Showing Posts For Mixistrike.7840:
plz back to FRIDAY.
TY to ask us.
Tell me if you want, I have 28k AP, I can run herald but, it will be my first time doing raids, so I don’t know if you are interested.
Yeah, I want to participate if you find some group.
Hello, I’m looking for group to do raids, I usually play 2h before reset until 3h later reset, and 12h after reset time.
I have 28k AP
I’m playing this game since launch, I do all daily fotm everyday 77,67,56, 40,32,daily … so on.
Almost full ascended beserker all specs(heavy 4 pieces, medium 3 pieces, light 6 pieces). All weapons ascended beserker.
If you need someone to fill your group, email ou whisper me.
Thx anet for this new system, I had almost 55% victory on all my 5k matches so far, now I’m 30 loses behind the 50%. TY so much for this new system.
Sorry, the devs merged the topics, now I read this topic and I would like to know if worth 1g for salvage them. because I’m full ascended armor with all my toons. and like I said, I have more than 200rings.
What should I do with all unused itens I got from fotm?? I have almost 200+ and I don’t know what should I do.
I still think the problem is the stolen credit cards, so lets focus on this guys.
yeah, the problem is the stolen credit cards. Lets fix this then we don’t have to deal with the ingame problem.
+1 for you
Seriusly anet, all the gold sellers have the same achievement points and you cannot block those guys???? There is someone work on it? because if it is, this “someone” is doing a bad job, relocate this “someone” to another job plz.
What I tried to say is global chat for your homeserver and work only at wxw maps, like /t.
Ex: if you are at Crystal Desert(homeland) and you are at wxw map ( EBG for example ), you can talk with your crystal deserts players across all boarderlands.
Hello, I wish to see some kind of global chat for all wxw maps, sometimes we don’t have any force in one boardland so we can see if there is someone alive in other maps without to move one by one and use the “/m hello, there is any group here?”.
This will be a good thing for defense too.
ps: sorry my english
hahahahahaha lol this thread!! goooo leeto
I wish you to add more those beasts on the pvp lobby, the population of pvp was increased and we don’t have enough, in my opnion, or at least reduce the cooldown between the kills.
Sorry for my english.
PERFECT → “Shopping for Ambers” TY SOOOOO MUCH
I would like to say , I don’t speak english very well, so if you see some mistakes, don’t worry =)
Well, I think the leagues it was a HUGE burst to the pvp system, it was amazing to see lots of players doing the pvp and still do. we can’t complain about that, I aplause anet to implement this in the game.
Second, we know this is the first season and the first new system which was understandable some mistakes of codes or I don’t know, decisions.
So I’ll quote someone else problems
-Premades vs Soloers. Check
-MMR algorithm set to 50%… Check
-Losing pips vs premades. Check
-Losing pips when 4v5. Check
-People legally tanking MMR. Check
-Almost un-playable classes. Check
-Premades vs Soloers. Check is a huge problem, because I would like to say if we separate soloq and party. We can’t play against each other, we need a party of 2 and 3 against 5, and we can’t do party of 4. because we need to put someone solo. it means almost impossible to reach. Plus the mmr, we don’t have players enough to have queue less then 30min. The only way I can imagine to fix this is soloq and teamq, but for teamq I think the reward must be high, because otherwise we won’t see players. and the other thing, maybe, “soloq” with max 3 players in party.
-MMR algorithm set to 50%… Check for me its fine, it how it goes
-Losing pips vs premades. Check . We should have, maybe, changes on how to lose pipe or at least change the parameters for that.
-Losing pips when 4v5. Check. We need to fix this, like if the player don’t even come or stay off for more than 2 minutes, we shouldn’t lose pipes. its unfair
-People legally tanking MMR. Check. We can’t do nothing about it, unfortunately.
-Almost un-playable classes. Check. I don’t think it is true and problem. I see warriors and thiefs doing amazing jobs. Just wont be easy to do.
Well I have lots of problems losing 10 matches in a row, or at least 8. I almost diamond and back to t3 again, its normal and kind of fun, definitively frustraiting but what can I do haha.
About this we have another problem. THE PARTY UP with low ranks shouldn’t be a problem, but it is because we have someone who is amazing in the game with a player that maybe is good but didn’t play a lot, so its a huuuge unbalance. What I suggest about this, I don’t care if those players are friends forever, if you want to play with a legendary, you will play against other legendaries. plz don’t try to balance the match with all ruby, you’ll not succeed.
Well. that was my thoughts about season 1 and how we can do better for the next season. Just try to fix those huge problems and it will be fine, actually it will be AMAZING SEASON 2 without those problems.
GOOD LUCK everyone!!!
I hope the next season we don’t get this.
If ambers and sapphires like to play with high ranks in a party, there is no problem,
JUST MAKE SURE THE LOW RANKS PLAY WITH THE legendaries and diamonds, why ruby??? Stupid way to legendaries going to prestige.
Fix this bs or soloq for the next season!!!!
well. ty sir. I didn’t know that.
I hope they let us get more points from dailies.
Hello, I have 27501 points and did my daily today, not counting. 12564 points from dailies. this isn’t the first day it happens….
If Im on the living story right now, why I should pay for play right now? The season already gone? because for me they are still on the living and not on the historical!!!!
I just bring some old friends to play again and now I just can’t explain to them why they can’t play the living story that is happening right now without pay the old one….
Am I wrong?
The new system won’t let you get this anymore, you must stay on lobby to enter!!!
yeah,you right. why not wait because ppl don’t even notice that button there, so everybody is ready but we need to wait because ppl just don’t click on the f button.
seriusly, if you need to change or afk for few minutes, just click there and the timer will be your friend.
IDEA, change the change status for I’m not ready, then if you are not ready you click there otherwise you are ready!!!
merge the points or remove the achievment leaderboard. its simple, if you talking about living world achievs, its fine, if you wasn’t there you can’t get, but things like this, block your progress!!
This isn’t fair. ppl getting 240 points and now we just can get 120points.
Yeah, it works. Ty
like this
We won this cap at the beginng of the game.
Justin ODell, I think you guys should start the progress with the points that you earn at the end of match, start adjusting those things and then you can use the same variables to create any better leaderboard. I didn’t know about the Glicko rating, but I’m pretty sure that the leaderboard of our GW2 is the worse leaderboard that I’d ever seen. I know you guys can do it!!!!
Now I change my build at pve and when I go to spvp my spvp build is the same as pve.
I thought my spvp build was saved at pvp build on the top button in Heart of the mists.
I don’t think the minipets should appears on the minimap.
In wxw for example, if you have minipets around your minimap shows something that isn’t real.
So if you can, remove the minipets from the minimap. (maybe pets from rangers too, but this I can’t tell you if for rangers is good enough or necessary, so I won’t discuss this over here)
no way, if they do this, players always gonna do alt+f4 at the matches.
There is no solution, but they need look into the logs and get the IP address from player and try to see if they are botting or if there is a real problem with the network.
I know they won’t do this, so put a big debuff on that player, so if the player had an issue with the network the player shouldn’t go to the competitive pvp.
If you don’t believe me, it happens a lot at the tournament during the week, the difference here is the players just don’t come back. so SET a big debuff on that player.
5×4 again and again and again. like 10 matches today I got 5×4. ridiculous!!!!
same issue, I repair the game and didn’t work.
I was watching a streamer and he don’t have this problem, I don’t know why =(
and there is another problem, lots of ppl just don’t speak another language, even if english is the most popular language in the planet. and I CAN tell you, every game could be played without understand whats going on around you.
But aka Dunning–Kruger effect.
I’m done with this post.
have fun!
if you want to compare, if I kill a boss I receive a chest, If I kill a world boss I can see a big chest, If I came and play wxw like this one, I didn’t receive anything when there is rewards do receive.
If you want to compare, it’s like killing a world boss and standing in front of the chest for 1 hour without looting it then complain you missed it.
yeah, is the same.
npc that who see is because knows he is there.
But, I already said.
yeah guys, never mind. You must be right, everyone goes to the wxw, check out the npc’s name, click on them and check what they are saying. This is the normal way to play MMOs. Thank you guys for the discussion.
Lots of people lost the rewards already!!!
aka Darwin Award
aka Dunning–Kruger effect
yeah guys, never mind. You must be right, everyone goes to the wxw, check out the npc’s name, click on them and check what they are saying. This is the normal way to play MMOs. Thank you guys for the discussion.
nobody is blame anyone. but rewards like that, should send for emails. I came here, I play the game, have fun, and no rewards because I just didn’t go to the npc. just sux and easy to fix. that’s all.
if you want to compare, if I kill a boss I receive a chest, If I kill a world boss I can see a big chest, If I came and play wxw like this one, I didn’t receive anything when there is rewards do receive.
The question is, email with rewards is always the best choice, lots of ppl participate but didn’t notice they should go claim that reward.
Guys, remove this claim rewards just after the reset and put the rewards after the season.
Lots of people lost the rewards already!!!
Yeah. Im agree with
I don’t know why we don’t have a big arena 10×10 15×15 20×20 and 25×25 yet.
If you tell me that probably would ended the wxwxw , IWill tell you. Reduce the servers and do the guild versus guilds on this “new type of game”.I’m pretty sure this isn’t hard to do. Just need to create UI for 10….ppl party. Not so hard burst the player base again. Don’t wait more. Do it now
Are you really sure , you want the ’’support’’ of the company about this ?
Because that means :
a) PvP stats = less stats than the WvWvW (you cant have a mode , where the STATS are off the roof and evethying melts into secs) …
Also , the PvP side have always characterized about evey1 is equal in the STATS -there no grind so you cant have a mode acts differently in the PvP from the rest …
b) PvP Balance (some spells already operate different in PvP – mostly nerfed)
c) The company can create a 15v15 map , but they will implant seondary objectives , so ppl can split up and dont have 15v15 deathmatches
d) Less unbalance runesAgain , are you really sure ?
Offtopic : We have alreally have mounts (Drill + Witch broom + Dry Kite) :P
Are you kidding? Did you go to obsidian sanctum lately? This is happening already, we just don’t have any tool to do this. There is a lots of guilds focused on “gvg” unfortunately we need yo put gvg inside quotes.
I don’t know why we don’t have a big arena 10×10 15×15 20×20 and 25×25 yet.
If you tell me that probably would ended the wxwxw , IWill tell you. Reduce the servers and do the guild versus guilds on this “new type of game”.
I’m pretty sure this isn’t hard to do. Just need to create UI for 10….ppl party. Not so hard burst the player base again. Don’t wait more. Do it now
Relax, Anet is trolling you all!!
the overwolf servers had like poop bandwidth. 2hours downloading 46mb of data, and I have now 2mb already done o.O
PLZ REMOVE sky hammer!!!!! Ridiculous map and ridiculous OP eng right now. Sorry this is true.
I’m agree with you guys. remove this is gonna hate everyone to spend hours trying to do that and don’t give anything to who don’t care about this.
Now you have seen what I was saying? Was too complicated for those who want to continue their AP-hunting and now was simply unfeasible to do it all daily, and has now become unfeasible to make all the points.