Showing Highly Rated Posts By MajorValtiel.6310:

Anet being a little too quiet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


As the title says. It feels Anet is being too hush hush lately (ever since the beginning of the last two Living Stories). There are some rather bug issues with the game ever since the feature patch and some not related to it, but we haven’t had Any word if a fix is being worked on or not.

Some of the issues i’m talking about are:

  • Megaservers not working properly with large guilds.
  • Not being able to select a specific copy of the map so Guild World bosses could actually happen without a hitch
  • Guild missions being finished by a few members of the guild on one copy of the map while the rest of the guild is on another copy still doing the event and not getting credit for it.
  • GW2 needs actual hard, end-game content. Tequatl is not hard, Triple-head wurm is not hard. Dungeons are not hard. Orr has been nerfed so much that it’s a cake-walk now; shameful that the final areas of the game are as hard as the first ones. Anyone saying it is hard, is only kidding themselves. Period.
  • Arenanet needs to stop tailoring the Whole Game to casuals. Casuals already plenty for their casual needs. Casuals dont stick around for long Anet, hardcore players do.
  • Build templates need to happen. I don’t know why there hasn’t been any word on it so far. We can already change traits whenever we want to.
  • Ranger CDI (this is mostly for those who still main a ranger), any news on when we might see some of the changes? Maybe allow a preview of those changes for feedback? Even if only some?
  • Speaking of Ranger, reminds me of pet AI. I know it’s allot of work since the pet AI is embedded within the game’s AI. But maybe that would also fix two problems. Improving pet AI could also let you work on improving the predictable and lacking AI present in the game at the moment. (They dont even run from 20 massive AoE attacks!)
  • Commander tags, will they remain as they are? Useless trains in PVE and EOTM?
  • Edge of the Mists, will it ever become something else other than champ/karma/Exp train? A map that took so long to be developed with alot of cool features that became useless because this map doesn’t impact WvW like normal. I know this map was put in place in order to deal with the large Queues, but they still happen. Could we get ONE copy of that map on the WvW tab bellow EBG that does impact WvW score and be able to queue for it? You can still have it as an overflow for those who wish to the trains and stuff. It would also give another map for people to further spread out and lower queue times.

I know, i know, “China launch!”. I get it, but we’re not asking for fixes right this very moment. Just word on whether it’s being worked on or not!

This isn’t much of a rant, it’s more of series of concern i have with a game i’ve grown to love over this past year. I’ve been present since launch, but these ongoing moments of silence and keeping things under wraps has reached an alarming level Arenanet. We don’t know what to expect from the game, At All!


My point is that your point, is pointless.

For all the Scarlet haters and Joker lovers

in Living World

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


Hello all. I’m here today because I’ve realized some people really HATE Scarlet. And while i agree she is not the most interesting character of all, she is hardly the “worst thing ever created! omg this character is so stupid and dumb, she’s got no purpose…bla bla bla” that most people claim her to be.

First of, realize something, most people don’t know anything about character creation. Period. Not every player in GW2 knows this and they are often the ones whining more.

Second, Scarlet isn’t an original concept, no. Her character archetype has been done many times, in many story medias. But there is one that’s very famous, and people usually love him and don’t question (No, not Mary sue, she has nothing to do with Mary Sue if she did her plans would be successful all the time). That character is, The Joker (yes, as in Batman’s The Joker) The joker has no particular motive to do what he does. His origins differ, but they are all the same: he had something tragic happen to him and the only way he found to cope with it was to descend into madness, becoming a psychotic killer with no regard for any kind of life. reminds you of someone in GW2? What the Joker does have however, is a sick charisma to him which has grown over the years (He didn’t have it at first, it’s something that grew on the audience) which is what Scarlet lacks.

That is what Scarlet is. That is what Scarlet will be for now, until Anet decides if they want to turn her into something more.

Hope you all liked this “food for thought” and reconsider some opinions on Scarlet. This is by no means a “Scarlet is great omg! wtf!?” post. It is just a clarification for people pointing character faults that don’t really exist. Maybe you don’t like that type of character? It’s fine, no one likes all sorts of characters. But that doesn’t mean Anet created a horrible character.

As always, i welcome constructive criticism on my opinions. Sarcastic comments will simply be ignored by me as they’re not worth the time to respond to and, likely, neither is the person who made it. It’s just trash.


My point is that your point, is pointless.

A change from Procedural to Serialized drama

in Living World

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


Hello folks! What i’m about to write here is my opinion on two subjects: 1) Why many people loose interest in the LS updates/lore after a few days?And 2) A change that might get better results to keep people hooked in the game LS, and it’s Pros and Cons. Again, this is my opinion, it’s based on some information I’ve gathered over my script-writing and storytelling classes, but it’s still my opinion. My goal here is to provide Useful feedback to Arena Net for their future LS updates, story-wise!

So first topic: – Why do alot of people loose/have lost interest in the LS updates as far as the story is concerned?

- My answer would be that, first, the latest contents have either very few lore behind them or they LS updates with some lore behind them felt like they were put aside (like the Zephirites and Glint relation that never got explored or mentioned in-game) and people now just want activities so they can get Achievement points and the meta reward from those achievements. Secondly, this is caused by the fact that the LS updates are being created in a Procedural fashion.
What is Procedural you ask? It’s like a “case-of-the-week” story format that can be seen in TV shows like C.S.I. The Mentalist, House, etc; it doesn’t require you to follow every single episode. Wikipedia can give you a more in-depth knowledge about this subject at:

On to the second topic: – What could be done to make the LS more appealing story-wise?

- Well, i’d suggest changing the LS formats to a more Serialized fashion. A Serial drama has a plot that, like the name says, continues to evolve from episode to episode through characters and events. Examples of this are: Game of Thrones, LOST, Battlestar Gallactica, etc.
This could get people to get “hooked” on the actual lore. However changes like, investing more heavily in the characters and events by giving them depth so they would be the driving force for the LS events and making the LS characters react more significantly to the player presence, would have to be made.

Now for the Cons this change could bring.
- Missing a LS update would be like missing one episode of a tv show (like the ones i mentioned on the previous paragraph)
- People who can’t spare the time to invest in the story would be feel left out of the loop. (Which is why i think Arena Net choose this Episodic format for the LS, however they have to realized that a majority of their player base isn’t happy with it.)

I very much believe that Arena Net choose to release the LS updates in this Procedural fashion to try and please the the most casual of casual players. Which is fine, but one thing that both A.Net and those players have to realize is: MMO is a time-consuming genre in the game industry for the players and the developers. If you dont have time to “get invested in the story and keep up with it every two weeks” then ask Arena Net to put an NPC on the Home Instance that let’s you replay key-points of the past LS and not worry so much about the it’s initial concept of living world; it will still feel alive A.Net.
Now, everyone, including A.Net, have to realize that developers have to create appropriate content for their player base and GW2 has different player bases with different needs.
So, my suggestion is: change the LS format to a more Serialized and character-invested format. It won’t go against the Pillars of GW2, i don’t think so, no. It will help make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I feel this needs to be said. Also if you know of any way to make sure this gets to the Devs eyes, please feel free to do so or tell me how to.


My point is that your point, is pointless.

Anet being a little too quiet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


  • Arenanet needs to stop tailoring the Whole Game to casuals. Casuals already plenty for their casual needs. Casuals dont stick around for long Anet, hardcore players do.

Do hardcore players spend money in the gem store? Because I do, and I’m definitely casual. If not then hardcore players aren’t really worth catering to, since unlike WoW, this game does not require a monthly subscription, but is instead bought as a single purchase. If you’re not going to pay them repeatedly then you give Anet no incentive to listen to you any more than they would to a casual player who got bored and quit a week after buying the game – you have both earned them equal profits, after all.
They are a business, y’know.

Oh so only because the hardcores don’t spend as much – which is only true because BECAUSE the game doesn’t keep them there – we should just get ignored. And for the record: by hardcore i mean people who do like challenges instead of QQing on the forums when something is “way too hard! plz nerf!”. Cause posts on the forums like that are just plain stupid and those people haven’t realized how slowly they are killing the game. Let me put it bluntly: the easier a game is, the more it’s catered for 12 yrs old. And 12 yrs dont make such a good community. Exceptions among the 12 yrs old exist of course.

This isn’t much of a rant

Yeah, sure it isn’t.

Just read the rest of the godkitten text! I explained it there bud. Don’t go quoting one sentence of the whole text and try to spin it the way you want it.

My point is that your point, is pointless.

(edited by MajorValtiel.6310)

Pet UI for both casuals and experts

in Ranger

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


Hello everyone! I’m here to make what has possibly been done many times, but hey, we gotta keep doing it so Anet know that we need changes to the ranger class.

So, i’ve seen a couple of times Anet devs saying they don’t want a pet ui because it’s too micro management and so forth and casuals don’t want/like it and also they want to keep from having one class with too much micro-management. Well…they are right, it is micromanagement but the ranger class needs it. But there is a simple way to get around this. Make it optional! Here’s a simple way as to how:

- By default, the pet will behave like it does now. (Random use of it’s skill and so on)
- By pressing K, instead of getting the pet window, we get a skill UI that we can place wherever we want to.
- With this UI we can deactivate the pet skills to fire automatically and they become manually activated. (Similar to Ctrl+click for our skills)
- Also add commands like Go Here. (and get rid of that useless skill Guard replacing it with something else)
- Also add an extra behavior for the pet, so we’d have: Aggressive (pet attacks targets that the ranger attacks or that attack the pet, same as before), Assist (Pet only attacks when the ranger attacks; yes a mix of Aggressive and Passive but i still feel it should be there) and Passive (Pet does not attack unless manually commanded to do so, also like before) .
- Also allow us to map a key to change the pet behavior and activate skills (By default, they wouldn’t be mapped so those who don’t want to micromanage the pet don’t have to worry about it)

This way, those who don’t want to micro manage the pet can keep that way, and those who want to play rangers can cross out one of the classes main issues off the list.

I believe this will help please both casual and hardcore players bases. Not to mention it’s probably much easier to implement than changing the pet AI which seems to be the only option the community is giving.

Feel free to give your opinion. And of you know of a way to help make this suggestion reach the devs in a batter way, please do/say so.


My point is that your point, is pointless.

Screenshot Thread

in Community Creations

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


Well, i’ve been taking screenshots from day one so i’ve got a few. But i think these are defenetly the top ones i got. Hope you enjoy!

P.S.: Yes, those are cow’s arses.


My point is that your point, is pointless.

In-game calendar

in Suggestions

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


Hello folks!

After having experienced a couple of Teq raids i remembered something. It’s hard to let people know when there’s a raid going on and most people who go either happen to pass by, or are in LA when someone shouts the raid is going on.

Now maybe if we could get a calendar, those who want to go on a raid but don’t have time to sit around waiting for it to happen and cross fingers that it will be an organized raid; they would know the day and time these raids would be taking place and what server. (some guest over to other servers as you know to do the Teq raid)

Maybe keep it server-wide calendar, but have an option that you could see other servers calendar by guesting.

Oh, and allow Guilds to use this calendar to schedule guild missions and other events within their own guilds!


My point is that your point, is pointless.

Kick From Guild Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


Aye! I also support this change.

My point is that your point, is pointless.

Solo Instancing?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


People, it’s an short instance that you complete in 5-7min max. Honestly, stop being so picky and blowing it out of porportion. No reason for all these complaints. And it’s actually fun to do solo imo.

My point is that your point, is pointless.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


Hey Allie!

I’d like first to point out a concern of mine on a topic that has been discussed alot in this CDI. The perma-stow of pets. This might crete some problems among players:

Some people want pets, (like me) and to learn to use them properly. If you give petless rangers buffs, players who play with pets will be seen as “bad rangers” and shunned, because they are not using the latest “fix” for the class and therefore other players assume they are using “broken mechanics and builds”. Basically, whoever uses pets will be assumed as bad player, because… pets.

This could be prevented by some of the following:

- Add pet controls. The AI does not need to be thoughroughly fixed if we can have UI commands to tell the pet basic things like where to go, an extra bahavior called Assist (where the pet only attacks the ranger’s target) and Agressive makes the pet attack a diferent target. Return to Me replaces Passive mode in a way that if we press Return to Me, pet doesn’t attack unless commanded to do so again or when a new fight starts. It has to be done if you don’t want to go through the AI. And of course pet responsiveness has to be flawless.


- Make pet’s stats EQUAL to the ranger specs (maybe with a trait in the Beastmaster treeline that replaces Master’s Bond). This will involve pets in the build’s diversity. So a ranger can have a (e.g.) a zerker bear, but this bear won’t have a huge amount of HP as it normaly would. But due to the pet’s skills, it would promote diversity. Imagine: a ranger would have a bunker build. Lot’s of HP and Regen. With that trait, the pet could be on par with the rangers suvivability and if a Canine pet, provide CC pressure while the ranger could have more dmg-oriented weapons and utilities. Without it, the pet would be a dmg dealer while the ranger pins down the target with cripples and imobilizes, etc.

OR (As an alternative to the 2nd suggestion)

- Pet stats are decided/boosted via traits, also in the BM line, replacing Rending attack, Intimidation Training, Stability Training. And make certain traits into minor traits such as Mighty Swap, Vigorous Training.

Just a little brainstorming of mine. Not a perfect, polished solution. But it’s something.

Cheers! And glad that this CDI is seeing so much activity and attention on your part! I knwo it musn’t be easy to go over a class like this. Hope this bears fruit!

My point is that your point, is pointless.

Saved builds

in Suggestions

Posted by: MajorValtiel.6310


Or at least let us have a trait build for PVE and WvW seperatly. Like pvp. So when changing my trats in WvW it won’t affect the ones i have in PVE and vice-versa.

My point is that your point, is pointless.