Showing Posts For Malidus.8360:
I know thieves and mesmers are 2 of the most op classes right now.
That’s a pretty bold accusation. Do you have any research or solid facts to back you up? If not, then I could easily say “I know that Bunker Guardians is the most OP class right now” solely due to the fact that I struggle to kill them as my current Thief build and level of skill. On my Mesmer, however, I struggle against a different class. But I don’t play my Mesmer, I play my Thief, so let’s forget that part…
tl;dr – Back up your facts with research/evidence , and if not then express it as an opinion.
In my opinion, Stealth is a Thief’s defense. Mesmers hide in Clones, Guardians have good toughness and great Boons, and so forth. Could you imagine if Thieves had a near-useless Stealth? It would not even be able to compete against other classes. Mesmer’s Clones can be a hassle with regards to targeting, but I understand that it is there as their primary means of defense. They’re Illusionists, as Thieves lurk within the shadows.
tl;dr – Stealth is a Thief’s method of defending himself, other classes have their own method.