Raid Leader & Guild Leader of Square One
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Raid Leader & Guild Leader of Square One
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Raid Leader & Guild Leader of Square One
Square One was funded by few core members of polish WvW Harcore guild [INC] Incendies. We established Square One to further develop our WvW and GvG skills in GW2. We are polish guild focused on Hardcore playstyle and we believe in our specialization, so each of us focuses on a single class. We origin from different guilds, some of us were on the top, some are looking forward to get there. We got one goal, to be among the best.
You can meet us on Far Shiverpeaks server at this moment on daily WvW raids. We play Sunday – Thursday at 20:00 – 24:00 (GMT+2, GMT+1 besides summer)
Guild goal
Our main goal is focusing on open field combat and Guild vs Guild, rather than going for PPT.
We not manage the guild in a typical manner of other guilds, we do not have any contributions, officers or similar “perversions”. Roster consists only of Raid Leader, Classes and Prospects who after 1-2 week Trial get the appropriate rank of the class that they play.
We recruit only Polish players who want to play in an organized group and improve skills. But if you feel strong enough to play in different language – contact us.
The Trial Period
New members are invited to take part in a trial that is generally 1-2 week, during which we look for the following:
-You ability to run in group and listen Raid Leader.
-Your ability to communicate during raids.
-Your ability to do your job if you get role to play in our group.
-Your current understanding of team play and how you understand game.
-How well you fit into the guild and get on with other members.
-How active you are.
We are currently looking for these classes to fill our roster :
2 Guardians
2 Warriors
2 Necro
1 Thief
1 D/D Ele
Let the butchery begin.
Lers.8305 Ele Officer
Malinuk.2148 RL
kolezkawilkPL.6850 PR management forum adress
Raid Leader & Guild Leader of Square One
(edited by Malinuk.2148)
I will keep this short Devs → Where is my reward?
Much obliged, now FIX THE kitten BUGS YOU GOT ON WVW.
Raid Leader & Guild Leader of Square One
Piken should be proud of its Golden Horde guild, they finally managed to capture Durios with flyhacks, and zoom-unlocker arrow carts. Such an exemple of fair play and good manners. Keep on the good work !
Oh yes, they probably throw Richmond on walls and he used magic portal on guardian. That’s the new elite skill probably.
Raid Leader & Guild Leader of Square One
+1 bump
Especially for engineer and ranger with traps.
Raid Leader & Guild Leader of Square One