Showing Posts For Maximus D Meridious.1048:

Vabbi & WvW - make it playable for us?

in WvW

Posted by: Maximus D Meridious.1048

Maximus D Meridious.1048

Anet have created this monster of servers not being able to compete effectively within wvw by creating leagues. IMO i would like to see even numbers in WvW ie you cannot enter unless the others have the same amount of players or near too, haven’t thought about it too much but thats what we pay money to the game for, (Their Expertise). I play on underworld and had just started to enjoy running with ppl win some lose some, but now its a complete cluster **** and no enjoyment at all. Anet needs to re-think it’s plan with WvW and bring back GvG from GW1 thats what people want. Guild Hall etc. Why don’t they listen to the map chat or the forums. Not good only appears that you keep adding content that people feel compounded to complete. Take at look at what you already have Really good game, but people are already leaving and playing other stuff because you’re not listning.

Mistress Zapp Mesmer Commander (underworld)

Server slowly dying.

in WvW

Posted by: Maximus D Meridious.1048

Maximus D Meridious.1048

Unfortunately this is the end for WvW on Underworld Server, But I’m sure that Anet wanted this to happen, only it was obvious from the start that this would happen, well I saw it anyhow. It doesn’t take any brains to see what was gonna happen. Sad sad day for WvW on Underworld. Being a primarily PvE player I was annoyed that I had to Play the WvWvW maps to get 100% completion, but actually started to enjoy WvW playing every night with guilds was fun. Now will have to grind out gathering or dungeons instead as I refuse to move servers.

Mistress Zapp Mesmer Commander (underworld)

why does the game point out the downed clone?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Maximus D Meridious.1048

Maximus D Meridious.1048

I think that the whole set of downed skills for a mesmer are absolutly useless, especially in dungeons where the the majority of mobs dont fall for the illusions and will contine to target you until you are dead. It is especially prominent in the shaman fractal where no amount of allies trying to get agro works until the player is dead. IMO Anet should rethink these skills especially the transprot to a random place skill, which always makes things worse and not better for you. If this skill is to be kept make it so it moves you to a safe area or near an team mate so res is actually possible. Irritated beyond belief.

Mistress Zapp Mesmer Commander (underworld)

Tramidol Knights Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Maximus D Meridious.1048

Maximus D Meridious.1048

TrKn are an active guild about 50 players on Underworld Server and welcome all members to join we are casual not pressure players who enjoy PvE, PvP, WvW and lots of help if needed. Please contact any TrKn member in game for an invite.

Mistress Zapp Mesmer Commander (underworld)