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Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


Hello devs and fellow players,

While I am generally excited about this update, I tend to feel very negative when an update makes guild operations more difficult. As a leader of Goonies [Goon] on Fort Aspenwood, and as I’m sure is true for most guild leaders, guild management is my top priority when it comes to gameplay. So that is why this system brings me concern. With all of the great stuff it brings as far as larger populations on maps and better map placement in world events (which is a huge boon for guilds trying to play these events together), it falls short with a new burden to guild recruiting.

This line of the update report is what I would like to bring to light: “For players in guilds, the world your account uses as its home world is the same world that will receive your guild influence. That system has not changed (for now).”

Take into consideration how the guild system currently works: player represents guild X, Guild X is located on a server (we’ll choose Fort Aspenwood for this example), when Guild X activates a guild wide boon only guild members on Fort Aspenwood receive the boon, when the player who is representing Guild X earns influence it only goes to Guild X if said player is on Fort Aspenwood.

Now I’m sure that the player boundaries will be torn down, as far as you won’t have to guest to play with your friends. Which leaves this system to only affect members who’s home server is not the same as the guild they’re representing. So, now on the megaserver there will be players that are from multiple different servers. This leaves us with a recruiting dilemma, now that we’re not playing with a mostly homogeneous map of players from our own server. So when a guild member recruits another player, there will be the question of, what’s the new player’s home server. If you bring in a new member from another server, you create a relationship that is not beneficial to the guild or the member. The guild receives no influence and the member receives no boons.

This may not seem too difficult to most guilds, however some, like the Goonies, allow a decent part of their guild recruit. In the Goonies, we allow all but the lowest rank to recruit, which is ~350 members that can recruit. How do we make sure that they’re only recruiting members from our home server? How do we deal with these new recruits that are from a different home server?

I would suggest to lift the limits on guild membership, as far as influence and boons are concerned. Yes, it would cause some difficulty in regards to guilds that are WvW based. However, I would assume that they already do most of their recruiting in WvW or on the web, so this system already doesn’t affect them very much. If the goal is to make a more inclusive game, then allow PvE focused guilds to have a free reign across servers. Make it easy for guilds to include every interested person they meet.


Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Successful Guild Rush Marked Failed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


This happened to Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood as well, same course. Is this course bugged? Should I submit a support ticket?

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


I would really appreicate a Dev response or someone to direct me to a post where this has been addressed.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


What if they had certain servers that allowed multiguild and others that didn’t. Currently the way guilds work is that only people on the current server can get guild benefits and give influence. I don’t see why that would hurt anyone and may be a good compromise?

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


@Electro, are there a lot of guilds like this? This is the first I’ve heard of that. Since any race/order can assist in the missions of the others I didn’t think this was as much of a problem. When the game first launched we did Personal Story runs with people from all race/orders. Is there a game feature we’re missing out on? I’m interested, because no one has never said, “Sorry Meltdown, I’m looking for a good Asuran Krew.”

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


IMHO, GW2 is severely lacking in general social and leadership tools in the UI. This is a very flawed approach for designing something that is inherently as social as an MMO. Good leaders make the game fun for everyone around them. Anything you can do to make it easier to help other people have fun is a huge win for the entire community.

If I was leading a guild, I’d absolutely need to have statistics available to support partial representation; eg. percent representation, influence earned, etc.. Without that, I’d probably just say “100%” required to make pruning the roster easier.

I guess you want a damage meter for dungeons too, so you can kick people who don’t do max DPS for their chosen class?

I think he’s trying to take care of members that actually represent his guild by identifying the ones that don’t. It’s a problem in a large guild, if you have max members and they start to move away from the game/guild, you’ve got to replace them for the system to continue to work. Or you hurt the members you have and eventually lose them.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


Thanks frost. Do you know if any other of the things on this forum have been openly discussed by the devs?

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


As far as I can tell they made the game, worked the inital bugs out of the guild system, then started making other stuff. It seems like they’ve never taken any time to go back and rework the system. That may be a false statement and if something was in the works, I wish they’d give us a hint as to what it is.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


But it’s impossible for me to conclusively determine who due to the lack of this ability to see when they last logged in, and as a result I’m kind of paranoid to kick people out even if I don’t ever see them log in myself.

Exactly, I’ve lost members because I was afraid of doing that!

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


That’s a good possibly. I think a system like that would probably help a lot of guilds out.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


I was told in GW1 after 1 or 2 months of absence an leader would be lowered in rank and another player of the guild would be new leader. Automatically.
That would be enough to solve our problem.

I don’t think that was actually in GW1. I recall trying to kick someone and accidently promoting them to GL. They hadn’t been on for months, we had to wait until they logged in and read the guild message and returned the Leadership. Maybe Arena Net installed something later, I did send them a support ticket.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


If you had alliances to work with and so didn’t have to worry about the roster cap, and you had no visible report of activity, the way it is now, would you still cull members for inactivity? If inactivity data weren’t a drag on your membership’s morale, and you didn’t have to worry about the maximum numbers allowed would you let members keep their guild spots after a month or two months or a year of inactivity? If not may I ask why not? Is it just habit to cull the roster?

While an alliance system would be nice. I’ve never seen one that would fix the current problem. Every alliance I’ve been a part of was just a group of soverign guilds that allowed players to talk with each other and share one resource. In GW1 it was faction. Even if that system was in place and I filled it with sub guilds of my own, I’d have no way of moving inactive members and I’d still have a roster of names of people who aren’t playing. In honesty, if I had unlimited space in my guild I’d leave people on forever. My goal is to have at least 50% of the guild on at peak times. In practicallity, I’ll probably never have 250 members on at once. It’ll always be more like 33%. I cannot see a system in which I can continue to bring in new members without losing old members. I want to give my guildies the best chance to find a group within the guild and also give them as many buffs as I can. An alliance system would only help with part of that. Also, if half of my guild hadn’t logged on for over a month and I couldn’t move them or refused to kick them, few new people would join or stay, because my guild looks dead.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


I’ve been skimming through the forums the past few days and it seems these things have been said over and over. Have the devs responded to the guild problems at all?

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Ban The Teleporting Farmers?!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


How does this even affect you? This isn’t a game that a the resource has to spawn again after someone else uses it. It only disappears after you use it.

That’s a pretty expensive way to farm. I wouldn’t fault them; I would pity them.


Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


I also know for a fact that several of my players go to other guilds for PvP directly because of boons.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


Culling isn’t good for anyone — if someone has been out of game for 3 weeks and they come back to no guild, who is really served? Not the player, not the guild leader, not the guild members who enjoyed their presence, it just isn’t a very nice thing to walk back into.

That would be for the guild to decide. I don’t think I’ve ever played an MMO where a large guild would let someone sit on the roster for a month without login. The problem that large guilds run in to is that you can have a large part of the guild stop playing within the same period of time. If you don’t have a system for removing player (normally players who aren’t contributing), then you’re guild structure is weakened until those members come back. The problem my guild is currently suffering. I also don’t think it’s too much to ask a member to send someone a heads up that they’re not gonna be on for awhile. I’ve never kicked someone who gave me prior notice.

If it should be that these suggestions are implemented, please make it so that only guild leaders or higher ranking officers can see them — if someone is able to admin the rank then they could see these stats, but otherwise they could not. There is no reason for general membership to be seeing that someone hasn’t signed on or repped the guild lately. It’s just something to breed discontent without any real significance or value.

I agree to this point. A large part of greif that a guild leader recieves is about how other players aren’t doing x.

My guild has LOTS of influence points — more than I can comfortably spend, even though I keep upgrades building all of the time. I don’t know how guilds with 500 people could possibly be hurting for influence unless the players don’t actually group up and do things together. An increase of influence would be superfluous for my guild unless there were some way to build more than 2 things at once. Building more than 2 things at once would be awesome, though.

We were running 6 boons 24/7, sometimes 7. In order to do that we had to rush quite a lot. 4 of the boons require 1250 influence per rush. Doing that to even 2 while also rushing the influence boons comes out to roughly 7500 a day, in rushing costs alone. Granted 2 of those will run for more than 24hrs. In the beginning we were steadly upgrading everything, then as membership dropped off we had to stop upgrading, we’ve got tier 4 on everything but Art of War (only tier 3). We stopped so we could maintain the boons. As membership dropped further we had to decrease the amount of boons we run constantly. Until we can repopulate our roster with people playing fequently, we’ll be stagnent where we are. I’m curious to see what boons you’re running and how fequently. Also, what all of your track tiers are. I cut off the part of your message about people moving for buffs. I’ve had people ask me during recruiting what buffs we ran. I also used to be able to use it to keep my members repping. I’m not saying its the majority, but there are definitly a lot of players that want them.

Notification of someone leaving the guild being shown in guild chat — that is horrific and does nothing but create drama. There is a list on the roster history screen where you can get that information if you want to see it -- coming across chat should never happen.

I’ve always thought that was a bad idea and I prefer the log. However, I would like to see (player) joined the guild. It’s always nice to be on a recruiting spree and see everyone say Welcome!

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


While I’m here, I’d like to mention Guild Halls as a game element that would help keep members. Its a status symbol, something that new members can look at and easily tell that a guild takes themselves seriously. I remember pooling resources for our guild hall in Guild Wars 1. As a small guild at the time, we had a real sense of accomplishment when we got all of the upgrades. I think the things mentioned above should be done first, but this is definitely content that a lot of people want.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Issues with the guild system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


I like your suggestions, please feel free to read over my post as well: some similar stuff. These are changes that need to be made.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meltdown.5921)

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


The next few are additional things that would cut some headache and make the guild system fun and manageable.

Separate the Admin lower ranks permissions
Some guilds would like to allow lower members the ability to invite without allowing them to kick/demote/promote. They should be able to invite their friends or party members if that’s what their guild allows without adding steps to that process by contacting the guild leadership.

Notification when members log on
I think this was in Guild Wars 1, but I’d like to know when people in the guild log on or join the guild. Its just a great way to know that someone is on if you see it in your chat.

I welcome feedback and suggestions from the community and Devs. Thank you for your time and I hope these suggestions will be implemented, because they’re needed.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


Hello Guild Wars Community and Devs. I’m the primary leader of the guild Goonies[Goon] located on the Fort Aspenwood server. I brought this guild over from Guild Wars 1 and have been an active player since the first Beta Weekend. As far as MMOs go, guild leadership/organization is the probably the greatest part of the experience to me. So naturally I was excited by all the things I could do with my guild and ways that I could upgrade and all the neat tools at my disposal. It wasn’t until we were a month into release that things started to unravel in that dream. We had reached the max of players within two months. We had started to see our roster fill up with players who didn’t represent our guild a majority of the time. As a leader of several guilds in games with conventional guild systems this bothered me. I had openly labeled our guild as a casual guild that allowed multiple guild membership. However, that was far before I knew the impact that it could have on the internal workings of stuff like influence, upgrades and boons. We were running six boons at a time all of the influence boons, XP, Karma, and Magic Find. Sometimes adding gathering to that list. However, as activity dropped off and people started using other guilds for their PvP boons that we did not offer, we slowly had to start decreasing what we offered. We’re down to only three boons, 5% and 10% influence and Magic Find. As far as our membership, we had little way of telling who was actually playing anymore. We had just shy of five hundred members and only seventy five logging on a day. We had started a project where the leadership would demote members online that weren’t representing or responding to whispers about representing to a sub rank months ago. So using information I gathered from the forums about people not logging on, ie offline players at unknown location, I began a mass purge of my roster.
The point I’m getting at is that there is a great guild system here, but its broken and its a headache for dedicated guild leaders. There are days that I log on and do nothing but guild maintenance because there’s no easy work arounds. I know from experience that a guild leader’s job is tedious, but its currently ridiculous. Here is a list of things that must be added or fixed to help us the guild leaders:
Last Online Column
In Guild Wars 1 you could easily see when the last time a member was on. This is a must for any serious guild. There’s no way to efficiently recycle your membership without knowing who’s been online and who hasn’t.
The next three deal with the same issue
Increase the reasons for members to stay in one guild
I don’t agree with the multiguild system, but I realize that it would be harder to do away with it than to attempt to fix it. There must be a system in place that allows guilds to run boons for both PvE and PvP players. There are a large group of people who like the conventional system of guild membership and they want to play with the same people every day and not have to shift between a PvP guild and a PvE guild when they choose to play one or the other. This switch is not only annoying to that type of player, but also damaging to a guild’s infrastructure. We loose influence donation which decreases what we can offer to members which decreases guild attendance which continues to decrease what we can offer to members. The cycle can easily destroy a guild.
Increase the influence gain per member or decrease the amount needed for each boon
If we have to share our members with other guilds for different game play, then each member contribution should count more towards the guild than it currently does. That could be obtained by increasing influence gain across the board or making things at higher levels grant more influence than in beginner areas. Alternatively, you can decrease the amount of influence needed to maintain each boon whether it be queue costs or rushing cost.
Make it easier to have a PvX guild
Doing something with both of those points above will help, but it doesn’t have to stop there. You can install more upgrades like the guild workshop that would allow guilds to keep more boons up. You’re alienating a large group of players that only want to run under one guild banner. That don’t want to switch to play other parts of the game.
Show the Message of the Day at logon
This was in Guild Wars 1 and most every other MMO I’ve ever played. The MotD is the best way to get information about events and such in game. Your average member does not look at the guild screen on a daily basis. I’d also like to see it displayed each time it’s changed. Also while I’m on the MotD, please don’t make it clear the whole thing out when you’re trying to edit it.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meltdown.5921)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meltdown.5921


I agree with almost everything here! I think that the guild functions that were part of GW1 should at least be added. A lot of guilds are getting bloated by members who haven’t been on in ages. The biggest reason I found this thread was because I was searching for last online. I think a Dev needs to look into this. This is “Guild” Wars after all.

Meltdown Fireroot
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood