Showing Posts For Mayhem Maelstrom.9562:

All Elite Specializations Analysis

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Great stuff! My world is turning upside down and I’m not a big fan of change, but posts such as this will make it easier. Many thanks for the considerable effort and thought you gave to the subject(s).

Full Comprehensive Revenant Review

in Revenant

Posted by: Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Great review. Don’t know that I’m a fan of the legends, at least as currently implemented, but I suppose it makes it much easier to balance the professions if you limit the use of utilities, so I can see why the devs would be attached to them.

No way to treat Elli

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Elli, one of the NPC heroes of the regular storyline — whose true love Agent Zott died in battle against the Risen (Ships of the Line) — has faced an ignominious end. Those who enter their home instances in Divinity’s Reach will immediately see Elli, nose to nose with the bridge railing. Because the railing is solid and her stature slight, she can’t see over the railing, so she is left literally not talking, not moving, just staring at the bridge railing inches from her face. I ask you, is this any way to treat a genuine hero of Tyria? Reminds me of a rest home that faces its wheelchair patrons against a wall all day. (At least they get a change of scenery at night.) Just facing her the other way, away from the railing, so she would be watching the people pass by, would be an improvement. Or is this the fate to which retired heroes are to be consigned, oh cruel fate?

The Overwolf Guild Wars 2 App Challenge is on!

in API Development

Posted by: Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Oh, I see Overwolf is releasing them on its website. Excellent. All I needed. Thank you.

The Overwolf Guild Wars 2 App Challenge is on!

in API Development

Posted by: Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Might I please ask that you release the apps someplace where they are universally available and not just on your social media, as indicated in your press release?

I am very interested in almost all of them, including wondering what “Jump!” might do to help me with the jumping on puzzles. As it is, my thumb hurts constantly from hitting the space bar, generally while doing jumping puzzles. I know I can remap, but then it would just be some other finger. Anyway, I’m not on any social media, other than Linked In. Can’t handle their EULAs.

So I am hoping you might be able to accommodate this crowd of admittedly limited numbers who, like me, would be unable to access any of the winning entries, if they are only released on social media.

[sugg] dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

One of the flaws in the new trait acquisition system is that many of the traits involve group events — and NPCs way above the level where the player can first acquire the trait. The megaserver seems to be keeping many of these events populated at the moment, but what will happen in another couple of months, or six months, or a year from now? Will there still be a group to take down Victurus or the Krait Witch? A Zaishen-like daily achievement that incorporates these events will likely continue to supply a crowd and the lowly character who needs to defeat Gargantula to get the V trait in line four will just need to pay attention to when that daily achievement comes up. It could even be done on a predictable schedule, as the Zaishen events were.

Bring back Festive Lionguard

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Apparently, the Festive Lionguard (for trading in Ugly Hats, etc.) disappeared with the update. That is disappointing. Last year, the Festive Lionguard was around until Jan. 28 and its disappearance was accompanied by a PSA by Anet. I don’t understand the early exit this time around. And if it was going to be earlier than previously, why no warning?

Recapturing mail

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

I ask that you consider implementing a feature that would recover wrongly sent mails. at least before they are opened by the addressee. There must have been numerous occasions when a missed keystroke or, as in my case, careless reliance on auto-completion when typing the addressee caused a valuable item to be shipped into the ether, never to be seen again. If a character were able to recapture mail before the addressee opened it, that would be sufficient, because most mistakes would probably be realized within a few minutes of pressing “Send.” And given the number of people who are no longer playing GW2, if my guild roster is any indication, a host of those items wrongly sent are residing in what is essentially dead mail. If nothing else, such a feature might allow your support staff to concentrate on other queries, instead of sending yet another reply that “lost” items cannot be returned.

Karka Chest Distribution [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Mayhem Maelstrom.9562

Thank you, Anet.

Was perusing GWGuru thread that started out thanking Anet for following up with the chests for those of us who participated but did not partake, and somebody said why have such a thread on GWGuru, why not on the official forum, so I cruised over here, but could not find any such posts. In any event, thank you, Anet, for sending me a chest in my Inbox. No, no precursors, but I was really bummed when I mashed keys for two-and-a-half hours, but then died toward the end of the event, waypointed out and slogged back, only to find that the chest had spawned — and vaporized — by the time I got back. Really bummed. But then I got that good news in my Inbox and that little flower that shriveled up inside me blossomed forth in full glory once more. That must have taken incredibly much work on the part of somebod(ies) and I just want you to know how incredibly much I appreciate it.