Showing Posts For Matze.6014:

Why I find the game uninteresting - From a longtime Guild Wars 1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matze.6014


Sadly, this is mostly right, and I understand that. It’s a game that’s clearly been geared towards casual players. Like I said, all I can do is hope for the best and prepare to move on. I disagree with your numbers a bit, but yes, casuals make for lots of microtransactions.

All my suggestions, aside from elite capping, could be implemented alongside the current system. Do I think it will happen? No. But I have given my ideas about how it could happen.

I apologize if I am a bit confrontational, I get alittle annoyed after reading multiple posts in games from idiots that post about how this or that in core mechanics need to be changed because its not the same as “insert title”, without even having any idea from a programing side how difficult that is. Its not like it can just be added in. That needs a complete rework of all coding, hundreds of thousands of lines of coding having to be redone, and tested. In your end, your entitled to your opinion, but its more constructive when you dont make claims that insinuate the majority of the population agrees.

Why I find the game uninteresting - From a longtime Guild Wars 1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matze.6014


I just dont understand your thought process, because he has no evidence that the majority does like it, its not valid. But your statement that most that majority will not be playing in 6 months is valid? You also have no evidence to support this, you cannot accurately reflect the results from the past 10 years of MMO’s to this, as it changes the dynamics. By your same logic your statements have no relevance, as you have no factual data to back up your claims, your 8 friends do not even represent .1% of the population, aswell as your trying to back up your argument with agrees from a forum?

Why I find the game uninteresting - From a longtime Guild Wars 1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matze.6014


I’m sorry, but because you and your 8 friends do not like DE then they should completely rework how their leveling system is? The leveling system that completely separates them from every other MMO on the market? You make it sound like that is something that is feasible, if your going to try and be constructive, atleast make a suggestion that makes sense.

Lets look at this from a transaction point, using your numbers. The game industry today is catered towards casual gamers(FACT. First thing learned in electronic game design – development classes in every university/collage)as the general population is not able to spend 10hours a day every day playing a game. So that being said your 30% that does not like it, will eventually leave. And out of the 70% that stays, probably 60% of those will be casual gamers, and in mmo history casual gamers are the ones that are more likely to spend 2x more then the average full time players in micro transactions. Therefore making up for the loss of the 30%, not even calculating for the additional players added and lost over time.

My point is, why would a company spend alot of money and thousands of man hours to remove/change there own innovative design to suit 1 person, and his 8 friends, along with his 30%? Yes there are many bugs that need to be addressed, aswell as balancing, but the game has only been out for 2 weeks. Aslong as bugs get fixed, and content comes out at a pase that will keep up with the majority of populations needs, then the game will servive, with or without you

Why I find the game uninteresting - From a longtime Guild Wars 1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matze.6014


Seriously someone complaining about having to pay taxes on a sale? Sure it does happen in real economy that people get paid wages tax free….but for the most part that is illegal. Taxes are used in most MMO’s. They aid in keeping the economy in check, who wants to try to bump the price on something to 1000g when they going to have to pay massive taxes? Very few, because most people dont want to have to buy something for 1000g.

I feel Anet is doing a very good thing with this game, I have many years playing many different MMO’s, which has made me fairly tired of the same cookie cutter mmo experience. GW2 has freed us from that, I did enjoy GW1 it was not a mmo, reminded me alot of the old dark allaince type games. I think you might want to recount what this “relevant user” base is, and stop speaking for others when you have no basis to.

All Crafts on one character, or spread it around?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Matze.6014


And not to mention it gets pretty expensive to repeatedly change your prof, I’m up to 5s 30b to change next time lol

Tank/Healer: Back to the Trinity?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Matze.6014


Ya I think alot of people forget about the line of sight combat in this game, just cause you have something targeted doesnt mean your gonna hit it^^ specially if another enemy/object gets in the way lol

Casters Vs Meleers PVP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Matze.6014


eles and eng are the only classes that cant weapon swap, due to the massive amounts of abilities they get from single weapons compared to other classes. But key to ele is kiting, and skill management, I never ran into much difficulty as an ele, can burn through most things, just depends on your playstyle.

Tank/Healer: Back to the Trinity?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Matze.6014


I did AC on my ele, group asked me to stay on water the whole time. I had full healing gear, most pretty decent as I had good luck getting some, and making some. Sure there wasnt any real major heals like other games, however I did watch there health bars most the time and I did notice eles heals really did help a lot, not only with traits basically leaving permanent regen on party, but basic attack adding splash healing, with 20% cool down on water spells my gyser was up and ready alot.