and higher would prevent most accidental sends since it would not be common. It might not prevent all, but if it can prevent people from sending months of hard earned gold by accident then I’m 100% for it.

Half my gold is gone! Poor Design to blame?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


After reading through all of the replies there seems to be a couple of issues that I would like to point out.

1. There is no confirmation message. After you type in the number and click “Send” it is gone. You don’t know how much you sent and can’t ever find out without contacting support. For this I simply would like a confirmation box to pop up after clicking “Send” saying something like “Are you sure you want to send xxxx Gold?” or even only have this confirmation box when sending gold, and not silver/copper.

2. I’m not trying to get my gold back. I know/understand that there is nothing I can do to get my gold back at this point. Had I known who I sent it to I could have asked but I don’t and have no way to find out. It is disheartening to lose half of your savings (was saving for a twilight sword.. but dang that Dusk costs a ton!!) but life will go on.

3. A ton of people seem to think that this game is bug prove and if it was a bug why hasn’t more people found it. I can only say that game bugs don’t always occur and sometimes might need a set of certain requirements to be met. I honestly think/recall that I put the number in the silver box and clicked send, but I could be wrong. However to assume that Anets system is perfect and it can’t be a bug is ignorant to how the game works. Bug happen, and depending on how difficult it is to repro them and their severity they get fixed. New patches cause more bugs to be created and fixes others.

Thanks for all of your responses, some people make awesome points and others input helpful ways of preventing issues like this from even happening. I hope that a dev reads this thread and understands that this is something that would benefit the game.

Half my gold is gone! Poor Design to blame?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


There is absolutely no reason for customer support to lie to you about what happened. Assuming your account wasn’t hacked and the gold stolen by someone without your knowledge, you made a mistake and sent gold instead of silver. It happens, but at this point there’s nothing you can do about it.

I can agree with you that there is no reason for customer support to lie to me, but what they see on their side might not be accurate. To assume their system is perfect and can’t be flawed is a huge mistake.

Right now I fully understand that I won’t be getting any of my gold back whither I did or did not send the gold and I accept that.

The purpose of this thread is to try and convince their team and the community that a confirmation message for sending coin is necessary and when sending any mail there should be an outbox informing the user of who they sent their message to, and what items/coins were included.

I just don’t want to see any fellow players experience losing half of their gold and being told it was their fault without any prove on their side. I can only hope a dev sees this thread and decides to take action in favor of the players.

Half my gold is gone! Poor Design to blame?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


I agree with you Talonblaze. Mistakes do happen and even with a confirmation box it will still happen. Like I said I would own up if it was my mistake and humbly ask if I could get it back, if not mistakes happen and it would be my own fault. Just wish I could check cause I still think I sent silver and not gold.

Half my gold is gone! Poor Design to blame?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


As for the issue I was having a week prior with the TP. Attached is a screenshot showing that I had purchased the collection extender and I was unable to deposit any more items. I never received an collection extender items and it shows I did purchase it.

For this issue it was not an account getting hacked or broke into. The only 2 possible options was either they made a mistake and I really did only send silver not gold, or I made a mistake and I sent gold and not silver.

I still believe I sent silver and not gold since I had been doing it for quite a while, but could understand if I made the mistake.

However since I can’t look at what items I sent ArenaNet holds all the cards and I can’t see those cards.

Again the screenshot was from a previous issue. I thought this gold issue might have been some part of the aftermath of them cleaning this issue up.


Half my gold is gone! Poor Design to blame?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


Hello, recently I logged into GW2 only to find that half of my gold was missing! Naturally I was wondering what happened to it and thought there was a bug in the system so I submitted a ticket within the hour.

Well after the first day I received a reply asking for the usual, how much, when, and make sure you did not buy something from TP or merchant. I double checked and sent back all the info and let them know I did not buy anything. Well another day after that I receive a reply saying that my issue will have to be esclated and they will contact me when they find something out.

6 days later I get a reply finally. What am I told you ask? They said I mailed half my gold to someone!?! I thought back and the only thing I could recall mailing money wise was some silver to someone for sending me some rams in wvw (commander and all) and I wanted to thank him so I sent him some silver to help cover the cost.

Well they said that instead of silver it was gold I sent! I myself am pretty certain that it was silver.. I would never knowingly send a person half of my hard earned gold for some rams. They continued to tell me I could ask the person for the gold back but they can’t give me their contact info and I myself receive so may mails I try to keep my box clean..

I asked them if there was anything at all I could do to get some if not all of my gold back, and was told that there was nothing. I was upset, and most of my frustration was at a few facts…

1. Lets just say I did want to send gold.. That does happen and I am all for that, but would it be too much trouble to have a confirmation message when sending coins or items.. I’m still pretty sure I sent silver, but if a confirmation message popped up asking “Are you sure you want to send xxxx amount of GOLD?” I would have noticed.

2. I don’t even know whom this gold got sent to or if I really did send it.. after you send a mail there is no outbox showing what you sent and what items.. I can’t double check anything on my end it’s all up to the support team to “Tell” me what I did and if I disagree I have no prove.

3. With this issue taking a whole week just to tell me you sent gold not silver I have no chance of even asking the person I sent this coin to some questions. If I truly did send them half of my gold then I would own up to it and ask them if I could at least have some of it back. Mistakes happen and it would then be up to that person if they wanted to forgive me, but I can’t. I don’t know who it is and support won’t tell me.

4. I wholeheartedly thought and still do think this is an issue on their end. Why? Because 1 week prior I had a 2 week email exchange with support that got escalated to the devs because I could no longer purchase gem items in the store. I was thinking this issue might have just been some of the aftermath of that issue.

5. Last but not least.. this has taught me 1 lesson.. don’t be kind. Because I wanted to be kind enough to share some silver to people who send me rams as a commander (was sending 4s for each ram) I lost half of my gold. I doubt I will be sending mail ever again thanks to this experience if I even continue playing.

Out of all my reasons I’m upset I feel #1 and #2 should be fixed. No confirmation message is a HUGE downfall of anygame and most companies even have that as a basic requirement. The amount of issues this game still has with it’s basic mail, and TP systems is in a word.. insane.

I hope a dev or someone with enough power reads this and feels my pain of losing half of my gold. I just want this game to be as good as it should be and not cause the players grief.

Please feel free to post any comments.

Thank you.

Crashing 100% Timberline Falls Loading Screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


Finally was able to get in after attempt roughly 35ish. I won’t be teleporting here at all. please fix

Crashing 100% Timberline Falls Loading Screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


I teleported to Timberline Falls and am now unable to play at all. I crash on loading the map and can’t get into gameplay to teleport out.

I attempted 20x loads and did several file checks to make sure that I did not have a corrupted file and still crash on load. This is blocking gameplay for me and am unable to do dailies or play with friends, please fix this issue asap.

Unable to log in, Multiple codes. [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LostSQ.4967


hmm looks like I won’t be loggin in just yet. same error same build. maybe they are dropping a new build.