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Harpy Feather Event Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mistwood.3568


I have never been able to do this dynamic event, since the Harpy Matriach can never be found despite of having partially filled health bar in event window on the top right corner.

I’ve tried to lure mobs to the skritt to kill them, rezzing all the skrit, stay at the location for over 20 minutes, but nothing happens. The skritts stays in place, the harpy unaggroed, and the matriach never shows up.

[Bug] The Wurm's Golden Chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mistwood.3568


I’ve already submitted a ticket.

Last night I did the 8pm server time Triple Trouble, for the first time yesterday, and I didn’t get The Wurm’s Golden Chest, even though all three heads were decapitated and all three severed heads were killed with about 10 seconds to spare.

I’ve heard people complaining not getting their chests after EVERY runs since the Megaserver thing went into effect, but this is the first time it happened to me that I’ve noticed.

Considering how much more difficult it is for to do Triple Trouble nowadays with Megaserver (since there will always be people afking on the map/mapping/doing champion/don’t wanna cooperate, as oppose to people doing Triple Trouble creating a brand new overflow for themselves like before Megaserver), interesting and challenging raid like Triple Trouble should not have as much bugs as it currently has.

EotM balancing/ Outnumbered buff

in WvW

Posted by: Mistwood.3568


That’s a really good question. How about +vitality, or +running speed (so that we can escape), or 3s stealth on hit (so that we can escape) while frolicking and gathering strawberries on a map where you are outnumbered…

how dungeon gear works?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mistwood.3568


say, you just hit 80 and want to gear yourself up in… say.. berzerker exotic (which is quite popular in pve for power builds).

You can:
1.Do Cof (p1+2 exceedingly easy), CoE (p2+3 rather easy) or Arah (less likely due to its difficulty) repeatedly to get their token
2. Craft it yourself (kinda cheap and easy actually, if you had not neglected your crafting while leveling)
3. Buy the exotic that someone else had crafted off TP (cheap and definitely easy, put in an order instead of buying instantly to save even more gold)
4. Buy them with a bit of coins and your badge of honor from the WvW/EotM merchants (with the new EotM map, badge of honor has never flow this quickly before for the non-dedicated wvwers like myself)
5. Get it with Karma
6. Mystic Forge: combine 4 greens for a yellow, 4 yellow for a exotic, and hope that it makes the one you want
7. Do fractal/pve/wvw/EotM/champ train/mega raid/regular pve and hope for drops (the more magic find% you have, the better it works)

And the best part is, you can do all of the above, and later cheaply transmute your armor/weapon’s to any armor/weapon you like later thanks to the new transmutation system.

So ya, still a bit of grinding, but outside of solo game with editor/cheat mode, no rpg, MMO or not, is exactly without grinding.

(edited by Mistwood.3568)

Transmutation Mess

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mistwood.3568


So the new transmutation system isn’t as flexible as the stones?

It isn’t, but it also make transmuting the appearence of lvl 80 items so much cheaper, which should be the primary use for transmutation crystal/stones anyways.

Asura Elementalist Name!

in Asura

Posted by: Mistwood.3568


Something to do with the elements, maybe?

Ignilogist/Ignomancer Sera
Sera of Pyromagitech
Pyromancer/Pyrologist Sera
(-mancer inplied a master of a certain magic, -logist = master of a certain technology, since magic and technology are interchangeable to each other for the asura, you can pick the one you prefer)

Sera of Hydropharm/Aquatech/Hydromagitech/etc etc
Aquatechnologist Sera
Hydromancer Sera

Glacilogist/Glacilomancer Sera

Really, you can just pick your favorite element, scientific concept dealing with the elements (thermodynamics, entropy, enthalpy, etc , etc), pre-existing or imaginative asura krew, and slap together a job title or a krewe that Sera belongs to.

There are A LOT of lab in Metrica province studying the elements, some with their own POI, some don’t. Poke around them for inspiration

Explain the Asura ranger to me..

in Asura

Posted by: Mistwood.3568


In the game you’ll meet a lot of ranger npcs with their pet, but most singular npc with more than 1 pets are the asuras.

From the moa trainer in Rata Sum, to the moa racing guy in old Lion’s Arch, to the Asura scientist wanting his moas back in Queensdale, to the asura post master with numerous ravens in the Order of Whisper personal story instance…

I view the asura rangers not as like human or norn rangers in the usual sense (hunter/gatherer), but rather, they are animal trainers, animal behavioral psychologists, biologists, post master, biochemists, ecologists (etc etc). Just like a Charr ranger is less likely to be hermit hunter and more likely to be a scout/combat animal trainer in the military.