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Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarmiteOnToast.9706


after running some additional tests at home i can confirm taht this is not a hardware issue on my side. Changed Modam and router with different models and the gaming experience was the same. There is clearly something wrong with the game servers because they keep dropping packets. I will also jump on the band wagon and say that i will ask for my money back as i cant play the game and support isnt doing anything to fix it (despite clear indications that the IP addresses dropping the packest are on the game end of things).

Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarmiteOnToast.9706


it seems most reports (mind you, not all) come from players with 64bit machines. Will try WiFi in compatibility mode over the weekend.
i activated upnp which didnt fix the problem (but i knew that because the ping shows the packet loss to be happening at he very last hop)
I had the exact same experience with the support as “International”. While they are quick to reply, they keep blaming it on my ISP when clearly the packet loss happens on their own machines. I dont understand: it isnt very difficult to send an engineer to the server centre and have the IPs in question checked out. there are exactly 2 IP addresses reoccurring in teh reports. and you have tonnes of reports at your disposal by now.
they either dont care (sure, we paid already) or dont know what to do. it is extremely unlikely that the problem is with 10 different ISPs rather than one game service, really.

Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarmiteOnToast.9706


As an update: I can’t rule out hardware problems on my side. I ran the game yesterday with a network cable connected direclty to my modem instead of the usual WiFi connection and had no problems for 3 hours straight (something i never achieved before). I will continue my tests and replace teh router/modem with a different, more powerful version to see if it is playable through WiFi as well. will report back.

Might be interesting to know how many people here are playing over a WiFi connection.

Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarmiteOnToast.9706


i tested again and found the following: From my work place i can play without lag or disconnects while from home i get disconnected in random intervals between 5 minutes and half an hour. I tested all sorts of recommendations, from firewall deactivated even thopugh the game is allowed access (even Antivirus off) to modem restart and port opening/forwarding. Nothing makes any difference. I got a reply from the support team telling me that the packet loss is a problem with my ISP. I contacted them and they say it is a problem with the game service redirecting me through absurd routes across the globe and failing to connect to the last hop (to get from Ireland to the UK i go half way around the globe… seriously why is that?). Still waiting for more detail from my ISP but i think the problem lies with ArenaNet/NCsoft as there are problems with

Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarmiteOnToast.9706


same for me. random interval DCs (since before yesterdays patch).

I found 3 locations repeatedly timed out during the trace: in Austria Level3 USA USA (second last hop, might be already part of ArenaNet?)

i also compared my timeout IPs with a few other NetworkDiag files posted here and there are definitely some similarities. i hope this will conclude in a solution. might well be a fried server part somewhere at these locations.

EDIT: the highlighted IP has 100% packet loss in most (if not all) network diags in this thread. there is a second one at plaync also next to last hop that repeatedly shows up.

EDIT2: Removed attachment. No news on the matter. Still can’t access the game for longer than a few minutes due to packet loss at 64.25.×.x
Please check that IP for conflicts, be it firewall or something else. Checked with ym ISP and they dont block any ports (at least they dont admit it if they do)

(edited by MarmiteOnToast.9706)

Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarmiteOnToast.9706


random intervals between 5 and 30 minutes. always the same error code (7:11:3:189:101) with about 10-15 seconds freeze before being kicked.
i only started playing a few days ago but i had these problems before yesterdays patch already. UPnP is activated, firewall opened, ports checked, PC specs and broadband beyond recommended minimums…
havent played GW1, playing from Ireland, GMT.

Info Request: Error 7

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarmiteOnToast.9706


you have to submit this information through the “ask a question” link.

this thread was also started 3 months ago.

every time I close the patcher it will start downloading all over again.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarmiteOnToast.9706


run the game as administrator.

Constant Disconnect Since Patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarmiteOnToast.9706


there are hundreds if not thousands of players out there with this problem. it is most certainly not your router.