Showing Posts For Maggotpez.7598:
Rune of the Hunterdragon
Its Dragonhunter if the Rune
I think an argument can be made about ghost thief because perma stealth not condi damage. I also think an argument can be made that deathly chill stacks to many bleeds. Other than that I disagree. As long as your build has some condi clear condi players stand on equal ground.
As a WvW player I wish the buffs went to power mez instead of condi.
Thanks for the correction @Fay. Also like I sort of mentioned, that does not account for the clone generation problem. I think if you die from 20+ stacks of confusion you are not even trying.
So when traited we can 2 stacks per illusion per shatter except f2 which gives 3 each. With the signet we can do that twice. Then we have scepter 3 which does 6. Total that gives us 33. Then we can assume that we may get 2 interrupts from f3 which would move our total olto 41. Now we could also add 3 to that from chaos armor. This would bring our grand total to 44. The OP said he got hit by 20 then 22. So while what OP said could theoretically happen if traited, the victim would have to not dodge, or block and could only condi clear once. To add on to this the victim would have to get hit by both f3s. I did this calculation off of the top of my head and posted via my phone so if someone wants to double check my math that would be great.
Other key points:
PU mesmers usually dont take the signet
Condi chronos (didnt do math for) usually dont take dueling
The above assumes that you are a hacker that has unlimited clones to shatter.
It could happen to you if you are a potato.
(edited by Maggotpez.7598)
GW2 is the only time I run winblows. Everytime I take a break from GW2 I reinstall Manjaro.
What OriOri said is correct. However, a website that might help you is metabattle (google it I’m on my phone and lazy). It will give you a build for the game type you want along with the gear, runes, weapons, sigils, etc.
In general here are some good gear types.
Condi wvw: trailblazer/dire
Power wvw: Marauder/Berserker
Pve power: Berserker
Pve condi: don’t do it confusion sucks vs npcs
Pvp: I dont do that
Again this is speaking very generally. Mettabattle will be much more detailed.
Can someone please post a link that talks about this “level farm”? I’m perpetually out of the loop. Thanks.
I use Marauder armor and zerk weapons and trinkets. However, you can get away with all zerk if you want. You just have to dodge/block/evade more. Honestly warriors have a lot of base hp so the vit from marauder’s is kind of a waste (precision is nice tho). Probably more beneficial to get some toughness in there, just not at the expense of too much precision or ferocity. This is all based upon the assumption that you are talking about the axe/shield GS meta and pack runes.
I’ve seen quite a few of your videos and I like them all. I have a few questions though. Why marauder over zerker armor? Do you feel the extra life is more beneficial than the crit damage? Also could you change the music genre in future videos? Maybe some clasic metal like Dio and Iron Maiden. Thanks.
I don’t pvp. However, gs s/sh shatter is okay in wvw (not condi meta). I use illusions, inspiration, and chrono. There is also a decent variant that uses domination instead of illusions and replaces a utility (mirror image in my case) with that daze mantra (dom makes it a stun). I’m at work on my phone so I can’t really link a build but you can find some roaming vids on youtube with similar builds linked. Again this is wvw not pvp but it may work.
Ok I fixed it by getting more pets. I only had the 3 pets total (tome leveled to 80), and when I tamed a few more now it no longer happens.
I have found one post on it and it only had one reply but it wasn’t a fix. Hopefully someone from Anet can help me resolve my problem.
I have a new druid and whatever pet is in the top slot changes to the one I picked when I made the character when I log in or change zones. For example, I have a smokescale in slot one and brissle back in slot two. When I change zones the smokescale will be swapped with my pink moa. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks.
I have been getting low FPS (around 15-19) out of no where. I normally play fine on high settings or the optimized settings (from nvidia) except for the past 3 days or so. I am using an ASUS ROG with a nvidia 960M. All drivers are up to date and I even tried reinstalling my graphics driver. No changes were made to my settings to cause this that I know of. Any advice?
Same issue. Anyone from Anet want to comment on it?
I would love to be able to play on my Linux(main) partition. GW2 crashes a lot on wine and does not run very well on a VB. It’s annoying having to switch to my Windows partition to play… In fact the only reason I still have a Windows partition is because I love GW2 soooooo much! C’mon devs! I’ll give you a dollar if you do it
I think removing stealth from WvW would make the thief unplayable. One solution could be to increase the length of the revealed status from 3 secconds to 6 (or whatever). This would make them eaiser to catch/down.
Well my meditrapper is feeling the need for speed. Should I use traveler runes and loose the power stats or runes of the pack and loose a meditation for retreat? If there are any other ideas I only have about a 20g budget.
What gear set should I use for a bunker chronomancer? I’m guessing soldier. I figured I should try it out before the NERF train hits.
I keep getting this message and cannot talk or see guild chat. Anyone have this and/or know how to fix it? I am a returning player and just installed HoT today if that matters any.
I just cant figure it out. They make shields faster than I can take them down. Even if they attack my clones for 5 minutes I can’t get through the shields. I’m using metabattles shatter roaming build.
Bump, still broken…
I just made a thief and I love cloak and dagger! Is there any good 1v1 builds that use dagger offhand that are not condi based? Mettaballe’s */d builds are not rated that well.
Great guide tons of help STICKY THIS!
Also which is better 1v1? I’m guessing the guard b/c they are harder to kill?
Thanks Wiseman! Here is my take so far (high lvl 20 each)
Guard PROS
Can help others
Fast leveling
Guard CONS
Kind of boring I just spam GS1 while leveling and cant die
Like you said wiseman no range
I see soooooo many guards
Necro PROS
don’t see to many
I like pets and dots
Necro CONS
I’m guessing it’ll be harder to find a pve group
can’t really help anyone
anyone else got some advice? Thanks!
Pretty new to the game, but I have tried all the classes and can’t decide between necro or guard. I love the play style of both! What are the pro/cons of each? what should I choose?
Hello All! I’m new to guildwars I have a level 26ish engineer but I wanted to try a melee class since that is usually what I play in MMOs. I’m level 14 now with my warrior and I am having a hard time. If I beat a veteran I am almost dead after the fight and used all my cooldowns. I have never had this problem on my engineer. I’ve seen a lot of people say warriors are the best soloers so I must be doing something wrong. I am currently using a mace/shield for veterans and a greatsword for everything else. My skills are Healing Surge, Endure Pain, Signet of Might. All my gear/traits are in power. Any advice? Thanks in advance.