Showing Posts For Memento Mori.5217:

All phantasms now utterly broken.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

Please hotfix it like all software house do, You can’t force us to change spec or play with broken one for another week.
Not all like shatter or condition builds. I don’t care about damage but this delay is worthless, phantasm dies before attack so often now.
It’s hard to believe a fix like that requires more then two days…

Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

Sunday afternoon is training day on Riverside. We develop new tactics, we answer questions from new players, we work on teamplay and communication.

I can assure you, we were not training turtle tactics. We are thinking offensively. Enjoy your keeps and towers, when training is over we usually go out and paint the map in our colors.

While we waited for everyone to show up, we fought OSC for a good one and a half hours with in epics fights.

No offence or flame but your server is only good at pvd. You take keep/tower from 2 am to 4 am. It’s not the first time we met… I hope u don’t train on this.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

I still no find a reason why is needed a new gear tier for filling the gap from exotic and legendary if they have same stats as we all know…
So i don’t want legendary cause it’s so grindy and don’t like skins but now I must grind for a new tier even if I don’t want legendary cause they create and fill the gap in one patch…
This is madness, place explain this…

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

Was really that hard to put some awesome armor/weapon skins from gw1 as reward for this new dungeon?
In before ascendent armor on gemstore also…

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

Considering the entire Manifesto was about options, and the new gear is not mandatory, there was no lie.

Nothing is “mandatory.” You can run around WvW in a set of blues. Have fun with that.

Considering WvW ends up devolving into a game of number of players fielded in an area, its not difficult to do at all….. I still don’t have any Exotic Accessories, and hold my own no problem. I’ve leveled two characters in WvW no problem….

WvW is not a 1v1 scenario, it’s no SPvP and was never balanced….. Ascended Gear will make no difference whatsoever to it.

Infact, you can’t even customize Ascended gear to your playstyle, where as you can with Exotics through upgrade slots…. That’s more valuable to a WvW player.

Additionally, WvW is an entirely different beast as it doesn’t fully rely on individual stats. In the end it always breaks down into mobs of players fighting.

Ascended gear will barely have any effect whatsoever in WvW. It never was equal, and never will be.

There are items already in game that are more useful anyways, and its not like every WvW player has them. Take a look at the Tri-Forge Pendant.

+40 Power
+40 Precision
+40 Toughness
+40 Vitality
+5% Critical Damage
+40 Healing Power
+40 Condition Damage
+ Upgrade slot

Doesn’t this item alone already effect game balance? It provides bonuses to all stats and has a slot for upgrades… where the complaints for it?

Cause this pendant isn’t really worth, you can’t max any build with that… Clearly you still don’t know how this game works. It’s like divinity runes, jack of all trade master of nothing, used only for take some belace but a lot build are based on max burst, bunker or condition where this thrinket is almost useless.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

This is a fail second only at Dark and Light, NGE e Diablo 3…

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

So far, GW1 keeped player for 7 years pretty easyly, why ? because tons of skills ( 200skills per class + multiclass ), tons of differents possible builds. It mean ALWAYS change your gameplay.
And the only farm was 100% cosmetic. It worked perfectly.

it work too for Mabinogi ( VERY old mmo ) why ? also a skill based game with no class, you can learn and play everything ( melee / ranged / magic / alchemy /..etc )
But you have to rank skill to make them more powerfull ( painfull grind part, but with a faraway more interesting goal ), and the rock – paper – scissor game style is just very interesting.
But you have nearly 0 gear grind, except for the skin too.

This game work like a charm since 2004, and 2008-2009 in NA.

Its a skill based game. focused on the GAMEPLAY. like GW1 was.

But GW2 only have a real poor gameplay and choice to make build like all boring mmo. No real party gameplay, poor dungeon only based on dodge and not on skill like GW1.. etc.
It mean get bored really fast, so only way to keep player “forcing” play is the gear grinding.
Also, the pvp is far away less interesting than the GW1 one ( no arena, no GvG, no HoH )
Anet really fail his “GuildWars” 2 even if there is quiet a lot interesting idea.

So like many here i just hate the gear grinding, but at see the poor GW2 gameplay possibilities i’am not surprised that Anet choose this easyest way instead of take the hard way to improoved smartly the GW2 gameplay.

So fail.

This, and that’s why game like lol, dota2 got a lot of players.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

We want reds in this thread not useless blog who say what we already figured out till yesterday…

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

Funny they touch the only thing works fine in this game…

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

I want GvG
I want PvP and Wv3 ladders/elo system
I want “cool” skins
I want more skills like gw1 was
I want bug fixes

I DON’T want more %stat…

11/9 Seafarer's Rest v Riverside v Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Memento Mori.5217

Memento Mori.5217

Millersund is the best german server we faced till now. Hope in less nightcrew like was vs kodash/riverside 2 week ago.
Huge force by Millersund and some good guild like Eclipse Gaming, we got some really nice fight. GL