Showing Posts For Lunastra.1098:


in Looking for...

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


Ready to turn your Guild Wars 2 life around? We’re waiting!


in Looking for...

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


GSD was having fun today with Guild Bounties and jokes on TS. Join the fun!

Share your Mix 'n' Match TOWN CLOTHES!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


So mine isn’t as awesome as those of other people here in the thread, but I wanted to share it anyway

Head: None
Shirt: Ornate Ruched Shirt
Gloves: None
Pants: Leggings
Shoes: Boots


Oswald had a son??? O_O

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


Well, according to some sources, Oswald had 8 wives in total – I wouldn’t be too surprised if he did have a real son. However, I don’t see them getting along too well :P

Goemm's lab and incorrect transition

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


(I didn’t know which category this would fall under in the in-game “report a bug”-feature)

In Metrica Province in the Goemm’s Lab puzzle instead of being teleported back to the beginning of the puzzle (as you’re supposed to be with the puzzle in question) when falling, I fell down to stand on a cliff below the puzzle; One that you can not climb to and that is high enough for you to kill your character if you jump. I can see Goemm’s Lab puzzle above me. Note: This seems to only happen if you fall many times in a row.


Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


I’d say it’s like a 7.5/10
I like it: it sounds like it could be a nickname of the character that just stuck on her. And you’re right, it’s rather unique

My Norn Ranger goes by Idonea Tru (meaning: “Strength of the Spear To Renew Nature” )

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


Because I had few names and stories to go with those names, but didn’t know how to talk about how the character looked; As those chars were human, I obviously went human when trying to figure out how they should look. Plus, it was a lot easier to pick a human for the first character than to get all confused with all the little things of the other more complex races.

Rate the Humans name above you

in Human

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


8.5/10 to Alissah Whisperer; it rolls nicely and I like the sound of it.

I’ve 2 humans, both females with different backgrounds:
Ann Blair (Elementalist, Street Rat)
Moira Sheeny (Elementalist (Yes, again), noble)

Can't read my personal story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


I feel like saying thank the gods, but that isn’t probably the best approach when I’ve just heard others have the same problem.. Thank you for your answers, though – Makes me feel slightly less agitated over it: “It isn’t just me!!!” :P

Can't read my personal story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


I don’t think this is working as intended, and quite frankly I’m pretty sure it’s a bug. But I tried reading what I’d done in my personal story before the mission “Victory or Death” and noticed that I couldn’t read my story after “Estate of Decay”, if I tried, there appeared to be emptiness where there should’ve been everything between “Estate of Decay” and “Victory or Death”.

I’m writing this here, because I want to know if I’m the only one with this problem?
(I did bug report it)

Running away with the circus?

in Human

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


I know this thread is rather old, but I thought I’d opt an answer to the question made before me.

I wonder how the circus line would play out if your friend is dead, considering you can opt for your friend to get killed in the streets storyline

It was actually rather interesting that way and I did wonder how it would play out the other way round.

My friend died in the streets before I got to the Circus line. I met another character there, I can’t remember her name but she was the girl I had to save from the other gang of bandits in order to save my friend from the first gang of bandits.. She’d become my friend, sorta :)

This game feels more like a OLG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


go adventuring with a friend and have fun. As lunastra said at the top of this page, their guild does hide-n-seek nights, quizzes on lore, themed gatherings, wvw nights.

Oh come on… That’s like… the greatest marketing bs that I have ever heard.

I’m afraid, I didn’t mean everyone else should be doing it too or are doing it, just pointed out that at least the guild I’m in doesn’t feel like there’s no need to communicate together and have fun. But I’m glad to hear that you think it’s “the greatest marketing bs” you’ve ever heard!

I think if you feel like the game more promotes playing completely alone and not communicating with others, that’s your opinion and the rest of us are allowed to disagree. I don’t feel like it promotes that, because – let’s face it – at least Orr can be quite an adventure of death and re-running from the closest way point. I’d rather go to Orr with a bunch of people than alone, especially since often there will be someone running away from risen and I manage to hit them with an aoe while trying to kill the risen around me! That results in a very dead Elementalist!

Then again, I don’t understand how can you do a group event with no communication with, at least, the people closest to you. I used to play another game that had specific group quests and other things like that on the quest log. I communicated with people less in that game than I’ve communicated with people in GW2. But perhaps the games you’ve played have had a better community? I think that in GW2 just like in a bunch of other MMOs, there is no need to communicate with people if you really just plain don’t want to.

I love the way I am free to do what I want and it has been my choice to do things with other people and sometimes without other people. I don’t see why it has to necessarily be your guild or your friends when you want to do something with other people; Ask around in Map Chat, look around while doing a heart or an event. Say hello to people when entering an area. Those are things you don’t have to do but you can if you want to create more communication with the people around you. I’m not sure why people feel like the game punishes for doing stuff together with others, but I think I’ll have to find out and ask other people about it, because this entire thread made me really interested in it.

I don’t think you should need group quests in order to feel like you can be nice to others and play with them.

(It appears that I over excessively use “you”-passive here, so please, don’t misunderstand me! :) )

This game feels more like a OLG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


Well, I don’t think this will remove anyone’s problem, I just wanted to state I don’t feel like the game discourages grouping up with people and talking – at least for me. I tend to play with random people: I help them do hearts and events that I’ve done before, I chat with people on map chat, I chat with my guild.. I actually get stuff done & have fun while doing so! Also, if you feel like you can’t do anything with your guild, can’t you organize something? The guild I’m in has had quizzes (lore-related, for instance), hide-n-seek games, WvWvW nights (let’s go get our borderlands back!), fractals, dungeons, clearing areas such as Queensdale while helping other players in that area, a “charrs only”-night, roleplay-night..

Sometimes you can’t expect the game company to give you everything, but instead create your own content and your own fun with your guild or a group of random friends! After all.. Isn’t that what your community is for? Having fun and coming up with stuff to do together? :)

(Sorry, if this post seems completely meaningless)

Your human char's name

in Human

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


Out of my six characters, two are human, both females with very different backgrounds.
Ann Blair – Human Elementalist, grown in the streets, regretting never joining the circus. She’s named after a character in a story I wrote long, long ago. The name means “Grace Field”.
Moira Sheeny – ANOTHER Human Elementalist, a noble, regretting never finding her true parents. Just because I liked the name (I don’t know what “Sheeny” means, but I think Moira meant something like “faith”, “destiny” or “doom”? If anyone knows what they mean, I’d appreciate being told ! ^^)

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


It was a nice event. I enjoyed the 1st and 2nd act (but didn’t get to do the dungeon from the 3rd; It was sort of weirdly bugged for me and nothing was really happening in the dungeon when we entered..), liked the PvP stuff (I usually dislike PvP rather strongly) and enjoyed exploring the Labyrinth. Unfortunately never got to finish the Clock Tower, mainly due to my computer and the vast amount of players jumping it up, up, up, that made both my computer and my internet connection struggle rather badly – And yes, most probably also on my rather limited experiences of jumping around in this game; some also said there were a few places where their characters would just slip down, hit their heads on an invisible roof, get stuck or not jump at all but I don’t know much about that. I only tried ~40 times before realising it wasn’t my cup of tea..

One thing my boyfriend and I really disliked about the event was the way it made us feel like we were playing this other game all over again; the feeling of getting it done being a job, instead of the game being fun I can put aside when it’s not fun anymore. So perhaps a bit longer time for the event would have been good? Since, let’s face it, not all of us have limitless time to spend on a game – School, work, family.. Somethings just are more important a game.

I wish I’d gotten to do the dungeon – When others spoke of it, it sounded like a lot of fun.

Overal, tho, it was a nice event with only a few bugs I ran into.