Showing Posts For Miss Hilton.4623:

Alt F4ing to Deny Stomp Points

in WvW

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

Pointing fingers at other servers is tacky. There will be abusers on every server more than likely. It’s bad to be a poor sport and close out to avoid giving a point to the opposing team. It is also bad to spread hate and accusations against entire servers.

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

(edited by Miss Hilton.4623)

Invasions constantly fail now due to AFKers

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

I’m pretty irritated with this event. If they are going to make events that last an hour long, they need to be more careful about how easily they are failing now…I don’t have time to keep spending entire hours on failed events. I did two in a row yesterday that failed and I’m pretty sick of it.

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

[Merged] Can't sell my weapon skins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

The only difference is one still has an account bound flag set and the other does not. The former doesn’t even say “account bound.”

It’s why I’ve stated that I’d like to see a developer supported method for updating existing skins rather than this, “sorry but you’re screwed if you decided to buy a skin before August 20” approach. It makes absolutely no sense.

It also seems like since there is no visible difference, perhaps they just overlooked something and are now attempting to cover it up as intentional instead of going back and fixing it. It’s kind of silly how readily they like to alienate small portions of their player base. I think they don’t realize that at the rate they are doing this a small portion is going to get a lot larger…

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

[Merged] Can't sell my weapon skins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

I also wish they would reconsider this. I have several problems with what they have decided.
- If they wanted them to be exclusive then they should stay that way. If not, then not. I don’t care one way or the other if they would actually stick to what they say and not make loopholes that not everyone can participate in. I’d certainly love to be able to make gold off of the skins I have had sitting in my bank all these months that were leftover from my mistaken attempt to get the minis. The money I spent on Christmas for that left me with a foul taste in my mouth and nothing but regret and disdain for the money grabbing Anet practices. However..I’m getting off track.

ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, Anet! Seriously! Don’t do this half one way half another. Some people can sell theirs and some can’t. It’s crap. And don’t say well, those who traded in their tickets before can’t do it, cuz they can too IF they have enough gold to get a skin and stack them OR had enough to stack in the first place. The rest of us are out of luck. Ridiculous excuses for more things they implemented before they fully thought of the consequences.

Either let us sell them or don’t. Not let those who can afford to sell them while the rest of us don’t get to. Either stick to what you say and only let those who purchased them after the patch sell them or change it so that those working around that system aren’t the only ones who can sell.

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

(edited by Miss Hilton.4623)

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

In the interest of saving this thread, I thought you all might want to know that certain KN took a page from TC’s playbook. This joyriding event was ongoing when I got off.

Thanks to all who took a moment to join in the fun. Sometimes it’s nice to enjoy the moment, enemies or not.

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

I think I get it about gambling.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

My feelings are simple. It’s disrespectful for ANet to offer desirable and exclusive items through RNG chests. It’s doubly so to introduce monthly events just to promote these RNG chests. There’s no shortage of people who would buy these exclusive items if they were sold in the traditional method (i.e. paying Gems for exactly the item you want) instead of what is essentially gambling with unpublished odds of winning. I’m all for ANet offering items people want and I’m all for them making money, but the way they’re going about it seems too much like Maple Story and too little like Guild Wars.

I completely agree with this. I at least think everything should be available through the store without gambling. Take for instance the Halloween minis. You could buy them without having to go through chests and items that you don’t want if you just want the minipets. However, for the next two events you are required to buy chests even if all you want is the minipets. And buy the chests, and buy the chests…until you somehow get one. I don’t want ANYTHING out of the chests except the minipets…that’s what I collect and that’s what I want. I wasted so much of my money trying to satisfy my OCD need to have the minipets. Yes there is self control and yes I have none, I get that. But I feel like ANET is taking advantage of their loyal customers who WILL SPEND MONEY regardless. If they offered just the minipets in the store I would get them. I would buy 2 sets like I did on Halloween so that I could use the mystic forge. But I feel ripped off for having to spend so much more in hopes I could get the minis for this event. The RNG chests are an obvious ploy to get more money from players and as you said, completely disrespectful.

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

Are the new drops available permanently?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

Is there even any confirmation that the items are dropping from the creatures?

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

Are the new drops available permanently?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

I would also like to know if the minipets will continue to drop after the event is over. I know it says the chests are limited time availability, but does that count the items in the chest that drop elsewhere? Confirmation please!!

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

Reward was too big; I feel this is unfair [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

Most people that were part of it did not get anything close to a precursor. There were just a lot of people participating so the amount of people getting that nice RNG hit was higher, especially with the chest loot increase thingy they’ve done.

Again…many, many people did not get one. Saying ‘everyone else gets it for free’ is very inaccurate.

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

I do sympathize with this. I just quit my job…so I have lots (too much) free time and am able to make all these events. But my boyfriend works so he has missed every single GW2 event that has happened so far (including Halloween stuff). Kind of sucks to do all this by myself and see people miss out.

Honestly though, I’d rather be employed than do this event again.

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

(edited by Miss Hilton.4623)

Reward was too big; I feel this is unfair [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

Ouch…that is kind of painful to hear. Especially since many trial users won’t be back after their trial is up.

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

Loot rewards for lowbies = trash

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

The 20 slot bag alone makes the whole thing worth it. Those things are bloody expensive.

The Karka Shell trinket is really nice too. If you didn’t get that it sucks. Everything else is, meh.

And “DOZENS of gold” is a serious exaggeration. It’s probably 2-5g worth of exotics was the average for level 80s.

This is true. I was able to loot the chest just in time. If the items I got sell on the trading post I may make about 2g. I was disappointed to not get a precursor, of course, but honestly when this event began I really figured there would be no chest at all. Just a karma/xp/silver reward. So in the end I’m actually pleasantly surprised we got anything at all.

The only reason I can think that they would want it to be scaled would be so that people don’t use trial account low level characters to get awesome gear and abuse the trial system. I don’t even know if that would work though. Just guessing.

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

Got kicked out of a group again :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

This hasn’t happened to me and I don’t have any experience in dungeons on other characters/professions. So I guess I’m really ignorant on this subject… is our damage really that bad compared to others??? Ouch…

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)

Miniature Southsun Cove Trio

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Miss Hilton.4623

Miss Hilton.4623

While googling about the new mini pets I found this:
Miniature Southsun Cove Trio
Is this an item that is/will be in the game? I really want to get the minipets (I’m OCD about collecting minipets in GW), but I’m pretty broke. I bought some chests and was not lucky enough to receive a mini pet. I’m trying to save my gold to buy them off the auction house as well.

Anyone know about this item? Googling isn’t getting me any other information on this. Sorry if anyone has asked this. I searched in the forums, but was not successful in finding mini pet information for this event!

Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)