Showing Posts For M Ham.7509:

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: M Ham.7509

M Ham.7509

A bit late I know, but one thing to consider when proposing potential fixes:

What are the chances that A-net is going to tear down and rewrite the Ranger class and the mechanics it uses… I would guess slim to none. They are not going to allocate the resources to essentially recreate an existing class, the animations, UI work, balancing etc.

What are the chances that A-net may tweak the mechanics here and there… I would say chances are good. It would be a lot easier to change the behavior of one button or a slight modification of an existing mechanic and the resources required do not present a barrier to getting it done.

Just my 2 cents, which up here in Canada is now rounded down to zero


Dungeon Patch Discussion 2/26

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: M Ham.7509

M Ham.7509

…One thing we see frequently with at-level people going into dungeons, is that while their character is the right level, their gear is often 10+ levels behind them. When you combine a low average gear level, not having all your skills/tools available, and not being as experienced with the class, it’s going to be significantly more difficult than what an 80 makes it look like.
We build dungeons for at-level players, and then reduce the strength of higher level players to bring them more in line with the players at that level. We do not balance for 80’s sidekicked down to at-level.

Do you have any metrics on if those players are enjoying the “significantly more difficult” experience? Are they finishing the dungeon or rage quitting?

I am not trying to be facetious with my comments. I do have concerns that if the players you describe are subjected to content that players at level 80 are having difficulty with, what does that say for the level of enjoyment those players are experiencing.


The bl TP being abused

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: M Ham.7509

M Ham.7509

Yup many of us dont understand

We are for the large part MMO grunts not MMO economists

Our understanding is on the level of i killed 100 skrit yesterday and could afford 10 golden sheep with the drops today i kill 100 and can only afford one sheep what happened.

If you could explain one thing it would help me and perhaps others. Sorry to use a RL example but well its what i know. House prices in my area are 50% over what they were 5 years ago while inflation has been very low.
I see much the same with legendarys ok there is no "inflation " in the economy what do you call it when one section of an economy takes of like Usain Bolt with a habanero in his shorts while the rest of it is stable perhaps if we were all using the same terms people would be less confused.

I’m going to assume you’re asking for an explanation on what inflation means in an MMO economy.

BTW, the concepts aren’t hard. You shouldn’t underestimate yourself, I’m sure you’ll understand the concepts after reading my explanation.

In a MMO, you have gold taps and gold sinks. Gold taps are what introduces gold to the economy, and gold sinks are what removes gold from the economy.

Examples of gold taps are gold drops from mobs, selling items to vendors, etc. You’re creating gold out of nothing essentially, and adding it to the game’s economy.

Examples of gold sinks are waypoints, repair costs, and TP listing fees. They remove the gold out of the economy.

You have inflation is gold taps outweight the gold sinks. Players are creating more money than destroying it. Hence there is more gold around in the in-game economy, gold becomes more worthless, and prices in general of EVERYTHING goes up. That is inflation.

But trading on the TP is NOT creating gold. In fact, with the listing fees, it’s doing the exact opposite. Every time a precursor is sold, a chunk of that gold is removed from the game. Yes, people are getting wealthier, but on the flip side someone just lost all that gold. The net gain in the game’s economy is negative, since gold was destroyed.

TL;DR: Trading over the TP is a gold sink, not a gold tap, cannot cause inflation.

In your explanation someone buying Gems and converting them into gold has the potential to increase inflation. The “Precursor” for players adding more gold to the system via Gem purchases is the price of items in the TP.

It would be interesting to to see how much gold is added to the system vs. how much gold is converted to Gems.

Cost-Push Inflation… are Legendaries our Oil Crisis?


In game store Ripped me off !

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: M Ham.7509

M Ham.7509

Make sure there’s room in your inbox to receive new mail. It will only hold about 10 letters at a time, if it’s full no new mail will appear.

When you say 10 letters does that include Heart event letters?


hi end keyboard = ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: M Ham.7509

M Ham.7509

We do not terminate accounts based on the use of hardware, unless that also involves third-party programs that give an advantage to a player. A single one-to-one bind is fine. Binding 11 different skills to one press of a key isn’t so fine.

…so 10 is okay then, thanks for the heads up!

Hmmm… 5 for weapon skills, 1 for heal, 3 for utility and 1 for elite…. yep that will do fine! Thank you very much!



Use a new code?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: M Ham.7509

M Ham.7509

…Your suggestion answers a question I asked earlier. The question is casual, not official, but I’m interested in the answer: If we could allow you to access the existing account with a new code but with the inventory emptied to remove all items, would you want to do it? Or would you prefer to start over?

I’m really curious about how players feel about this.

I think the answer would be the same from a legit players perspective and a RMT perspective. The value in the account is the time spent on character progression albeit for different reasons.

What is to stop a RMT from supplying a code purchased with another stolen card. Sounds like the start of a vicious circle to me.


Why I am not enticed to buy costumes in GW2, but had ALL of them in GW1

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: M Ham.7509

M Ham.7509

I would like to add my 2 cents re: account unlocks.

I would most assuredly purchase more cosmetic items if they were account wide.

I would also like to see the bank split into character storage and shared storage, this would help with bank space organisation.


Is there a way to restrict an item sale to a particular Player using the BLTC?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: M Ham.7509

M Ham.7509

I read a couple of threads re: players having issues trading directly (not recieving the item/not getting paid). I see that there currently is no method to do a secure transaction outside of the BLTC.

Is there/would it be possible to add a feature to the BLTC whereby you can add an item for sale and add a restriction that only allows a particular player to purchase that item?

Along the same lines would it be possible to add an option to restrict the items to guild members. LOTRO has this as an option and it allows guild members an easy and secure way to sell items at reduced prices to fellows guild members. This could be added as an option to be built using Guild Rep.


Voice dialogue while watching Vistas please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: M Ham.7509

M Ham.7509

I keep thinking to myself how it would just go that extra mile if we had some voice dialogue while watching Vistas. I for one would love to hear more about the areas that we are traveling through.

