Showing Posts For Luis.4135:

Please no repair and no map travel cost.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luis.4135


this suggestion is a mix of ignorance and false truths.

a) Cost for dying once is 1 silver 60 ish copper, not 5-10 silver like you said. This can be further lowered by only repairing once you actually need to.


Because I really don’t want to keep doing dungeons to earn cash just to map travel and repairs if i could have use that for buying or make new gear etc.

Per dungeon run you get 1.5 gold, counting with tokens. Not counting with tokens you do at least 80 silver anyhow. Now don’t even try to tell me you spend 1.5 gold on travel and armor repairs from one run. If the run goes terribly wrong and it’s a wipefest, you spend 20 silver on repairs. And that’s a terrible run.

I risk saying you’re just a terrible player who keeps teleporting everywhere and failing every dungeon run (or your friends in this case). Even from just killing the mobs you get more than you spend. Heck, I see karma trains in Orr WPing every 30 seconds and still make a profit.
Personally I think the way it’s now is great for several reasons:

a) It encourages people not to teleport for every single meter they can save. And if they DO want to do that, it takes a dent at their profit, but they’re still profiting.

b)It’s a much needed money dump. Inflation is already huge atm, imagine without the money dump…

Maybe for other players may not be a problem but for those that just want to play the game for fun

This is not a problem for anybody. You’re just overstressing and QQing. Play for 50 hours as level 80 (heck,a s any level) and you will have made profit enough to pay for the next 500 hours of traveling and repairing. (because you make around 10x more than you repair/travel).

it’s fine. stop qqing. play the game for fun. and if you actually want to make such a suggestion, do the maths before you come to the forums.

(edited by Luis.4135)

Final Rest, how do you get it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Luis.4135


Just adding a quick note:

It could also be that the staff has already dropped and, because the player who got it didn’t think it was worth alot, maybe saw no buy order on TP, thought it was just a common exotic and salvaged it. Yes, people ARE that dumb sometimes.

Not stating anything about theories, just saying this is one possibility.

Rearrange how loot drops

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luis.4135


The way you suggested the change to be implemented is just… blind. I do like the idea of the change though, that DR shouldn’t affect dungeons. DR should be meant to stop bots, not people. Though maybe they thought DR was needed cause “game philosophy is against farming”. But then, if they’re defending the Manifesto promise, why did they break that same promise? we shouldnt have to farm at all then.

Either make it so we dont needa farm at all or let us farm. decide yourself arenanet

Brighter Recourses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luis.4135


doesn’t really bother me :o

Needed End Game Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luis.4135


Yes to Dungeon finder as long as it doesn’t make the group for you: should work like a global window like gw2lfg, where you can see who’s looking for what and invite through there. Not like: i wanna join a party button and he creates the group for you. thats just silly.

Yes to alternative ascended gear. They’re working on it I think…

Dungeon badges… I am afraid exactly that would happen, people just farm the same one over n over again. Also, I’m not quite sure it’s at all needed… also, would completely obsolete Arah

Btw, Arah needs to be rebalanced, getting AC weps is stupidly more easy than Arah ones…

Trash mobs… I’m kinda split there. For them to force us to kill them would mean upping the rewards ALOT, cause people usually run the dungeon mostly for the 60 tokens at the end. So … you’d have to specify further what kind of changes you want to the mobs :P Like statistics.

Orr needs reworking

Downed mechanic is fine for classes that can move with skill 2, like ele. For others it’s just plain dull. Let us move around and it’s great.

Definite no to mounts. Maybe a mountable “minipet” just for show/looks, but nothing practical. Ever. The game was sized to not need mounts and it is rightly so.

(add imo to all of the above)

Legendary weapon oriented dungeons please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luis.4135


Totally agree man, it’s an awesome suggestion. You put the sentence “increase lode drop rate” in a much… less “I want it all given to me” way than I could :P which means haters won’t come with the obsolete argument of “you just want people to give you everything for free” as much.


Suggestions for high-end PvE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luis.4135


My suggestion: more steps towards the right way. In my opinion, all materials of a legendary weapon should be farmable, and in quantities that correspond to what you need. Cmon, the way things are atm, no1 will farm 250 of every t6 material. Not a single person. The money dump should be on the icy runestones, thats 100g. The lodestones should be acquirable through other means, namely through farming. However, the drop rate on them is so ridiculously low, that the supply of the whole world at the moment doesn’t reach 250 for charged lodes nor onyx lodes. Increase the supply. That way the economy will balance out as well, the reason why we are experiencing such a huge inflation is because there’s too much demand for the ammount of supply we have. I believe arenanet can figure out a way to make the way towards a legendary feel more “legendary” than it is atm and still make it so it’s exactly as hard. For example, I loved what was done to the jumping puzzle in WvW. It’s a way for non WvWers to get the badges they need for the legendary, but it still takes work from them.

As a last example: I would personally love to be able to farm the onyx lodestones I need for my Twilight legendary. Sadly, it’s so much easier to just make money playing the TP and farming fractals or other dungeons and buying the lodestones than actually farming them. The same thing applies to all T6 materials. It’s just… wrong. The idea of getting a legendary, or even a high end exotic skin, should be that you would explore the world while working for that quest. But yet we are stuck doing the same thing over and over again.

More scavenger hunts, more rewards for personal storyline quests for example. Nerf the drop rate of exotics and rares in fractals but up the drop rates of t6 materials and charged lodestones. Make it so there’s a daily chest that drops 10 of each t6 material or mystic coins if you complete jumping puzzle/champion boss/event Z-Y-Z. There are so many solutions out there, so much to improve in this system. Remove RNg completely from the precursors, make it so they don’t drop at all. You can have other skins drop in return, for people who farm those chests in hopes of getting rly lucky and rich, but precursors should NOT be RNG drops ever! If I got myself Dusk dropped right now, I’d be happy cause I saved 500g, but I’d be kitten off, because I had simply gotten lucky. I had had no effort whatsoever. It’s not part of that “quest”. It just feels like a betrayal to have everything grind-dependent, goes against a Manifesto promise… I’d just be repeating myself if I said that we should be farming in different spots, different content for different components of the same item.

Hope everyone agrees with this, and remembers the baseline I said at the start.

Edit: I had originally also compared this with gw1, but… the post was already waaaaaaay too long

(edited by Luis.4135)

Suggestions for high-end PvE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luis.4135


Now for Legendaries and Gear.

This is obviously strongly related to the economy of the game, which is completely broken at the moment. I’ll try however not to link them too much and thus try to talk about ideals/concepts, not actual numbers. This creates the need for more attentive reading.

After being fully geared, having ascended stuff yadieyadieyadie, most PvErs want to get a legendary weapon or a couple of extremely expensive exotic skin, or at least have it as their goal as they play along. Because legendaries were meant to be a “quest” for the most determined, I’ll use them as an example.

Legendaries are meant to involve alot of work in all the different fields of the game, which we can see by the name of the gifts: gift of fortune (luck, always a factor), gift of mastery (skill!!!!) and gift of magic and might.

However, the way things are at the moment, we can completely bypass the gift of fortune if we have enough money (c’mon, the karma isn’t hard to get). Adding to the importance of money in getting the legendaries are the precursor weapons, which because of the RNG way they are acquired are, for the majority of the players, only acquirable through the TP(I mean that’s the best option) and also the gift of insert weapon name, which was originally, the way I see it, the ONLY money dump intended in the process of getting a legendary.

And even that money dump was supposed to be in the icy runestones, not the lodestones you need for it.
Basically, what I’m trying to say is that the ammount of sheer money needed for a legendary at the moment is not O.K.

Which is why I want to give kudos to Arenanet for moving forward with the idea of the scavenger hunt for the precursor (assuming it actually is moving forward, haven’t heard any news about it in forever…). It’s one step towards the right way, assuming they don’t somehow end up putting even more RNG in the hunt itself, or make it require more money than buying the precursor, but I digress.

Suggestions for high-end PvE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luis.4135


Hey guys, I played gw1 for five years and would like to comment on what I feel is… lacking and/or there is too much of in gw2, also obviously try to put up creative suggestions in it by comparing this with gw1.

As a baseline, I’d like to say, for the less attentive reader/hater, this is strictly my opinion. If you agree, great, add to it, if you disagree, kitten present logical arguments, and take into consideration the whole post, not just 1/10 of it and sound like an ignorant. Disagreeing and commenting about it is desirable, but in a way that you prove your point, not your incompetence.

Combat: in GW1, boss fights were nothing like they are here in GW2. Let’s take for example the fights in FoW or Urgoz’s Warren, UW, any elite area really. These fights, including the boss encounter, were mostly around specific combos that enemies could pull off, that were in most cases made by exactly the same skills that players had access to. Some haters will say that that’s just boring, no new skills, I’ll simply not answer said haters, because what this was doing, intentionally or not, was teach players new combos that they might never have thought of.

Just by dumping a couple of skills together, the developers of gw1 had managed, through the AI, to create a way of teaching new stuff, open ideas for new builds for players. And the mechanics were much more around grouping them up, so that you, as a team, could take them out faster, while you yourself are spread out. (Now because GW1 was played in teams (heroes or henchies…) I will only look at dungeon runs in gw2, to have a fair(er) comparisson)

In GW2, we don’t see anything of the sort. We see a dull clash of players vs mobs, where players dodge CC y and AoE Z over and over and over and over again until the mob is finally dead. There is no fun in that. Mobs have a way too limited set of skills with hardly any creativity and the only way to make the game hard enough for it to not be any more trivial than it is is through scaling their HP and DMG to points where one auto hit is dealing 5k dmg from a range.

My suggestion: Arenanet, please, find a way for mobs to not simply be about a first encounter, where the mobs all drop their burst and then dont do anything for 20 seconds. Make it so mobs inside a group have different casting times and different abilities, so that it’s not all about surviving the first burst and then slowly killing them. Arah explorable is a great example for this problem, where just engaging a small group of 3 enemies, if not done correctly, leads to a quick AoE wipe. Make it so battles are always hard, throughout the whole battle, and not just at the start. All in all, this can be summed up to: pay more attention to the fights we fight.