(Continued from post above.)
I still log on and still play when and where we can.
I’m the leader of a Blackgate PvX guild that has been able to quietly make very large contributions to our PPT during very odd play times. I lead in WvW.
I’ve been an avid sPvP player for some time.
I have plenty of things to do and to work on.
I run fractals, and I have many, many alts.
I’ve played virtually every living story to achievement completion.
I have multiple characters decked in full ascended.
And I’m running out of hope.
The response to this should not be “Well, there’s nothing we can do about it if you’ve decided to leave.”
I’m asking, and pleading, for you to understand not just my own, but my guild’s and my community’s concerns.
There needs to be a concerted, centralized effort to poll the player base and get a firm grip on what expectations and desires for the direction of the game are. Back in the Beta’s, there was an incredible system that asked for player input and feedback on the spot about different features. It was an inherent part of the game, and allowed players to write short statements along with it.
This metric needs to be introduced in a large, broad “Guild Wars 2 Survey” that polls the entire playerbase, optionally, through the game interface, asking a series of questions about the state of the game, it’s direction, and what forms of content matter most to them.
Questions like, check all of the things you’d love to see more of in the game:
[ ] New Zones
[ ] New Dungeons
[ ] New Fractals
[ ] New Living stories
Or, better yet, rank order each of these. This will help inform development priorities based off what players care most about.
Do people enjoy seeing existing content destroyed? Figure out if things like the Lion’s Arch attack were viewed positively or negatively by the player base. Find out in statistically valid means by using polling systems in-game, so that not only the feelings of forum posters are represented. Ignore the non-input of those who do not exercise their ability to provide feedback in-game.
Regularly re-do these large, broad Guild Wars 2 Surveys every six months to make sure players and developers are on the same page about the direction of the game.
If there is a wide disparity between what players care about, as indicated in statistically valid and quantifiable ways by the survey (this should be a basic marketing exercise) and what developers are prioritizing, please understand that the result will be situations that look like this one now, where hardcore, diehard GW2 fans are coming out, and writing long-winded but heartfelt posts to developers, trying desperately to explain this horrible path to people who are confused, irritated, and personally insulted by all of the “toxic” and “inflammatory” posts appearing out here.
Many of my guildmates are no longer willing to waste their time.
They do not believe that ArenaNet is either listening, or willing to listen.
One of them is off playing with player housing, quite happily.
Last night, we were playing new dungeons.
At one point, in the middle of a Wildstar dungeon, all four of us stopped, and sighed.
“I wish we had new content like this in GW2.”
At one point, my co-GM finished building a player house.
“I wish I had this for my toons in GW2.”
Another guildmate and I were out in a new zone, struggling with challenging mobs.
“Man, I wish we had zones like this in GW2!”
Truth be told, we all hate the graphics in Wildstar.
If GW2 had content like this, we’d be back in a heartbeat.
I wish we did.
I hope this post helped.
I have done my best to explain calmly, simply, and earnestly my observations of my guild, my server, and these boards over the past two years.
I genuinely care about this game.
I hope there’s something in the works that will help all of us change our minds.
We were sad to leave, but there’s only so many times you can run the same encounters, while your server community is destroyed by megaservers, and WvW is allowed to decay while core imbalances, bugs, and problems sit unresolved for months and years, so long that players stop bothering to post on the forums.
I want GW2 back.
And you need our help to bring it back.
I wish you the best.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
If these posts are deleted, then I’ll have my answer.
A sad part of me expects they will be.
Best regards,
Matipzieu KyA
Guild Master of <KyA>, founded 2002
Guild Wars 2 since closed beta.
Blackgate since before launch.
Guardian, Necromancer, Warrior
PvE, Fractals, PvP, WvW.
GM of [KyA] Established 2002