Showing Posts For McMarc.1276:

WARBRINGER (Seriously)

in WvW

Posted by: McMarc.1276


This is a really dumb complain.
The thing has the term “legendary” right… so it costs money, deal with it. Remove the com tag req for it and rather have the gold sink into something else that costs money and DOESNT benefit you in the end? Like… even if you dont tag up ever in your life, you still have it. If you went for the frac backpack you’d pay a heck lot more and have no tag for it in the end.

I don’t get why people have to complain about kitten everything these days

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Stuff you want in the next Expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Most important thing for me is SPACE. I need more maps! More things to explore! Dont get me wrong, I loved HoT but it was just too small for me. The density of content was great but I’d rather have less density and x2/3 number of maps. Exploration is just too much fun to drop it!

Second thing for me is a good and balanced set of new elite specs along with maybe (!) some additional new skills for the base profession lines (even 1 extra skills per category would be enough and LOVELY).

Third I’d hope for some new and spicey masteries. I know it might be difficult to think of new and good ones but I have faith they’ll do it!

And for the love of god… bring back dungeons! Or a similar concept for 5 man groups that is not as hardcore and timeconsuming as the raids!

And last but not least… many new weapon and armor skins!

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

(edited by McMarc.1276)

races by class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McMarc.1276


I am male and I do have 12 characters of which 12 are male. I know, many male players like those kinky looking overly underdressed female characters… I dont.

Also… 97% male players is a very bad guess especially in gw2, which is a more casual game

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Why don't you play Stronghold?

in PvP

Posted by: McMarc.1276


The game mode is very cool imo but far too easy CHEESEable. Whenever you run into a premade you can expect to see at least 1 full heal ele camping the doorbreakers (sometimes even another ele to heal the defense npcs) which is not fun at all. Although I’ve gotta say all premades i’ve encountered in stronghold were PVE guilds wanting fast pips (which obviously didnt work). I think I have not lost any stronghold match this season (deactivated it from diamond on tho..).

Also a big problem with stronghold is that many people still dont have any clue what to do, which can be very frustrating. But as I said are the easy ways to cheese this gamemmode with 3 eles and 2 druids. Its not fun to see the same kitten everytime. So in conclusion its less of an issue of the mode itself, its an issue of how people play it!

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Guild wars 1 GvG

in PvP

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Gotta give this a little love

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Solo Queuing= Losing Streaks

in PvP

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Heres my two cents:

I’ve reached legendary pretty quick I think, with solo Q only from mid sapphire on. I had a 50% win rate when Q’ing with friends so I decided to go SoloQ. Magically, my winrate improoved to 70%. Of course, me and my 70% winrate is not for everyone and I see why: randoms and gamethrowers!
But let me tell you, your win-chances will be much much higher in solo Q if you play as something with a big carry-potential. Me for example I played thief most of the time, a profession that can (if mastered) set your team on a nearly permanent +1 situation.

The case you mentioned in your OP, “playing ele to win”, people thinking that … come on, is pure BS.
Ele is a nice addition to team comps but has like 0 carry potential. If your team sucks, you have no chance to help em. You cant split, you’re slow, you cant win 1v1s. :b
Also most of those ele players are those kind of players who sit on a capped midpoint for ever when the team loses 5v4 on the side nodes.

So all in all… try to play something usefull in solo Q, and more important: know your roles and… Learn to rotate and dont ever give up only because the enemy got mid. I’ve got many many games won by just outplaying them like in the scenario above where their ele just camps mid and allows us to dominate the aside points. So yea thats basically it.


Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Why is it ok for eles to be unkillable?

in PvP

Posted by: McMarc.1276


An ele CAN be killed in a 1v1 with nearly every class that is specced to do damage. If you time your attacks right, interrupt the overloads/healshout and just dont be an idiot fireing your stuff into reflects its actually doable. Its very easy to solo an ele as a condition warrior for example. also as thief, necro or revenant its doable as long as you know how to use your own skills and cc at the right time.

Cant kill an ele in a 1v1? —> call a teammmate
… no teammate around?-→ leave and outplay the enemy team 5v4
You die against an ele in a 1v1? ……. better uninstall gw2 :b

Its all just a matter of intelligence and match awareness.

The only thing that though that IS INDEED problematic with the ele is not its survivability (which other tanks also have btw, look at tank guard etc.) it is the ammount of healing and support it offers while beeing that tanky.

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Please Anet, I beg you....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Well… even if the prices are high (which i totally cant understand… economics, ewww) the leather is still (cept for the t6, which is not needed for your said 400 leatherworker for example) incredibly easy to get. Just play a few hours of WvW or cursed shore or sth and you’ll have a fukll stack of t5 leather. No need to buy at all, just leave the econmy, trust me, its a trap.

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]


in PvP

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Was a hard time today aswell, had 2 teams (again) made of legendaries throwing big time, but I finally did it!

But even if I’m satisfied now… this thing is a real issue, please work over!


Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Welcome to Bunker Wars

in PvP

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Well, the real problem with the current bunk ele is not the ammount of tankiness it offers, its the ammount of HEALING it puts out while beeing tanky as hell. If the overall healing would be reduced and it would focus more on protecting and removing condis rather than both + immense healing it would be better imo.

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]


in PvP

Posted by: McMarc.1276


First off I am kinda okay with the current season, aint got much to say about MMR hell or sth. I’ve got a 70% winrate on soloQ with thief so I’m not complaining.


There is one thing that highly annoys me. This thing is so called “LEGENDARY” players throwing my matches everytime I hit the last pip to legend division. Really, today I was 1 pip away 3 times and everytime I played with only 1 pip left I got a team of 4 legendary div players (who were pure kitten, dont wanna sound salty, but their level of skill was horrble.).

So basically players that already made it into legendary, I can kinda see why they dont play much serious anymore but it it very annoying for people like me trying my best to hit that last division but keep getting matched with these amateurs.

So please, next season, for the love of god and my own sanity, never ever let late diamond players get into a team of legendary game throwers. I personally would drop less salty tears and I’m sure many others aswell.

Thanks for listening,

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Making legendarys great again! TBC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McMarc.1276


You’re forgetting the fact that most people playing gw2 dont have a legendary weapon and will most likely never have one. For them to think of a legendary will always be prestigious. Of course they lose some flavour for yourself when you have multiple weapons crafted already, but for the most part of the gw2 players its not the case. But sure, I mean for me (having 5 legendaries myself) something even more prestigious would be cool. We take away the glitter and the WOW ourselves by playing so much and beeing able to afford them. So its nothing wrong with legendaries not beeing “great” its just us farming too much.

And to be a little more on the idea of having that sigill thing you suggested: Thats actually a good idea. Legendary weapons should be able to save all the sigills you ever put in so you can have a list of them to choose from. like if I put in a fire sigill I can re-select it anytime in the future.

My 2 cents

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Thanks for that quarterly update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McMarc.1276


INB4 This is not a troll thread

Just wanted to share my joy about the recent quarterly update!
I think they did a really good job in all regards (maybe mesmer is a bit too strong in pvp right now, but what ever!)
I, as a mainly pure PvP’er, now feel more incentive to go WvW (reward track, very cool!) and PvE (more dailies, better rewards!). It all feels a little more rewarding now. Also the new animations for the aoe fields are a cool little feature.
The new LFG was really really needed and is very smart right now, thank you for that.
All those little tweaks that I wont list right now (we can all read the patchnotes, right?) are very good and I felt like most of them should have been implemented much earlier. But now they’re in im satisfied.

Now that much of the core stuff has been adjusted I just wait for some fresh new content

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Legendary Thief

in PvP

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Hey congrats!
I also made it today, also as thief! Never thought diamond would be such an easy walkthrough.
Although im not 100% solo q, I did some matches with friends in div 3 and early 4 . but about 90% solo

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

[Request] Option to block people below X AP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Also if I was a new player to any game I would not have a problem with such a system since it prevents chat abuse by gold-sellers and I would only benefit from this after playing a few hours .

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

[Request] Option to block people below X AP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McMarc.1276


I like the idea of a system like that. This way Gold sellers would be completely kittened up.

Although it might cause trouble with new players, but for that you could add something like an option for new players (below lets say 200/300 AP) to send a request to people they want to chat with. If that person accepts the request of the new player he can speak freely. But if the player sees that the request is of a player called “xhxhfjjhhj fkkdo” with 17 AP he knows that he better not accept it

Having this kind of chat-block as an OPTION for people to decide what they want would be great so people who absolutely dont want this stpid gold-seller spam can live a peaceful life without having 5-10 whispers per hour standing in LA or Hotm.

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

[EU] Looking for a nice Raid guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Bring it to page 1
There must be a nice guild out there waiting for me! :]

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

[EU] Looking for a nice Raid guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: McMarc.1276


As the title says Im looking for a raid guild in EU. Language should be english, although I can also understand french/spanish/german/polish/dutch.
I’ve spent the last few months of gw2 more in PVP than anything else, so except for some raid-beta tests I have not yet played any raid content at all.
I mostly play warrior in PVE but am capable of playing every other class aswell. I’ve got ascended armor/weaps and trinkets on most of my characters, since I’ve spent a lot of time in PVE pre HoT.

For people who need to know the following things:
AP: 21.477
Hours on account: 4.254
Hours on (pve) main character: 1.504
Prefered class for raid/pve: Warrior
Activity: (Mostly) online everyday, mostly around moring/early afternoon times
Willingnes to learn everything about raids: Of course!

So if there is a nice raid guild out there that could use a nice person to play some raids with, here I am

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

How to comp best versus 3 necro.

in PvP

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Just bring 2 damage professions (dragon hunter for example since they have good cc, also very good condi cleanse) and just spike em down one after the other.
I mostly play DH and I’m always happy to see many necros, since they drop incredibly fast, especially at the start of the match.
Never hurts to have an ele and druid for heals of course.

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Im a bit sad about this

in PvP

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Inb4 This is not a whiny QQ threat about current meta or such, I’m totally fine with all that (maybe some slight changes to that incredible pet res, whatever)

I was on this awesome winning streak of 14 wins in soloQ, catapulting me up right into ruby. Everything was fine, I had awesome, fair and intense matches. But then suddenly in game 15 one glorious dude decides to capture the close point and AFK the rest of the game after he got killed by another player. I though alright, I heard about arena net wont count that as a loss right, so let that guy do his stupid business (dancing at spawn(would love to show screenshot, but I was busy trying to win a 4v5)).

However at the end I lost a pip and my winstreak was over and the saddest thing is not even the pip loss or the end of my win streak (which is still a shame that only a 4v5 can stop me, right guys, jk), its the fact that these people can still walk around without having any real way of punishment. I mean that is serious match manipulation and is really frustrating. I know this is not something new, many people have expressed rage about this before, but I just wanted to add a little personal expression aswell.

I dont know what to do about that, I’d just be happy to see that issue addressed, like make a report option called “leeching” like in gw1, that option would be more fitting than just reporting afk’ers for botting or such.

your friendly and supportive soloQ’er

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Help! Elite Spec Starterweapons

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Hey friends,
I just started playing HoT and I wanted to start going with the elite specs. I startred off with warrior and I got my startertorch when I put the first 60 points in. Now I did the same with my Engineer (but not in pve, I did it in heart off the mists) and I didnt get any starter weapon. Same with guardian. I went to pve to try it again but also didnt get any weapon there. Is it supposed to be like this? And if not: Is it a bug and will i get my weapons later when they fix it?

Thanks in advance

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Tengu Gate-Guards dont attack buildsites

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Im not sure if its an issue with all guards, but the tengu-guards wielding the 2 swords dont attack abandonned buildsites properly. They start running towards them but then going back to their positions. managed to build a ram solo without having the guards even touching them. Maybe it was a bug, i dont know. Maybe others also experienced this. Just wanted to point it out

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

The New WvW Borderland

in WvW

Posted by: McMarc.1276


Honestly let’s not start calling eachother bad, cause in every game mode there’s people smashing their face to their keyboard. However, the majority of people you are talking about can’t be listed as ’’pve’’. These people are listed as ’’casuals’’; Aka people who play every game mode and don’t have the intention to be among the best but rather just play for fun. This, however, does not mean PvE should be introduced in a major form into WvW. WvW should stick to what it is disigned to: Fighting for your server by capturing objectives and gaining as much points possible. This should not require mass PvE zerg festing by doing PvE events, but by capturing and defending towers and keeps. The way to do this is obviously by fighting eachother and using siege to attack or defend.

Aside from this, WvW has developed into such way that multiple guilds who actually try to be among the ’’best’’ of this game mode to fight eachother. This requires open field area’s and not tiny choke points. This group is more than large enough (even after losing about 25-50% of the guilds over the period of time) to be taken seriously into designing the map. Just by adding a couple big open field terrains the map itself could become a warm welcome for new and casual players, aswell for guild groups. So unless the map will be 1 big mess of tiny choke points and PvE events filled with mobs, this map should be pretty interesting for all area’s of WvW.

Yeah of course, that is kind of what I want to say aswell. I never want big pve events into wvw. All I was poiting out is the fact that with this new map the “zerging” hopefully breaks up a bit so other players, call them “casuals” if that is better to understand for all (meaned those anyways ), will have a much easier entry and more fun, since there is more stuff that could actually be relevant for the server score so that your appearence actually makes a small difference. At least that is what i hope for the new map

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

The New WvW Borderland

in WvW

Posted by: McMarc.1276


I sometimes think the people who say every change anet is doing to wvw is “pve” have never really played pve or just love making strawman arguments like children. WvW seems to have become this idea that it is ONLY supposed to be open-world pvp but, as far as I remember it, it was always marketed as a balance between pve and pvp. Anet’s plan may just be to try to entice more people into the game mode since it is insanely boring right now unless you are in a guild.
And I love how eotm is constantly bashed when I can legitimately say that the first 2 weeks of that map’s release were the funnest wvw I’ve ever done and I’ve played since beta . The fact that the points never truly mattered is what started killing the game mode and the death knell came when pve’s discovered the karma loot and started abusing it.
inb4 “muh server pride” warriors come in with more fallacies

I agree 100% on this.
The old system might please the small community of GvG headbashers and guild raids, but its not really fun for the majority of the players, which are pve’ers.
And come on people, dont always be so negative about everything they introduce to make it a better experience! I think the new map looks amazing and extremely fun! The only thing I worry about is that middle event. Hope it wont ned like Stonemist castle 3some fights with tons of lag.


The majority of players which are pve’ers? Thats the most uneducated and ridiculous thing ive ever heard.

Its as if you don’t play WvW at all. Man im really really glad you arn’t a dev because youd make WvW a horrible thing lol. PVE’ers have no combat skill whatsoever and are completely useless for WvW which is why they stay away from it. Nearly everyone I know who play WvW only do it or sPvP. By no means is WvW a PVE playground. Which is why people are getting upset that its being turned into one with so many mobs and what not.

complete bullkitten.
You know that people you know =/= the majority of people right?
But however, you’re a good example for toxic people in wvw. “Pve people have no combat skill” yeah thats easy to say right? staying away from wvw because of mega blobbing and all that boring stuff is more likely, but I wont try to discuss this with you, since there wont be any solution.

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

(edited by McMarc.1276)

The New WvW Borderland

in WvW

Posted by: McMarc.1276


I sometimes think the people who say every change anet is doing to wvw is “pve” have never really played pve or just love making strawman arguments like children. WvW seems to have become this idea that it is ONLY supposed to be open-world pvp but, as far as I remember it, it was always marketed as a balance between pve and pvp. Anet’s plan may just be to try to entice more people into the game mode since it is insanely boring right now unless you are in a guild.
And I love how eotm is constantly bashed when I can legitimately say that the first 2 weeks of that map’s release were the funnest wvw I’ve ever done and I’ve played since beta . The fact that the points never truly mattered is what started killing the game mode and the death knell came when pve’s discovered the karma loot and started abusing it.
inb4 “muh server pride” warriors come in with more fallacies

I agree 100% on this.
The old system might please the small community of GvG headbashers and guild raids, but its not really fun for the majority of the players, which are pve’ers.
And come on people, dont always be so negative about everything they introduce to make it a better experience! I think the new map looks amazing and extremely fun! The only thing I worry about is that middle event. Hope it wont ned like Stonemist castle 3some fights with tons of lag.

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Stronghold isnt GvG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: McMarc.1276


All this talking about “waah gw2 isnt gw1 live with it” “gvg wont be like in gw1, blah blah”. Now we get a mode that is really really close to what we had in gw1 and the first thing I read on forums is that this no gvg, posted by a guy that calls people ignorant for not sharing his opinion, also saying that people asked for deathmatch GvGs. Like “most of the people” right I wanna see that statistics. I’d bet alot coin that at least 60% of all players will be totally satisfied with a mode like this, since it gives much more space for tactics and movement, which is totally not the case in battles like the so called “gvg” ppl use to do on wvw borderlands (which is generally a big joke, since it cant be more unbalanced (gear, borderland bonus etc)). Its important to have tactical elements like splits and possibilities to fall back in a GvG mode. Thats what differs GvG from a counter strike DM.

So SkylightMoon I know you like your GvGs in wvw and that totally fine, but dont say the now comming mode is not GvG, since you would call that “ignorant”

this will be GVG!

I never called anyone ignorant because they like a different style of gvg. I think people are incredibly ignorant when they think that tdm takes no skill and is just a zergfest. Just read the comments. The two modes take skill in different ways.

If you want proof that gw2 deathmatch has been the most requested, then go search the forum for posts talking about gvg’s and I guarantee you that the majority will be about gw2 gvg which is a tdm match.

GvG isn’t really unbalanced because the gear people have is practically all on the same level. I mean your comment is a perfect example of the ignorance im talking about. You have no exposure whatsoever to the gvg community in gw2 and don’t want to be open minded into looking at it, and so you write stupid comments like this. You write things like its unbalanced because of gear and what not LOL.

It’s always hard talking to people like you, so I wont try harder now. Just accept that your oppinion is definatly not the one shared by the community (as you can see while reading the answers on this forums, well, I’m trying again, forget it, you’re right boy).

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

Stronghold isnt GvG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: McMarc.1276


All this talking about “waah gw2 isnt gw1 live with it” “gvg wont be like in gw1, blah blah”. Now we get a mode that is really really close to what we had in gw1 and the first thing I read on forums is that this no gvg, posted by a guy that calls people ignorant for not sharing his opinion, also saying that people asked for deathmatch GvGs. Like “most of the people” right I wanna see that statistics. I’d bet alot coin that at least 60% of all players will be totally satisfied with a mode like this, since it gives much more space for tactics and movement, which is totally not the case in battles like the so called “gvg” ppl use to do on wvw borderlands (which is generally a big joke, since it cant be more unbalanced (gear, borderland bonus etc)). Its important to have tactical elements like splits and possibilities to fall back in a GvG mode. Thats what differs GvG from a counter strike DM.

So SkylightMoon I know you like your GvGs in wvw and that totally fine, but dont say the now comming mode is not GvG, since you would call that “ignorant”

this will be GVG!

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

(edited by McMarc.1276)

[EU] 19/7 Piken/Deso/Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: McMarc.1276


All this QQ’ing about blobs and stuff is just ridiculous.
Every server wants to be succesfull. And if a guildteam wins a few fights its just normal that random people (which deso have lots of) come to the commander tags to also have some fun in the fights. Same for the other 2 servers. Don’t act like you’re running only with 20man guild teams, thats just a lie.
To the topic:
Finally a really balanced match-up. During prime time its really funny to play and we even have queues on 3/4 maps. Havent seen this for weeks I personally don’t have any point to whine about, this weeks match-up is just awesome

Marc Geht Steil / Honorable Marc / Mc Marc
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]

(edited by McMarc.1276)