Tammra Shadowhide – F Charr Thief
Shattersteel Datachment [SsD] @ Piken Square [EU]
Meanwhile, everyone can listen new anthem which will play after each match. ^^
Decided to share my ideas how the next PvP season would like. Because Season V was just a sad joke, and need A LOT of improvements.
1. ANTI MATCH-MANIPULATION SYSTEM. Yeah, that would be awesome. How I see it? It’s simple. Game should check for example each minute/two, if player moved or no. If no, he’d pe penaltized for afk / match manip. Okay, but what if he just run like idiot around, still breaking match? Game checks if he dealt damage. Nope? Same penalty. Okay, but what if he just spam one click per 10-20 seconds just to cheat system? There is another idea. Game checks if he was awarded with any top stats. None? Well, then that’s means you did nothing for your team. Then game should check how much he done damage/healing in team percentage. If he’s below 10%/15% of team damage/healing – penalty! That would quickly eliminate all afkers and trolls. And people would participate in match since they’d be afraid of getting penaltized for give up.
2. ONE CLASS PER TEAM. Yeah, like title said. That would make some difference in compositions and duo-burn DH wouldn’t nuke weaker players on lower divisions. The thing is, only how to prevent switching characters to already choosed one in team. Well, I see option, which will prevent just to select characters with selected class in team during match on ranked PvP. I think people who rage about “nooooooo dooooubleeee teeeeef gg wp afk” would be satisfied.
1. STARTING RATING. -Everyone- should start from 1000 points. Seen way too much people who ‘luckily’ just jumped to T1 platinum and they just lost match on purpose because were clueless what to do. This will be causing “Elo Hell” but only on lower divisions and for a while on start of season for rest. IF they WANT jump to platinum, they need to learn properly PvP mechanics and play correct amount of matches.
Also, that eliminate all those ‘quick-win’ners, whose climb to TOP 50 in 40 matches. Because they will need to go through Elo Hell.
2. QUEUE SIZE. 5v5 should be brought back, PvP is designed for FIVE players. This season ruined my team, because we had to split just to play rankeds. How to fix it? I see as option, to make two separated leaderboards: Team Queue(3+) and Solo/Duo queue(with option, if want get matched together with team queue if there is space for your solo/duo). People with team will be happy, solo/duo too.
3. QUEUE MATCHMAKING. Range should be ‘shortened’ from 300 +/- rating points pool. This is a joke, right!? People from T1 Gold have already WAY different skill than people from T3 Platinum / T1 Legendary! Just imagine someone squishy from T1 gold ‘nuked’ by someone from T1 Legendary, just because he knows perfectly how to counter him. That’s unbalancing so hard. I suggest decrease to 100 +/- rating search for MMR.
4. TOP STATS. They’re totally useless in current. People with more top stats awarded on match, should deserve more points for win and less for lose. Since they already DID something to push that match to win or prevent lose. I’d also split top stat “damage done” into separated physical and condition damage. Also would add interrupts top stat.
1. TROLS, AFKERS, RAGEQUITTERS. But well, my idea about anti-match manip already would eliminate them, hehe.
If I will ‘invent’ anything new, I’ll update topic.
Thanks for reading.
Seriously, "Quo vadis", arena.net?
First, you gave us few days a go THE WORST "FARM"(<put here as much irony as you can>) EVENT since game launch, now You remove key drops in again THE WORST way. And don’t try to whiten it with "we just add "more"(<copy previous irony here>) % drop in open world content". Yeaaaaaah, like it change something. I had 1 key per two years, now I get one per year?
Are you kidding me?
Fine, then I’ll vote for changes with my wallet. Better in-game content = money. More crap like recently = no broken cent.
@Kitty La Boom Boom
I think making "collector album" wouldn’t be bad idea, but as I wrote 2 posts above, technically it may "devour" some power resources. :P
And we have already something called collectibles in achievements so... I doubt they’d introduce it. But still would be able to look at them like in Hero panel. They’d just need to add new section like for minis or weapon/armor skins etc.
Hehe, then seems we think in that same way, just a bit differently with details.
Your original idea wasn’t bad, but would be harder to add to game. For example, photo mode is not needed, it would instantly apply/change appearance like on my attached picture. About sounds. Well, the problem is, good quality sound have some "weight" in bytes, simple pictures wouldn’t be much problem because for example can create simple picture for borders of postcard and stamps and just add new pictures "inside" with each path of game. The problem with sound would be, you need to start from "zero" on each sound file. Also, a lot of players plays with muted speakers (like me, when I am outside of my home) so most of them would ignore that feature. Same with animations, they are also "heavier" than just simple .jpg files. And about album feature... hmm... I think arena.net won’t add this to game, because they need to store those messages (I know simple .txt files are around 1kb, but when you have to host 1,000,000,000 of them, suddenly they change into tons of megabytes... so...), so that are additional costs for server infrastructure(HDDs and backups of those messages).
I am not writting to say Your ideas are bad, just want to say how technically it would look to implement it to game, because I am IT technician, so I know how it look in practice.
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Added in main post some stamp samples. I am gonna add more soon. Maybe. :P
Thanks for feed back.
I semi-agree with you but if you readed whole text what I wrote in post, I said some of stamps/postcards would be "lootable" via open world or jumping puzzles, what would give some more activity on PvE maps. But idea about vendors is good, too.
Good idea! That would also "force" people to "move" their "lazy kitten s" from afking places in capital cities.
I see this as another good idea, that would make some more ways to get more stamps. Copies for example we could trade via trading post or with friends.
If You guys have nothing against it, I add your suggestions to main post, so everyone will be able to see your suggestions in one place.
[Moved topic from art creations here]
Well... yesterday I found very old pile of my postcards what I received when I was kid. And that gave me idea - why not revive boring mailing in game, with some fashion and style?
And stamps! Oh, I remember how much of them I collected ... still having them stored inside philatelic stamp albums...
So I am asking for your feedback, ideas and opinions - would You like to see it in game? If yes, I try to make more exaples in free time.
I see few options with them, for example:
* City Postcard series - 6 postcards to collect (Black Citadel, Divinity Reach, The Grove Hoelbrak, Rata Sum)
* Special occasion postcards series - postcards with holiday/event themes, like Valentine Day, Dragon Bash, Wintersday and other
Another example ideas:
* City Stamps series - 6 stamps to collect (Black Citadel, Divinity Reach, The Grove Hoelbrak, Rata Sum)
* Special occasion stamps series - postcards with holiday/event themes, like Valentine Day, Dragon Bash, Wintersday and other
* Fauna of Tyria series - stamps with Tyria fauna
* Flora of Tyria series - stamps with Tyria flora
* Cat-o’-holic series - stamps with pictures of cats (miniatures), rare stamp with Chauncey von Snuffles III, etc.
Trading Post
Some of special occasion stamps and postcards would be available via trading post. I think 25-50 gems for stamp/postcard would be okay.
World loot and jumping puzzle chests
Rest of postcards and stamp would be randomly lootable in world, or for example in jumping puzzle chests. Of course, would be there super low % chance for getting the rarest ones.
Dungeons and fractals
Some rare and very rare stamps would be obtainable via dungeons and fractals completion, with very small % chance of drop at the end.
Yes! I think they should be - that would help us, to get Our collections completed faster. Also, that would remove some gold from game (TP transactions etc.). Of course special postcards and stamp wouldn’t be tradeable - they should be account bound.
- Some of stamps/postcards should be obtainable via vendors
- Some of stamps/postcards should be obtainable via completion of heart vendors, using karma as currency
- There should be item called [Unidentified stamp], equivalent of Unidentified dye
Can see preview of my idea in attachment below:
(edited by Makarow.3028)
I forgot to copy pictures and concepts from my PC on laptop, so might I upload some updates soon, when I’ll get a bit more time inbetween studies.
Also thanks for feedback guys, waiting for more comments and opinions/ideas!
Hehe, thanks ^^. More pics can find here: http://pauladamus.deviantart.com/
Paid €€€ commission for friend. Was fun to draw it! ^^
Original is... 4x bigger ^^ 9922 x 7016px.
App: PS CS6
Time: 66h
(edited by Makarow.3028)
Hehe, thanks!
Of course I have.
I play with friends PnP Warhammer and Savage Worlds systems sometimes, so...
I decided to create character sheets for them in GW2 themes:
Warhammer FRP: http://fav.me/d6af5at
Savage Worlds: http://fav.me/d6sia9j
300dpi for printers
Feel free to download and play!
(In attachments I added these same sheets)
(edited by Makarow.3028)
Yes, I had old project for livestream and my (and my friend) YT channel but... never used to them. Probably I do YT background for my channel when I done my machinima video, check my blog for info.
If you want banner/background - just contact me in-game/in this topic.
Hi community!
Just wanted to show my newest creation. It’s a combination of GW2 and TF2 themes.
If someone is interested about wallpaper, just comment.
I hope you like it.
For more GW2 like stuff, visit my blog: http://www.minarr.ugu.pl
I decided to show my little GW2 blog.
You can found there:
- memes
- signatures & avatars
- drawings
- videos (first machinima preview have currently ~2:40)
- custom TCG cards
- portraits
The blog is updated (mostly) each day, by new content.
Comments are welcome (accounts aren’t required, but if you wasn’t be anonymous… just create it, I turned off activation links), and join the blog chat, I’ll answer on all yours questions.
Hello community,
I decided to create machinima, so… here’s my currently finished work:
(watch in HD)
Thanks friends from Dragon Within [SMOK] for starring in video!
Have any ideas what I should improved, add etc.?
Just post comment at my blog / here or contact me in game.
Blog: http://minarr.ugu.pl/
Thanks, I’ve also want play that TCG if it was out. :]
New cards at my blog added. (From "Fun edition") ^^
I created some TCG card designs:
Minarr Axefury
Black Citadel
More posted on my blog.
Do not distribute or copy. Thats only funny previews.
Minarr Axefury © me.
Locations, items, etc. © Arena.net & NCsoft.
- – - – - – -
Wanna see more arts, etc? Maybe commisions?
Visit: my deviantART gallery, my blog or just contact me in game.
... it should looks like this in attachment.
Why that title on image?
Because... this is a long story @Underworld. In-short: "Long, long time a go..." I get Endless Guild Banner Tonic drop after guild rush. So... "they told me, I can be everything" - so I became Guild (trolling) Banner. People (was, and) still clicking at me, so I speak to them "Don’t click me, I look like karma banner or similar?!?". They start chat with me, it were a lot of funny rp-like sessions in LA. So, I have at day idea to spawn warrior banners near me. Of course, they stole my banners. In few seconds... I hate thiefs...
Why idea to make that?
I don’t know. Just... I did this.
Where I can found you?
If you want see "trolling banner", visit LA @Underwold EU server.
Links to:
My art gallery thread at this forum.
My art gallery thread at deviantART.
Sorry for my broken english.
"Red" Norn at top middle img, and Charr at the bottom images are my characters.
Norn: Father Russia
Charr: Minarr Axefury
Art (C) Makarow.3028
Characters (C) their owners
Charrs, Asuras, Norns, Humans, Sylvarians (C) Arena.net & NCsoft
Backgrounds (C) Arena.net & NCsoft
(edited by Makarow.3028)
I created a “Philosopher Charr” meme. So… feel free to use! (But post here or on deviantArt link to your modifications – I want to see your work! ^^)
Clear version available @deviantART.
Soon maybe I’ll create other memes… .
There’s my art-topic at this forum. If you want free signatures, avatars or
(PWYW) portraits…
Here is an example:
I guess depending on how you term amateur, you are pro if you start selling your art skills?
Some interesting work, if you take free requests I’d be happy to provide a screen.
No, I’m not pro. I’m just... beginner-amateur? (Maybe in near future I’ll study digital graphic 2D/3D) I don’t know how to draw bases, how to use lighting, coulour-blending etc. I draw what I want with my own style and technique.
I’m selling sketches... because to do it, I need some (sometimes "a lot of") time.
So... if you like final work - you can "pay what you want" - I don’t want set the minimal price. If you choose 1 copper coin... I will be also happy.
Sorry for my broken English. ^^
New "funny" picture added.
(edited by Makarow.3028)
Hello community,
I decided to show some my GW2 works.
Yes. I’m only amateur. I draw what I see, without any skills.
Comments are greatly welcome.
I hope you will enjoy my work!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Full content, not only GW2 works:
My deviantART profile
If you want signature, avatar, etc., just PM me. I need screenshot of your character (from login screen) and details (background color, text type, effects... ).
Sketches also available, but via donations by in-game mailbox (YOU set the price: it can be - for example - 5 gold, or only 1 broken copper coin. ^^ ). Just contact me in-game / send PM.
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Character Sheets for "Paper RPG systems": (Currently only in Polish)
Version for Warhammer Fantasy RolePlay system
Version for Savage Worlds system
Identity Cards:
Minarr Axefury
Signatures & Avatar:
(Old) | (Currently signature) Minarr Axefury|(Avatar)Minarr Axefury
(Signature)Tiber Blackforge | (Avatar)Tiber Blackforge
(Signature) Father Russia
Edited screenshots:
My guild photo in GW2 frame style
Digital/Traditional drawings:
PhotoShop CS5 & Paint Tool SAI:
(Photomanipulation) Minarr A. old photo
(Quick commision portrait) Noxilord
(Lineart) Random charr
(Fast doodle and practise) I can tell you... NOTHING. (blood)
(Doodle)Co-Coo-Clan Quaggan!(If someone is offended, I apologize.)
(Portrait) Minarr Axefury
(Portrait) Kronny Kromka
(Portrait) Ivie Solacia
(edited by Makarow.3028)
Hello guys!
I found a solution to the problem.
Go to GW2 installation folder, and delete 2 files: Gw2.tmp and Crash.dmp.
That should help.
See you in game,
Minarr Axefury from Underworld.
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.