Showing Posts For MasterJunior.7150:

Best All-Around Roaming Class?

in WvW

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


1-3 people is not a match for a necro, down the weakeset and use him as bait, and actually if you want to be VERY mobile it is totally possible for a necro, ive seen necros run circles around 5-10 people. I run from 3-5 and in the process 1-2 go down from all my marks i turn around and fight the whole group.

As for thiefs being the most mobile, maybe against a bunch of scrubs but I down them nearly every time. All you do as a necro is keep your staff 5 ready when they are getting low HP and you know that refuge is coming, boom reapers mark, they come out instantly and then shroud n fear, spite, gg.

Best All-Around Roaming Class?

in WvW

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


necro ftw, enough said

Why should I be a Necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


because with the proper condi build your unbeatable in any 1v1 and can win most 2v1s ^^

Randomize Finishers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


Good ideas. I didnt put a whole lot of thought into it but I just got the point where I said im done buying new finishers. I hate having to choose which I want and only being able to use one. I want to use my wurm, I want to use my ascoloian army, I want the new minstrel singing guy but im not going to buy it when I just got the golem finisher and im having to choose which to put on. Havent even seen my super explosive finisher in the longest but I like it.

I cant be the only one to have come to this end.

Randomize Finishers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


Hellos, I have an idea/issue. Every time I buy a new finisher another comes out shortly after that I want and get as well. lol. Now that doesnt seem like a bad thing except that I now have to choose between a bunch of awesome finishers and that can become a task. Also incentive for getting a new one when you already have a cool one and you can only use one at a time?

So my idea was maybe instead of activating a finisher you can activate multiple finishers and they would cycle/randomize through the selected few each time you spike an opponent.

This I think would lead people to buy more finishers and there’s also a little surprise each time you spike someone, you never know which it will be ^^ What do you think?

Useless Guild Claims

in WvW

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


Some great ideas in there ^ I dont care for all the fancy stuff but please god something be done…

Who has a Dev friended? point them in the right direction. WvW could use a little love

Useless Guild Claims

in WvW

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


hmmmm, well ill have to do some research and find a thread with an official answer. ive always figured if i cant claim immediatly ill have to wait for the 2 minute mark (3 minutes after cap) before i can claim it. but if this is due to other people being present while camp is capped thats just dumb. I have a commander tag and im always running +5 when I play (swap them between two guilds) but I dont have many in my guild so its usually just me near the cap.

Useless Guild Claims

in WvW

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


Another crappy design problem is the inability to immediately claim a camp if there is a person who is in a larger guild nearby. If my guild has the +5 buff, I should be able to claim a camp.

wait, is that an actual thing? you are unable to claim a camp if someone in a bigger guild is nearby? i have tried to figure why i could and why i couldnt immediately claim a camp or tower before. i noticed the other day as i kept spamming the lord JUST after taking a keep i never got the “claim option” to pop up but this one guild was able to do so keep after keep

Useless Guild Claims

in WvW

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


thanks for the post, yea its nothing new and ive been bothered by it for many months but ive finally have had enough, its ridiculous. those threads have come and gone, i will not let this one die, and if for some reason i am no longer able to post in it i will make another UNTIL something is done about it. there are REAL problems in WvW and instead they take time to do what? make buffed claimers burn blue? wtf is this? dragon ball z? guilds with active buffs should be able to claim over unbuffed one, period

Useless Guild Claims

in WvW

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


True Rei Hino, but if you use that millenium site that shows camp times and all that you can see which guild has it claimed. I use that to find out which jerks are currently hurting our server. But yes, often times no one has a clue to which guild has whatever claimed so whats the purpose of putting your emblem up if it doesn’t spread any form of knowledge or popularity of your guild.

I dont know if this is the proper section to be asking for a solution but im tired of the crap guild claims ruining WvW. There are very simple solutions to the problem, id expect them to be implemented. Those were just two very quick ideas off the top of my head and im pretty sure the one about no buffs for whatever amount of time one would work.

I always have my buffs ready to go but never a chance to use them cause every place gets claimed and has no buffs. Im stuck claiming camps for +5 and thats about it. I will push on this issue all over the forums till there is a solution.

Useless Guild Claims

in WvW

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


Im sure this is a problem is every server. People claiming camps/towers/keeps/sm with no buffs or intentions of ever activating any. Too many times has this happened that a guild without even a guild emblem claims an important structure.

Why not require some sort of guild upgrades to be able to claim or allow another guild to remove a claim if a place has been claimed unbuffed for X amount of minutes???

Need another 80 for wvw...suggestions?

in WvW

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


Depends on your play style and what your looking for. I main necro and run solo mostly. Camps are easy to take even with 1 or 2 defenders. If you show up to an even fight it turns fairly uneven quickly with one proper burst.

Ive been thinking of getting an 80 ele so when times call for taking out a enemy treb I could just swap chars go over and rain hell down on it. But thats me thinking of something useful for my 2nd in WvW.

Obviously I would say go necro. The map is yours to do as you please and very powerful in many zerg situations.

[Suggestion] Super Boom Box Improvements

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MasterJunior.7150


Agree with making it useable in WvW or refund. I thought it would work in WvW and it doesn’t. I was really disappointed when it wouldn’t come up…