Showing Posts Upvoted By MagnumSteack.5179:

Will there be an official response to Sacrx?

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I don’t give a kitten about Red Guard, nor do I see why their opinions matter any more than even the least of any servers militia men, or a dev actually working on the game.

So they made a youtube marking their take of WvW progression. So what.

Empyreal Fragments are absurd

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


ROFL, when i see this QQ, I must seriously doubt, that certain people must have never heard something about LONG TERM MOTIVATION

These items and all their required materials are intentionally designed extra therfore, that not every 0815-noob gamer just will have all these items a couple days after the patch release already.

These items are the highest powerful items of the whole game, these items aren’t be made to get extremly quick. These items are designed for partient players which slowly work towards their goals, like working for a legendary weapon, as the ascendant weapons are itentionally designed to be basically the “bridge” between exotic items and legendary items …

31h of gameplay is absolutely not much, this is peanuts..
I would understand this complain, if gettign all these items qould require like a month of gameplay or so, as that would be really too much to get just 1 single character geared fully, as that would be absolutely again a middle finger towards all those people, which play with multiple characters…

125 Dungeon runs.. when you make like 2-3 runs a day thats then just 41 days, so a month and nearly 2 weeks, but doing 2-3 dungeon runs a day doesn’t require 24h beign ingame to do that…
What I meant with a month of gameplay is that if something requires you to play a game for like 30*24hours to aqquire something in the game, what would really be too much where I could understand then the complaint.

As nehezbegar says, if you do naturally more runs a day, it significantly decreases the required maximum time. 5 runs a day and you will need only 25 days basically within the time that you need to do these 5 runs and 5 runs don’t require 24h, 5 runs should be done in like just a few hours based on with dungeon paths you make…

Cof 1, the svanir dungeon paths all 3 are easy, thats already 4 runs and say for example ascalon path 1… Do this with a guild group that plays well to gether, skip as much enemies a possible and so on and you should be real fast in doing the 5 runs a day if not even more…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Making Minipets Useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draconicus.7564


I wish:

(1) We had a special slot to equip mini-pets.

One of the best ideas i red about, this week!

Siege Trolls and Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Tyr.1965


I’m on Blackgate in Tier 1, a highly competitive tier obviously, and we have had to deal with someone from an enemy server who transferred here with the sole intent of dropping ballista build sites in the middle of our offensive efforts, causing us to reach the siege cap. This person has been reported countless times yet Anet has done nothing to counter this exploitative tactic. Now that leagues are coming, their competitive nature is going to encourage even more of this type of behavior. Is Anet going to finally stop sitting on their hands and do something about it or will winners continue to be decided by who can cheat the most?

What fun! (A new player's perspective)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I… I like him. Can we keep him?

He better be in Tarnished Coast. Or I’ll personally drag him there myself.

@Vayne – As you can see from my sig, I’m a bit of an optimist. Yet, I hate the forums. I used to enjoy coming here, sharing my thoughts, participate in a discussion, or just have fun. Now… Everytime I think about the forums, I cringe and tell myself I shouldn’t go. But I always do. Because I’m an optimist.

I think we should get him on TC too. lol

I used to be an optimist myself, till start posting on forums. Now I’m a white knight apparently. lol

survey: wanna play minigames with friends?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

all right, lets take a look at … mini games !!! or called activity in the wiki !!!
An activity is a mini-game designed to fit in with the local area. They provide an identical challenge to characters of all levels, and usually switch out weapon skills for new ones specific to the activity. While most involve some sort of PvP, not all involve player competition and can be a fun activity to do alone or with others (depending on the activity). Holiday events tend to involve at least one activity.

my comment below in bolded text !!!

- Keg Brawl (no game room browser, hard to play together with friends)

Metrica Province
- RC Golem (part of hearts quests, but it seems like on one bothers to play them. need some achievements encouragement perhaps?)

Various Locations
- Diving (solo activity)
- Costume Brawl (need tonics with costume brawl skills or gem store town clothes)

the following special events do not have game room browsers which makes it near impossible to play together with friends. even for Toypocalypse, a co op event, we get random team mates! WE NEED A GAME ROOM BROWSER !!!

Dragon Bash (Dragon Ball)
Halloween (Reaper’s Rumble, Lunatic Inquisition)
The Secret of Southsun (Crab Toss)
Wintersday (Snowball Mayhem, Bell Choir, Toypocalypse)

it is very simple really, when we talk to the special event NPC …
“Hello! Do you want to play Dragon Ball / Keg Brawl / Crab Toss / etc?”
then the options will have …
1. Yes! I want to play right now! (join a random room full of players)
2. Yes, show me the game browser. (open game browser and choose a server)
then a list will come out …

Server 001 10/10
Server 002 9/10
Server 003 10/10

Server 031 6/10
Server 032 8/10
Server 033 9/10

Server 061 2/10
Server 062 0/10
Server 063 10/10

3. Yes! I want to play with my friends! (create private instance, just like a dungeon!)

it is just that simple !!!

and where are the 30 other activities? nc soft, please ask anet to stop making RNG boxes. i believe you have earned enough to continue actual development on gw2 !!!

Though many activities were announced before initial release (with an estimate of 30 planned), many have yet to be implemented.
Bar brawl — Achievements are in-game, but the activity is not.
- Archery/Target Range.
- Smash ‘Em Up.
- An unknown activity that involves shooting mini golems that explode.
- Polymock

and … thanks for reading!


(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)

Disappointed - New matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


Dear Arenanet,

I’m the leader of Grand Cross, the alliance of Vizunah WvW since day one. I, we put many many hours to make this server the more efficient possible. We created a big community with thousand of passionate people, sometimes playing 15h in a day to keep us with a good score. Our organization and dedication had a big impact on thousand of your customers: we wanted them to have fun and pleasure in your WvW mode, and to make a better community for all.

I had stop 1 month, and i came back for the last week before change, and to fight Jade Sea – Elona. I made again a big call to arm to all Vizunians for the very last time ( and we managed to win this week again, it was a symbol for us to win a last time for sure before your change. But at the cost of many hours of work.

And this morning, i see you won’t change it this week? is it sure? because i have to say i’m very, very sad if it’s not this week. I think, like when you put free transfert on SFR, you do not realize how your words or decisions can damage a whole server. You do not realize what people create around your WvW, sometimes even irl time sacrifices, and i think you do not realize the disappointment it can be for us.

Players, post here if you agree.

Best Regards,

Grand Crusader Troma

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Everyone turn off their titles

in WvW

Posted by: Casta.5697


I want to combine them so I can see people with Dungeon Master Walking Amongst Mere Emissaries of the Golden Mad King’s Master Crafter, which would hopefully take up at least 3 lines


I would kill for such a title

One hour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhysati.4932


Twenty minutes is within one hour is it not? Because that’s what they said. “Within one hour”. And then they still give you an hour warning before you’ll be forced to download.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bren.9320


This thread is pure gold. Forum wars became such a big part of WvW.
To reflect this, I have a proposition.
Lets count all Infraction points(or whatever is it called on this forums) given out by mods in this topic and add them to WvW score at the end of each match. It would give servers opportunity to counter enemy night/morning capping by going to forums and flaming other server as hard as they can, gaining points this way instead.
We can also make a list of special insults worth extra points.
accusation of hacking: 15 pts.
your server is full of bandwagoners: 25 pts
you only wipe us if you blob: 25 pts
any remark of offpeak hour PvD: 35 pts
making forum last stand: 50 pts

Breny |IRON| Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Bren.9320)