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in PvP

Posted by: Maynolds.1539


Anet, are u thinking to do something to stop people running away with weapons skills? combats haven’t got any drop of honour. cowards just run away until u made a mistake

[PvP] Mesmer Moa Skill = Death Sentence

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Maynolds.1539


why u don’t learn to play against that? it’s easier nerf a class because annoying u? moa have a long cast time, and his special dinamic, you can evade, and wasted a elite skill from a enemy.

Mantra of Pain

in Mesmer

Posted by: Maynolds.1539


I just will add remove a boon, then that mantra get sinergy with distractions, it’s hard to take estability off when running a mantra build


in Mesmer

Posted by: Maynolds.1539


hello! I would like to ask you about your elite skill in pvp, what elite are u using? and how?
I tried all of them and I think that moa is a great option but people complain about it
It is pretty usefull against necros and I use against people when is full of boons or before they use their healing skill, to can finish them easily.

Time warp is awesome but u need really good comunication with your team to optimize it, and have a really high cd.

Mass invisibility is the best one to escape from a fight but have a long cast time, if i need to escape i need to do it quickly and I’m usually low of clones.

I play shatter, phatasma and mantras builds and , I tried a lot of builds, but it’s pretty hard to do confusions or stuning builds because stability breaks my plans since u can’t choose which boon u preffer to take off. I am not really good with PU because being honest I haven’t played that build enough.

Mimic is no a elite but,what do u think about mimic? I don’t think is to usefull, but could be?

Then what do u think? am I doing wrong?

PD: sorry about my english

[Warriors] best landspeed, no balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Maynolds.1539


All clase should be balance on landspeed. Is awful to see how people just leave the combat. when you are in combat, you are fighting, should be a bit harder to escape from a combat that press your charge attacks. Now you just need to have good landspeed to kill them, being sure they don’t escaped, and run from those guys who can kill u being sure they don’t catch u. doesn’t sound funny to me

Movement speed animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maynolds.1539


Hello! I preffer they change advantage and issues of many animations on skills:

It is really easy to see many people using weapons with jumps to hunter and run away from combats, or even just to walk, and they are even fasters than a team with swiftness, I really see that as foul play.

Many pets from ranger have horribles cast time especially in F2 skills, they make it shorter the cast time but still being useless. You don’t need to do anything to dodge drakes or pink moa, and yes open a combo field but is that enough for a F2 skill?

Pets attributes

in Ranger

Posted by: Maynolds.1539


when my gear have condition damage i can see that pet’s condition damage increase. my question is: this happen with everything?(power, critical damage, vitality…)just to know because then i have to think a set usefull for my rol and my pet’s rol, isn’kitten