Showing Posts For Maraxis.4238:

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Thanks everyone for the discussions, need some sleep before work, will read replys tomorrow and post back! Night! :-)

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


There will not be raids like people think of when you think of WoW or other games. Will never happen. Will there be like possible 8 or 10 person content like we saw in GW1 with Underworld and Fissure of Woe, likely. But it won’t be anything like what people think of when it comes to raiding.

Exactly what I meant^^

@OP: gw2 raids will be likely short (1-2h to complete) with content like dungeons or fractals. Probably 5 – 10 people and focused on casuals with no “hard” or “limiting” content. And THIS WILL BE GREAT!

The things you wrote are more like WoW and only a very small gw2 minority would even want something like that^^ I’m sure anet won’t waste resources just to make 0.1% of WoW hardcore players happy and instead loose like 5% of their paying casuals

Didn’t know you went around asking players. Gw2 would have a HUGE raid community, and many people would return to pay the raids since that’s what gw2 is missing. It would be the end game I’d say over 50% of players would enjoy.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Did you really bring GW1 speedclears as an example? A/x, the first 4 skills set in stone. Skip everything to get to the exit of the dungeon level, repeat on the next level.

GW1 speedrunners perfected the “skip everything” mentality and took it to godlike level.
Sure, you built the remaining 4 skills so that you would be able to perform certain tasks and not die horribly but those were hardly good examples of something built for a certain goal. They were also mostly self-sustaining with health regen, hiding behind SF.

Yes the tanks for part of the group. But there were healers and dps. We skipped nothing, we simply devised builds to split every roll up. We didnt skip anything because skipping ANYTHING ment less.chance for ectos, shards, or (cant think of the name of it from DoA. UW, FoW, and DoA were all raids and a very hard core scene. Best part of gw1.

Speedclears where only interested in the end chest. The only time there where “speedclears” that killed everything where when Ursun form was in it’s hay day. And you had to kill everything to keep your energy up or you’d have to wait for the CD.

Yes the end chest, God bless that end chest. But no, we did indeed do full clears,did hence speed CLEAR. We wanted the chests, but we also needed the ectos,shards and bracers. (Remembered it). We cleared the full “raid” before we went for our end chest.

EotN Dungeons didn’t drop ectos, shards or anything like that. Skipping everything to get to the end chest, for a chance at valuable gear, was normal for EotN dungeons.

Ehh EotN dungeons were never huge in the gw1 raiding groups from that I remember though.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


There will not be raids like people think of when you think of WoW or other games. Will never happen. Will there be like possible 8 or 10 person content like we saw in GW1 with Underworld and Fissure of Woe, likely. But it won’t be anything like what people think of when it comes to raiding.

I know, it’s a little disheartening. But I can dream right XD either way excited to see the GW2 take on things.

No, it’s not disheartening. It’s refreshing that GW is a game that doesn’t force it’s player base to feel like they have a job to play the game, to run the same 1 or 2 instances 4 hours a night for 4 or 5 nights a week for months on end only to have the gear replaced within 2 days of an expansion coming out.

And for the record, I was in one of the top WoW guilds on Black Dragonflight with quite a few server firsts. I don’t say that to brag because honestly it was nothing to brag about. Raids may be good for games designed around it but GW is not one of those games. For one thing, if they were to bring in WoW style raids, within 1 day we would see forum topics of “Hey, I’m a special snowflake raider and it’s not fair someone can get to 80 and have the same stat gear and skins as I do. You need to make raiding gear different and better!!!!”. And then when the second raid would come out “How dare you not put better stats on this raids gear than on the other one!!! I’ll quit if you don’t treat me special!!!”

I don’t care for special snowflake defence. That happens in all games, just ignore them. The raids.arent mandatory in any sense, in any game. I’m all for raid specific skins, just like the fractals and douguns. The gear thing can live without but would be fun. They had those items in gw1 ie r8 crystaline blade, you can get with.r9-14 but the one you farmed for was r8 and very enjoyable. Again these.are.just want I want and it will never happen in gw2 I know:( but I have high hopes they put something together thats engaging.

Gz on the world firsts btw, thats awesome.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


We are getting raids and f2p aids.

It will be a trial, like to lvl 15 or something nothing horrible.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Did you really bring GW1 speedclears as an example? A/x, the first 4 skills set in stone. Skip everything to get to the exit of the dungeon level, repeat on the next level.

GW1 speedrunners perfected the “skip everything” mentality and took it to godlike level.
Sure, you built the remaining 4 skills so that you would be able to perform certain tasks and not die horribly but those were hardly good examples of something built for a certain goal. They were also mostly self-sustaining with health regen, hiding behind SF.

Yes the tanks for part of the group. But there were healers and dps. We skipped nothing, we simply devised builds to split every roll up. We didnt skip anything because skipping ANYTHING ment less.chance for ectos, shards, or (cant think of the name of it from DoA. UW, FoW, and DoA were all raids and a very hard core scene. Best part of gw1.

Speedclears where only interested in the end chest. The only time there where “speedclears” that killed everything where when Ursun form was in it’s hay day. And you had to kill everything to keep your energy up or you’d have to wait for the CD.

Yes the end chest, God bless that end chest. But no, we did indeed do full clears,did hence speed CLEAR. We wanted the chests, but we also needed the ectos,shards and bracers. (Remembered it). We cleared the full “raid” before we went for our end chest.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


There will not be raids like people think of when you think of WoW or other games. Will never happen. Will there be like possible 8 or 10 person content like we saw in GW1 with Underworld and Fissure of Woe, likely. But it won’t be anything like what people think of when it comes to raiding.

I know, it’s a little disheartening. But I can dream right XD either way excited to see the GW2 take on things.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Oh Christ just get over it. No one’s forcing you to do raids, and you won’t be left behind gear-wise.

I’m sorry was that directed to me?

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Luckly such kind of raids will never come to gw2.

But may I suggest the game WoW to you? Seems like you would enjoy such kind of boring long streched grind game way more than our beautiful gw2.

You act like I dont love the game. I’ve been paying for 10 years.

“These” kind of raids are not for everyone, no. But, with that being said I’m not saying they should be. They should be geared to the dungeon guilds, the gw2 speed clear guilds, the people who play for HARD content.

I do play WoW. I play it souly for raids. I turned to it when I realized fw2 dungeons were boring and easy.

ANET did literally everything besides dungeons, I will state again. I love gw2 I just want GOOD raids, with hope of making them worth doing not just for crafting mats.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Did you really bring GW1 speedclears as an example? A/x, the first 4 skills set in stone. Skip everything to get to the exit of the dungeon level, repeat on the next level.

GW1 speedrunners perfected the “skip everything” mentality and took it to godlike level.
Sure, you built the remaining 4 skills so that you would be able to perform certain tasks and not die horribly but those were hardly good examples of something built for a certain goal. They were also mostly self-sustaining with health regen, hiding behind SF.

Yes the tanks for part of the group. But there were healers and dps. We skipped nothing, we simply devised builds to split every roll up. We didnt skip anything because skipping ANYTHING ment less.chance for ectos, shards, or (cant think of the name of it from DoA. UW, FoW, and DoA were all raids and a very hard core scene. Best part of gw1.

(edited by Maraxis.4238)

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Hey guys, Probably the only one thinking this. ANET BRING ME THE HxC RAIDS. I want to spend HOURS in one instance and only be a % done with it. I wouldn’t even argue against ilvls for raids, AR is so boring same with fractals. In every dungeon so far there is a corner to stand in and glitch everything. No mechanics just face tank and loot. That’s too boring. Give us something engaging, something to work for, good drops, high gear, get off your crafting fetish it’s getting old.

I have been playing GW since launch in 05, and I know this will most likely ever happen, but raids are what bring people to MMOs, we love hard content not there to baby players. I want something that if I’m not good enough I won’t get it. So many games are catering to the casual players today, but catering to them 100% of the game is driving me nuts. Yes high lvl fractals are difficult. But there are ways around the mechanics. I know “why not just play with people that don’t skip them?” Good luck putting that guild together.

As a speed clearer from GW1 yea.there were faster way to do things and that’s what we did. But it was FUN. there were quests, there were jobs, there were ACTUAL BUILDS. Again it will never happen, but imo breaking the holy trienty is limiting the game as a whole. It’s all about face and tank easy. No talent or buffs NEEDED. Classes need rolls for good raids, HEALER TANK DPS, it’s a part of choosing a class imo.

But with all that being said I love GW amd GW2 and excited to see what they have to bring to the table this weekends.

(edited by Maraxis.4238)

beta feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


The large world event with the Pale Reavers, the colossal vines spawn before the npcs get there, bugging out the rest of the the event. unfinishable.


in Looking for...

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Hey guys, ive been playing GW since 05 and would like to keep it going!
I have 80 Ranger,Ele,Guard,Thief and working on the others now.


I play a good amount of everything from world bosses to WvW

I’m not to worried about member numbers anything from 20-500 as long as the guild is active during my play hours and enjoy running things as a guild.

If you play in my time frame and have a guild worth playing in message me


[PK] Felling Downs Dedicated PvP Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Medi Guradian interested in joining an SPvP team. message on here or in game.

LF SPvP guild planning on going to GvG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Im NA my main play time varies at the moment, will soon be mainly night’s such as 12a-4a or 9a-2p central us

EU PvP Team LF3M

in Looking for...

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Medi guard here looking to PvP with talented players. TS flex schedule for the most part.

LF SPvP guild planning on going to GvG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


Hey guys ive been playing since GW1 release. Done all of the PvE crafting isnt my thing so i started SPvP and fell in love.

80’s -

main guardian in SPvP (not familiar with the other classes as well, but willing to learn and respec)

looking for a well structured SPvP guild. Active is a must with TS/Vent?Ect…

Odd Spawn Teq-A-Thon A Community event by TTS

in In-game Events

Posted by: Maraxis.4238


this sounds amazing, will bring as many from my guild as i can!