Showing Posts For Mirithal.7685:
My lag/FPS is actually much better after the patch! Given the fact that I can now see 300 people, I was thinking that performance would actually get worse. I’m running all settings at ultra/high. i7 3770k OC to 4.5 GHz w/ GTX 680.
Devs: did you guys do any tuning that would have made high-end computers perform better?
It is currently 6:16 AM PDT. I wouldn’t expect comm’s to roll in for a while.
Same. I want my money back.
A second GTX 680 would be overkill for GW2, it will be cool for crysis 3 or farcry 3 but for GW it will make no difference in low frame rate situations, sure looking to the sky u will see 400 FPS instead 250 using SLI, but in lions arch u will still see FPS as low as 30, SLI will make no difference in WvW, cities or heavy PVE events.
A single gtx 680 will give u very good frames in general at that res, even running triple monitors or 3D surround it will give u respectable performance. I would avoid SLI in general for games since it causes a lot of truobles, suttering, some games don’t scale properlly, it is more of a marketing thing, u know they made it possible in order to sell more videocards, but it really causes a lot of truoble sometimes. If u want really high end performance wait for the new tesla videocard, tho it is rumored to cost arround 1600$ so u probably want to save money :PThis statement is not true…if i disable SLI i have noticable lower FPS allround,and yes,LA included.SLI enabled it pops right back…Yes again..LA included.SLI has a MAJOR impact on performance if you have the cpu to back it up.
The statement they made was not :
“SLI will not make a difference in FPS for GW2”.
If I understand them correctly, their statement is:
“Since 680 is a high-end graphics card, there isn’t a CPU on the (consumer) market that will back it up. Therefore, adding an additional 680 in a SLI configuration will not benefit low-FPS scenarios like heavy WvW, big cities, etc. This doesn’t mean that a SLI configuration for lower-end graphics cards will not be beneficial to GW2”
That’s my interpretation.
Thank you very much for the input! That definitely steers me away from purchasing an additional card. I’d much rather save my $500 and just purchase a high-end card that is unreal (later on in the year).
What you mention regarding other games is definitely something I should look at more (I play BF, CoD)… however, I’ll do my own research on that front.
Why do you say low framerate in LA, WvW, heavy PVE, etc. with a SLI configuration (why doesn’t SLI help in these scenarios?)?
Sorry! I should have specified… i7 3770K
Hi All,
I have a EVGA GTX 680 on the way and just wanted to know how many FPS I should expect on a 2560 × 1600 monitor at full detail? This card will also be driving one other monitor with a much smaller resolution.
The reason I ask is because I’m thinking about ordering another GTX 680 and putting them in SLI. Will this be necessary?
Hey All,
On my fourth try I was able to complete this quest. As other people mention in this post, it seems that one of the mobs get caught in the pile of rubble at the first tower. Before my party got to each tower, I ran ahead and aggro’d all of the mobs as to keep them away from the tower. That way, when the towers are destroyed, there are no mobs in the rubble!
ANet: Please make it so that destroying these towers also kills the mobs in them! I think that would be the realistic way to handle this event.