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Option to turn off sluggish keyboard turning

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


Keyboard turning is aweful due to the sluggishness that you get when running and turning. It’s like you are holding a giant pot of water and trying to run.

Please add a toggle in the options to turn off this effect and give us immediate and crisp control when using keys to move and turn.


Call me when you fix KB movement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


It just makes no sense.

Why give mouse turners a perfect experience, and relegate keyboard turners to feeling like they are trying to move with a drunken blob?

Just give keyboard turners the same crisp feel with their characters that mouse turners get. Or if you hate the idea of keyboard turning, just get rid of it. But dont’ leave it as is.

I keep trying to log in and play, but end up leaving after moving around with my toon for a few minutes. Everyone else has managed to do it properly .. wow, rift, tera, swtor. Why is it so difficult to add a feature that just turns off whatever that stupid elastic band feel is you’ve incorporated.

Ah well. Sorry if I sound frustrated. I want to play gw2 but just hate the movement experience too much to log in regularly. Off to fiddle with Tera I guess.


Any way to turn off elastic turning?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


I’m half and half.

In combat etc I mouse turn.
But if I’m running around a city or just taking it easy, I keyboard turn.

Mouse turning is fine. But keyboard has this crazy elastic which makes you feel disconnected to your toon as if he’s carrying a giant pot of water that slogs from side to side.

Any way to turn off elastic turning?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


I’ve been off gw2 for a couple of months and was thinking about coming back, but every time I log in and start moving around – the ‘elastic’ feel that is associated with turning just kills a piece of me and I end up logging off.

When I tried logging in today, I was hoping they might have added a toggle to turn this off so that you turn linearly or whatever it’s called when it’s immediately responsive at all the same speed, but it doesnt’ look like it.

Anyway, thought I’d jump in here and see if anyone heard about any plans to adjust this? I know it was a discussion issue back in beta and at launch – but not sure if it’s come up much since.

Thanks in advance for any info and cheers!

Camera-Related Issues: Compilation and Lengthy Anaylsis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


Agreed 100%.

One of my only gripes with GW2 is the camera. I flip between mouse and keyboard turning ( sometimes i’ll use the keyboard while looking behind me with the cam or whatever ), and the delay and then acceleration drives me nuts.

Great post.

Needs a better PVE endgame

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


Agreed with the OP.

Love the game so far ( I’m up to 75 ), but keep wondering what the point will be after playing a bit at 80.

Raids would help this.

Why do you need raids? They give you something to work toward. They give you progression to work on. They are a reason for improving other aspects of your character. In short – they give your character and the time you invest, “purpose”.

I’m all in favor of how the rest of the game has been built, including the dungeons. But I believe you need something bigger to look ahead to as well.


Turning delay: PLEASE offer option to turn off

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


I use both a mouse AND keyboard for turning, depending on the situation.

Mouse turning is fine. But keyboard turning is like trying to control a giant ocean tanker. When you turn, it begins slowly with a delay and speeds up as you turn. This is very unresponsive compared to other games and mouse turning in gw2.

If you could simply add an ‘options’ toggle to turn off this delay, it would be great!

Loving the rest of the game,


Camera (+) Raiding ... bring it on!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


If I had a wish list for what I’d like to see from GW2 to keep me long term …


I use mouse and keyboard depending on situations. The keyboard turning is a slug compared to mouse turning, and I’d love to see if free’d up so that you turn without the current delay … or at least provide the option to turn off the delay.


This is personal preference only, but after experiencing the Tequatl fight I’d love to see what you could do with a gw2 version of instance raiding. Tequatl is the first true jump in epic boss fighting that I’ve experienced in years, but it’s quick and done. I have a feeling you could become the heavyweight of the mmo market for many years by adding instance raiding to the game.

That all being said, loving the game. The slow camera is my only ‘gripe’, and instance raiding merely a wish.

Cheers, Lyphe.