Showing Posts For Maetel.2130:

Account Restorations - Update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


^^^This x10 I knew Karpuz cryptic email and the fact that every commander who had been hacked prior to all of the sudden disappeared and stopped posting in the thread.

Cause they were deemed worthy to rollback (well outside of the Dec 1 start). Yet the rest of us get the “Sorry SOL” Karpuz and the others have their gold and legendary back. Thought since they were rolled back when it was implemented I would to…not cool ANET. Haven’t played since I was hacked 1 month ago and I never will.

No, only 2 Commanders have been lucky afaik, I haven’t been. And support now is lying to me saying there aren’t snapshosts prior to 1st december…lolwhat? How did they restore 2 accounts on 28th then?
And seeing Gaile ignoring our posts purposely since ART has been released… well, says a lot. They just played with us :/

Q: Deauthorize networks.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


What do you expect? Since I’ve been hacked 3 weeks ago I checked the list of authorized networks but… there wasn’t any aha
ONLY today it appeared and yes, I see the French hacker’s IP with NO WAY to delete it. If it’s true that support can’t remove it, there is no way we can trust their word about their security.
If things like this work this way I don’t wanna know the rest…

Account Restorations - Update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Needless to say that this news has made me lose any faith in Anet.
Not only I’ve been hacked, not only I’ve lost everything, not only I’ve been insulted by other players for this, not only I’ve waited 3 weeks like an idiot, not only I’ve seen other RoS players getting their account rolled back while mine not, but now… you even say that you can’t restore my account??
And completely ignore my post yesterday?
Oh come on, you restored Karpuz’s account to a state 2-3 weeks old, I’m sure you still can do that to mine too because you must have snapshots of that period but you don’t want :/
So have I to understand that I’m screwed only cause randomly it has been decided not to use my account for ART beta testing?
And why ‘supporting’ (lol…) till few days ago and now ignore? I guess I know the answer, but I wanna see if this post will be ignored as well.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Since this is the main topic I post here again…
3 weeks have passed after have been hacked, I’ve been waiting quietly lately but that doesn’t mean it’s fair.
Stopped playing after Karka event and now a new event is coming, but I won’t partecipate because if I do I’ll lose any progress in case ARS will help me.
Gaile, this is not a personal attack, but I don’t think it’s fair sending mails only to few people. I thought ‘eh, in few days I’ll receive one too’, but even if you said you would have posted news in few days, till today this isn’t happened :/
I only know that after all of this if ARS won’t rollback my account (while other ones hacked in the same day of mine have been), it’ll be VERY bad move.

Thanks for the attention

(edited by Maetel.2130)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


I’m waiting since 2 days to know how my serial code has been discovered excluding any fault at Anet side.
I know you can’t admit you’ve security issues (in support system, email change system or wherever they’re located), but it’s one week now and this is ridicolous.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Me and Freyn have physical copy, so we’re at least 2 ^^
So yeah… let’s say they found out our email and game password (didn’t happen but let’s say that) and sent a ticket, right?
And those French GMs asked for serial code, RIGHT?

Gaile, all discussions about same email/password are useless since serial code isn’t stored nor typed in our PC or in some internet sites.

And no ‘the hacker went into all your rooms to check boxes and get your code’ please lol

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


They already have your money. Helping you will cost them more money.


A-net already has our money, and keeping players around will only cost them more money.

Because God knows, no one has ever paid money for gems and then spent said gems on stuff in the store, and then bought more gems later.

Nor has anyone ever shown a friend the game, or even just told a friend about it, and had said friend go out and buy it because of the recommendation. Ever.

There is a hole in the server. I mean come on, it is absolutely the only possibility here. Some of my friends who have gotten hacked didn’t even use ANY guild wars sites.

You’re aware that they can take logins/passwords from one site and enter them into any other site, right? Even if the two sites are completely unrelated?

And their e-mails are still secure.

Or so you think – just because the password hasn’t been changed on the emails doesn’t mean the account is secure. Hell, if I hacked an email account, changing the password’s the LAST thing I’d do, to avoid tipping off the target.

Don’t skirt around trying to BS us. Your servers are threatened. You’d be much better off letting us know about the threat and we can decide if we want to chance it or not. Otherwise, some very important information might be taken – and that’d be on your head.

Totally doesn’t sound like you’re saying “I’m about to pwn your servers. Own up if you ever want to see them alive again, muahahaha” at all. Not even a little bit.

To be honest I forgot about gems, etc. but I want to add that they still have expansions to sell too and clearly I’d look forward to them if I were still playing

And just to add something about the hack: I checked BLTC history and it hasn’t been used, so everything has just been mailed (or destroyed? don’t think so XD).
Now… I know there is no mail history about the ones sent (why didn’t you make it? :S), but it can’t be as hard to check as rolling back an account without these ‘snapshots’.
I think it would be nice from you to spend time to dig into mail logs and discover what has been mailed and to WHO.
You can’t create items yet but that would be the moment to implement this functionality. I know that in the case of Legendaries used the hacker probably has salvaged them so you’ll be able to refund only ectos, but it would be a sign of good will.
At the end, we spent lot of time here

Account Hack [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Like others I wanna know this…
Because here you said we’re screwed anyway:

So… I wanna make you realize that if you say ‘service is almost up!!’ and then we still won’t have our accounts rolled back… well, that would be a slap in the face…

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


They won’t reset accounts mate, so I don’t need any hope…
I’m just asking a ’we’re still looking into this’, nothing much. This silence could also mean they’re not caring, which I hope is not the case, but meh…

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Honestly I don’t care anymore if they put restoration service… Unless they somehow give me back my stuff there is no reason to stay here, and this silence since 24h from Anet isn’t good.
At least a ’we’re looking into this’…?

Account Hack [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Let me explain you one thing cause it seems lot of people are naive: if you want to steal you don’t want people notice so you can keep doing that in the future too.
If you start hacking too many accounts people will notice and company will try and fix, and also people would stop playing cause they’re feared and even refuse to buy gold (if they do that…).
And another basic thing about theft: if you were in front of two houses with same security, but one is empty and the other one is full of goodies, where would you go?

You can keep dreaming about perfect security at Anet or any other gaming company, but reality shows that nothing is really secure and Mike o’Brien explained that in his article about security.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Password for mail, community site, guild forum and GW2 are all different. I know that’s hard to believe but it’s like this.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Never used anything like that and GW2 password was unique. Now we’re watching Nea getting kicked out by hackers right now.

Anet, what are you exactly doing????

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Yesterday I went afk to eat for a while leaving main char logged, then I came back and started playing again.
After almost 2 hours since I went afk I’ve been sent to char screen, I relogged and got kicked again after 10s.
After that I started being worried because random dc happen but not like that, so I relogged and also logged to my email to check if something had happened.
I found out your email (in English) saying “Someone, hopefully you!, etc.” and quickly tried to access to Control Panel here, but it said info were wrong…
While kitten hackers were kicking me every 10s I tried to reset password, but of course it didn’t work.
After about 10 tries the ******* permanently kicked me while I received the message that someone from another location had logged on.
Made a support account or whatever it was and sent 2 tickets, but wasn’t very lucky cause GM asked more info only when damage was done.
After 1 hour and 2 emails in French (I guess from Anet, but I haven’t them anymore), my account has been restored.
After that I went to ‘My Account’ → ‘Edit Profile’ and changed both email and password.
I received another email from Anet saying the mail was changed and in the new one a mail to confirm the change.
My chars are still there but everything has been stolen…

Other things: I don’t have a mobile authenticator cause I haven’t a smartphone, but I’m shocked about the fact that the confirmation mail is sent to the NEW one. Are we joking???
You haven’t to prove you’re the owner of that mail because you have only to know the password of the new (the hacker’s) mail.
And…you said email can be changed only through ticket…how is possible that after have had my account back I managed to change it normally from here?
And…if instead they sent you a ticket knowing my email and game password, you should know I wasn’t because you needed the serial code which I used only before BWE1 and it’s in my physical box.

So…being able to change email without ticket/confirmation is a fact ( I did that yesterday, although it’s not possible anymore), and I wanna guess they didn’t send a ticket.

How can this work?

Commander hackings in RoS [Merged threads link inside]

in WvW

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Considering that mobile authenticator doesn’t work for a lot of people, considering that after Anet gave me back my account I managed to change the email WITHOUT sending a ticket, I’m fairly sure they have serious problems.
And I repeat, they claim you need to send a ticket to change your mail but yesterday I changed it WITHOUT a ticket.
Today the option isn’t available anymore but it was yesterday. Thanks Anet

E-mail Change Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Gaile, I’m sorry but you have problems with this system. After have been hacked yesterday and you gave me back the account I’ve been able to change the email through ‘My account’ and ‘Edit profile’.
The option to change it was above the password change, but now I don’t see it.
regardless, if you don’t believe me you can always check with support that mail has been changed twice without sending a ticket (or at least the second time with me, i guess the hacker didn’t send anything)

Account Hack [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


I sent a PM to Gaile yesterday and no answer about that…
So I’ll ask here: will you rollback my account when restoration service will be up?
No ‘maybe’, ‘who knows’, I want a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
And yeah, you guys said two months ago you’re planning to implement this BASIC service and it’s still not here. Do you honestly think we can wait for MONTHS before getting everything back?

15 years, never been hacked, until...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Theyjust hacked me…
Dunno how to block account

You guys have serious security issues, now I’ll lose everything and you can forget my money in the future

(edited by Maetel.2130)

Stuck in every loeading screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Can you guys confirm FW technicians are in contact with NCSoft ones? I don’t trust my ISP at all lol

Problem with map loading/char lag and kick out..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Stuck after Login. cannot exit from Lion's Arch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


7:11:3:189:101 Error Code

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Stuck in every loeading screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Same as Deu, I was doing Claw of Jormag event and literally had 3 minutes lag spikes, so I logged out. But now I’m stuck at loading screen, while for other chars (one in the same area) works, although there is still a chance to get stuck with other zones too

[EU - Ruins of Surmia] Leiblich guild is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Maetel.2130



Nothing is changed since last post, so if you’re still without a guild and currently looking for one don’t hesitate and contact us!

[EU - Ruins of Surmia] Leiblich guild is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Maetel.2130


We’re 40 and we’re focusing on PvE and dungeons for now, although we still aim to WvW as our primary goal. If you’re in RoS and searching for a guild whisper me or Vidokas and see if our guild meets your interests!

Ebon Vanguard Greatsword preview buys weapon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Don’t know, but my Razer Naga has never had this problem, so I may be lucky…
Anyway, by reading the topic title I was thinking you wanted to talk about the little portrait Greatsword has. I hope they fix it cause it makes it look a normal weapon :P

[EU - Ruins of Surmia] Leiblich guild is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Maetel.2130


We’re still slowly growing but we’re active in all aspects of the game now, if you’re looking for a friendly guild with lot of people to play with for fun whisper me or Vidokas!

Ruins of Surmia and Fissure of Woe

in WvW

Posted by: Maetel.2130


They haven’t better organization, they’re just lot more of us lol

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Commander and squad system should be revised because for me they’re meant to be used as a guild tool, not a server one.
That said, I started to keep my icon in PvE too because:

1) squad isn’t only for WvWvW and you may have more than 5 guildies in the same area

2) I prefer to get used to trolls, envy players, etc. cause I would encounter them anyway, so I just laugh at them when they write in /say , /map chat and move on

One thing that people don’t seem to understand is that we DON’T care about you, we DON’T want you in squad, nor to command you.
And have your game experience ruined only because you see a blue icon shows that you haven’t better things to do.

[EU - Ruins of Surmia] Leiblich guild is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Maetel.2130


We’re 20 now and, although we’re not so many, we can start organizing WvWvW raids but, being aware about the importance of cooperation with other guilds, we’re also searching for an alliance in order to improve our results on the war field.
Since we got our Commander now we can perform better with a squad and TS 3 so, if you also hate zergs, we’ll be happy to have whoever shares the same mentality.
See you in Eternal Battlegrounds!

Cannot Log Into My Character~

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Maetel.2130


So is this issue affecting only us from Ruins of Surmia?
We’re already sucking in WvWvW, we didn’t need this too lol

Free transfers has permanently ruined WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maetel.2130


I didn’t know about this behaviour, but I was sure there were something fishy about Dzagonur…
My guild is in RoS and we’re trying to grow for WvWvW mainly, that’s why we’ll soon have a Commander, but even if we stop zerging around and use real strategy we’ll be owned due population issues.
Anyhow, we’ll be a lot more active very soon (in Eternal Battlegrounds), so hopefully we can cooperate with other WvWvW oriented guilds.

Cannot Log Into My Character~

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Maetel.2130


What i can say… I had to leave clearly my char in CS last night :/

Guardian Sanctuary bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Maetel.2130


I agree it’s ‘useless’, so far enemies will often go inside the shelter, or they aren’t pushed back, or we’re still hit by projectiles-
Considering its absurd cooldown I would expect something that protects me from any danger for those 6 seconds, but it doesn’t even work like the game says

Karma Scaling

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Maetel.2130


This is one of the most stupid changes you made Anet, what’s the point of doing events? They already give silly amounts of gold (and that’s ok since most gold comes from loots), but there is no other way to get karma.
Since you can’t sell or buy it I don’t see any problem in ‘farming’ it. Besides, if all events were currently working it would be better…

[EU - Ruins of Surmia] Leiblich guild is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Maetel.2130


We got some new members but we’re still small in size. Since most of us reached lv80 we’re now starting to go to WvWvW every day, but RoS is in a really bad shape and our numbers can’t still help.
If you’re guildless and wanna contribute for our server contact us!

straits of devastation skill point bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Use a guardian with a staff and its skill “Line of Warding” on that mob. Worked for me

[EU - Ruins of Surmia] Leiblich guild is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Maetel.2130


We’re a small and friendly guild searching for mature people who plan to be active in both PvE and PvP.
We accept players from every part of the world, although we’re mostly Europeans, and have a TS server where we talk to each other every day.
While some of us may be ‘a bit more’ active then others, we don’t put any pressure and realize that real life comes before gaming.
If you wanna know more about us, visit our site:, or whisper me in game (my main char is Maetel Lb) or Vidokas.

