Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Showing Posts For Mikeybalz.2089:
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
+1. With about a 450 radius. It is an op downstate skill especially if it was intended for a PvP/GvG style game mode in the guild arena…
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Get your foil hats on boys…
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Are there any plans for the gobbler pack to be re-released this Halloween in the gem store?
Incase some don’t know what it is ~
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
(edited by Mikeybalz.2089)
you didn’t complain about CD gaining you? If not your justice is irrelevant
Does it matter? sV is moving to SoS. It has been sayed….
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
(edited by Mikeybalz.2089)
Think about it guys. To WvW’ers Enrichment infusions are useless! And as we all know anet wants to bring pve into wvw i.e. the cannons etc.. Why not force us to use pve infusions instead of +5 power and so on that are useful….
Tbf, Anet should at least let us trade in the useful ones for the useless ones….
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Why would you expect them to add anything else?
Tomes of Knowledge are mainly for gaining levels, the spirit shards are already a secondary use so people who aren’t levelling characters can still use them. What else are you waiting to see added?
I am perfectly aware of what they are used for. I was looking for another possible use or suggestion from the community besides taking up storage space….
EDIT: I currently have all the legendary’s I wanted (9) so no use for shards either.
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
(edited by Mikeybalz.2089)
Hi, I am curious if you guys plan to add anything other than gaining 1 spirit shard for 1 the tome?
I currently have 14 ~ lvl 80’s and about 3+ stacks of tomes left over.
Thanx in advance.
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Sounds cool. I mean there is Obsidian Sanctum that people can just go to and duke it out? While people sit in Q or w/e…
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Thank you Tyler. Hope this gets fixed soon. Atm NET in TC bl :/
The treb was so far back in spawn, I couldn’t target it. You can faintly see the bolder shooting out of spawn.
Thank you again.
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
This was placed inside of YB’s spawn aimed @ NWT on YBBL. Can’t attack it etc. Fix pls?
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Thank you Anet! The true wvw’ers prayers have been answered!
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Man, ide love to see the OG maps back with the island in the center of the BL’s (you would have to get pearls befriend the quaggans etc) But my point is, Underwater combat was hilarious in that area back then. Now a days its like breather? Underwater weps? For what besides pve? :P
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collect help?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mikeybalz.2089
It dropped in my first gold chest – after over a week of bronze and silver chests.
Nice, ya I’m just missing the adventure one and ulgoth so 12/14. Ulgoth I’ve killed 9x and nothing and adventures ive been doing for 2 days now… Sucks you put sooo much time and money into getting scribe to 400 only then to start a whole new collection which is based mostly on rng lol..
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
(edited by Mikeybalz.2089)
Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collect help?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mikeybalz.2089
Any. It’s just a rare drop.
Ty. prays to RNG gods >.>
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collect help?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mikeybalz.2089
Ok so in one of the collections it says : Adventurous Melody – Found in adventure reward chests. There are 15 adventures and 3 chest’s per adventure. Can it drop from any of them – (bronze/silver/gold) or does it only have to be a gold finish?
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
One last thing. I havent purchased HoT. And to be honest, WvW is the thing i love the most in this game. After reading all of this and sitting thinking about it, I am not even motivated to purchase it.
Thanx for the fun.
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
How does this guy figure more people log in on a saturday when any server from T1 toT4 almost pretty much Q every map on reset night… Someone needs to get their facts straight.
I always say change is good. But this is just silly to cater to the pve’ers (nothing new) that log in mostly saturdays and mess up your dedicated wvw player/fan base… GG Bois.
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
(edited by Mikeybalz.2089)
Oh hai there! :P
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Thank god this week is over!!!!! My guild hasn’t raided all week in WvW….
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Oh my… #GoodTimesSoS.
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
For the shiggles :P
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
Known this bunch for a while. Fun grp. And cant go wrong when the leader says he will suck your kittens lol….
Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.