Showing Posts For Moira Dryade.6498:

Suggestion: Favorite builds button

in PvP

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

Things that must be in a template:

  • Weapons
  • Sigils
  • Rune
  • Amulet
  • Skills
  • Traits

Please seperate Traits from Armor, Weapons and all that stuff.
For example if I wan’t to share just a build then I should be able to do this. Or in other words if I recive a build but don’t wan’t to change my armor, weapons and stuff then I should be able to do this as well.
Also sharing builds including armor, weapons aso. would be a mess in PvE since one may not have the armor or something required by the build.

What could be in a template:

  • Skins
  • Dyes
  • Outfit
  • Finisher

Same as above. Things like this has to be some kind of optional.

Things to consider:

  • Sharing (chat links? codes? urls?)

I don’t know if there is a good reason for urls. May cause problems with fake-urls.
Chat links oder some other kind of code seems to be the best solution.

  • Saving (notepad vs. local vs. account vs. web)

What’s meant by “notepad”? To me a lokal file like it was in GW1 was perfect. It was easy to backup and sharing with third-party-programms to work on builds offline. Account-based may be usefull if there is an export-function as fallback to a lokal-file.
I wouldn’t prefer web based templates.

  • Building (one spot in UI vs. multiple spots)

1 spot in the hero-panel.

  • Websites (third-party sites should work with in-game)

What’s meant by this?

  • APIs (Could expose an API to third-parties)

Sounds good if it works. Every change on something included in a build template during updates coul’d be shared this way to third-parties.

  • PvP vs PvE vs WvW (each mode requires different configuration options)

Right. That’s a huge problem in GW2 where manny things don’t seem to work coherently.

Elona Reach / Seafarer's Rest / Desolation

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

pity we can’t see character names… because most in SFR including myself would report anyone we spot using hacks regardless of which side they are on and especially if they are on SFR.

Great attitude! Too sad that not every player has that much honor. No matter on wich server.

Anet needs to sort this out…

In my opinion they gave up when they removed the orbs. And if you’ve read the concerns about the upcoming new orb system they seem to admit that they can’t handle the hacks. I don’t blame them for that since I know it’s almost impossible to detect cheaters with some software. But then they should offer us a proper reporting system with recognizable effects (i.e. seeing people getting banned and don’t play on for weeks, months or ever) or hire some gamemasters wich can spec people ingame.

However I want to thank you for your attitude again.

Elona Reach / Seafarer's Rest / Desolation

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

If you can’t play the game without hacks then don’t play at all… just demonstrates how noob you really are when I kill you.

Oh lord I could say the same to so many SFR-players*…
And thats the reason why I don’t play against you anymore. It’s no fun to play against cheaters and if you show the proofs you’ll get slaped by ANet. They don’t care about how broken their game actually is so cheaters don’t care as well.
Just another “PvP”-mode ruined by ANet. Surprise!? No since it’s the 5th or 6th.

*everybody knows how SFR climbs up the ladder. shame on you!

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

Let me see.

You are german. Check.
You rage a lot. Check.
You quit. Don’t check … at least here in the forum.

Please let me ask you about your formulas here.

I’m a german because of what? Because of I can add 1+1 and I’m not afraid of to say that the earth is not flat?
I rage? Making a point is “raging a lot” for you? Are you serious? Really?
I quit? If you say “staying away” means “I quit” then you are right (nothing about the forums).

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

I just want to point out that rest of Europe are also sleeping at that time, almost every european player was sleeping too. It’s not only in Germany ppl are still sleeping at 5-6am.

I just want to point out that SFR is not a german nor a european server. Further I would be pleased if you’d consider different time-zones for americans, europeans, russians and whatever.

Do you really think every SFR player is in the same time-zone as germany is in? Elona is probably german only, SFR is wide spread and not only central europe for sure.
So think twice when you come next time around and shout that all the germans rage quit. Probably they are not in your time-zone and have to sleep as well as you have to. Make a screenshot when it’s 4pm in germany because this would be way more reliable.

Edit: ahaha the german mod deleted posts about cheating SFR players.
Oh noes too sad we’ve got the flashy-thing. Noone on SFR cheats, now it’s clear

(edited by Moira Dryade.6498)

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

ahahah welcome to this thread @Phox!
Some more stories about how SFR don’t cheat and not beeing arrogant?
Too sad they closed our nice thread on the german forums.
So come on and spread your wisdom here now instead of posting short youtube-clips!

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

n1 rage quit Germans.

They didn’t rage quit but they just moved to SFR.
Honestly you just missed the point where many Elona players avoid to play one more week against the number one arrogant cheater server. Have fun with flying Mesmers, Camera-Exploits, TS-Spys and the most arrogant players I’ve ever met in my life Piken!

Oh and btw I never ragequit because of a wipe but because the game is unplayable. Standing 7 seconds on each door-portal just to come out of a tower or whatever is not what I call a proper game. But if you think it’s all about some wipes… dream on!

Edit: I just want to point out that your screenshot was taken when almost every german was sleeping. Pretty strong! I hope you are proud to take an empty map

(edited by Moira Dryade.6498)

Thief haters, take this wisdom from a dev :)

in Thief

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

Except for the fact ofcourse he IS predictable…
Every time he enters stealth (nice fail on letting him stealth by the way) he is gonna go for a backstab in your back. So he has to walk to your back and he WILL. You know EXACTLY where he is and what he will do yet you claim you don’t. There’s lots of skills and utilities that can save you as a necro vs a thief and he’s never going to kill you in 1 combo anyway as you claimed he would. And even without all those spells you still could just dodgeroll away from where you last saw him and start running, he won’t catch up to you, he’s just going to destealth without having done a backstab.

Thieves are UNDERPOWERED in skilled play.
They are only BELIEVED to be overpowered by people who quite frankly just don’t know what they are doing in low level play and stand there waiting for the thief to show himself again. As if the thief is invulnerable during stealth, which he ain’t and as if it’s not possible to tell where that thief might be, which it is.

If you have trouble fighting a 25/30 backstab glass thief. This is not because that thief as a class is OP. It is because you as a player lack proficient combat awareness to read the enemy’s movement and predict where he is.

He IS going for a backstab, that’s all you needed to know to counter it.

It’s NOT predictable. I’ve seen thiefs comming from the front and kill me within 2 seconds. And I’m sick of all that sooo good ideas. Fail that I let him go into stealth? Oh Lord please tell me how I can prevent them to do this? I’m very interested.

Ah guess what? I don’t want to read or write here anymore. It’s like talking to politicians. They know they are wrong but they just keep on talking ignoring every fact.

But I understood now. All you super-pro guys have no problems with thiefs and thiefs need to be buffed instead of nerfed because they are so weak and predictable…
Oops now I had to vomit about all that ignorance and politician behavor.
What did I wanted to say? A right, i can’t play nor count and even though I play thief and necro by myself and know that I kill necros within 2 or 3 seconds I just don’t know anything about any of the classes. You are so smart and I’m not. I got it now. Really!

Screw this!

Thief haters, take this wisdom from a dev :)

in Thief

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

So why is this not ok but thief burst is?

Because there is play in thief burst. There is play there, and that spike isn’t a single attack that’s 150% your max HP in damage. Thieves need to execute a series of skills in a row, in which at any time the victim has the potential to mitigate or have some sort of play to save themselves or stop the thief. You just don’t see that with the 100nades stuff, or its a window so narrow that we as devs weren’t happy with the play from both sides of the equation as attacker/defender.

You Sir, don’t know what you are talking about! A thief needs only 2 skills to kill a necro in 1 or 2 seconds. An ape can do this. I can avoid 100 nades by dodging but i can’t dodge a thief in stealth. Port-damage + 1 hit and thats it. Get it! Fix that op lame class and stop searching for excuses. And next time please play against a good thief with your ranger and you’ll see (or not) that you can’t even hit him because before you can aim at him he is back in stealth. Learn to balance a game and remove bugs and such overpowerness. BTW i play a thief by myself and i definitly know it’s op. So not so much a thief-hater but someone who uses his brain to recognize it’s just op.

A thief with 2 skills will do 0 damage to any necro that isn’t mentally impaired.

I mean, it’s either Steal (mug/stealth) to Backstab or CnD to backstab, both of which are easy to avoid… especially without a third skill called Basilisk Venom. And then you’re still doing kitten damage, because you need steal, CnD, backstab and basilisk to break 10k if everything crits. Another random bad player that knows nothing about thieves.

I don’t count steal as a skill. And i don’t count the stealth. A thief in stealth just needs 2 skills to kill a necro in less than 2 seconds. You don’t even have time to heal or remove conditions or whatever. If you say it’s possible make a video of it. I say it’s impossible and I play necro and thief so I know what i’m talking about.
Seems more like you don’t know anything about necros.

Well there’s problem number 1. You’re being approached by a burst that follows the same pattern every time (C+D pre-charge, Steal, Backstab), and your first instinct is not to dodge either the C+D or the Mug + C+D depending on how fast you act, effectively breaking the combo altogether, and/or use damage mitigation eg. Shroud, Well of Darkness and other inhibiting skills. You do not react to whether Basilisk Venom has been equipped on the Thief’s status bar, so you can quickly have your finger over an available stunbreaker should you fail to dodge, and do not make any quick preparation with aforementioned skills against the incoming damage if you do not have stunbreaker and BV is active. Your first instinct is to…use your heal? Remove conditions? I don’t even.

Struggling to find any sense of impossibility here. Either you are just far too slow, or you’re lagging terribly, because this combo is one of the most predictable and easy-to-counter combos in the game, pretty much only topped on the “please kill me”-o-meter by a Bull Charge/Bolas->100b whiz kid.

There ist NOTHING predictable! Because what you can’t see is unpredictable! And there is ZERO time to react. Almost in the same moment the thief appears I’m downed. There is no time to do anything!

Just drop a well of Darkness and laugh at him o.O
And you playing some kind of glassy death shroud crit build? How the hell can a thief kill the class with the largest hp pool in 2 hits?

Wow so good ideas cough
1. Well of darkness is useless as long as I don’t see a thief comming in stealth.
Well of darkness is useless because of the epic recast and duration.
Well of darkness is useless because normaly you don’t sit there in a well and wait for thiefs (not to mention that this is impossible) but you walk over the map. Even if it’s just from the spawn whereever towards.

2. I have 30 points in vita, 20 in armor. No “glassy death shroud crit build” found.

3. Good question. Maybe because thiefs ARE JUST OP????????

(edited by Moira Dryade.6498)

Thief haters, take this wisdom from a dev :)

in Thief

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

So why is this not ok but thief burst is?

Because there is play in thief burst. There is play there, and that spike isn’t a single attack that’s 150% your max HP in damage. Thieves need to execute a series of skills in a row, in which at any time the victim has the potential to mitigate or have some sort of play to save themselves or stop the thief. You just don’t see that with the 100nades stuff, or its a window so narrow that we as devs weren’t happy with the play from both sides of the equation as attacker/defender.

You Sir, don’t know what you are talking about! A thief needs only 2 skills to kill a necro in 1 or 2 seconds. An ape can do this. I can avoid 100 nades by dodging but i can’t dodge a thief in stealth. Port-damage + 1 hit and thats it. Get it! Fix that op lame class and stop searching for excuses. And next time please play against a good thief with your ranger and you’ll see (or not) that you can’t even hit him because before you can aim at him he is back in stealth. Learn to balance a game and remove bugs and such overpowerness. BTW i play a thief by myself and i definitly know it’s op. So not so much a thief-hater but someone who uses his brain to recognize it’s just op.

A thief with 2 skills will do 0 damage to any necro that isn’t mentally impaired.

I mean, it’s either Steal (mug/stealth) to Backstab or CnD to backstab, both of which are easy to avoid… especially without a third skill called Basilisk Venom. And then you’re still doing kitten damage, because you need steal, CnD, backstab and basilisk to break 10k if everything crits. Another random bad player that knows nothing about thieves.

I don’t count steal as a skill. And i don’t count the stealth. A thief in stealth just needs 2 skills to kill a necro in less than 2 seconds. You don’t even have time to heal or remove conditions or whatever. If you say it’s possible make a video of it. I say it’s impossible and I play necro and thief so I know what i’m talking about.
Seems more like you don’t know anything about necros.

Thief haters, take this wisdom from a dev :)

in Thief

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

So why is this not ok but thief burst is?

Because there is play in thief burst. There is play there, and that spike isn’t a single attack that’s 150% your max HP in damage. Thieves need to execute a series of skills in a row, in which at any time the victim has the potential to mitigate or have some sort of play to save themselves or stop the thief. You just don’t see that with the 100nades stuff, or its a window so narrow that we as devs weren’t happy with the play from both sides of the equation as attacker/defender.

You Sir, don’t know what you are talking about! A thief needs only 2 skills to kill a necro in 1 or 2 seconds. An ape can do this. I can avoid 100 nades by dodging but i can’t dodge a thief in stealth. Port-damage + 1 hit and thats it. Get it! Fix that op lame class and stop searching for excuses. And next time please play against a good thief with your ranger and you’ll see (or not) that you can’t even hit him because before you can aim at him he is back in stealth. Learn to balance a game and remove bugs and such overpowerness. BTW i play a thief by myself and i definitly know it’s op. So not so much a thief-hater but someone who uses his brain to recognize it’s just op.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

Watching the manifesto today is pure sarcasm.
Just liars!

[Story] The Source of Orr [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

This is just epic pathetic.
On my first try there where no cannons to shoot the ships.
On my second try they appeard but there are way to many enemys on deck and the opponents hit my even under deck or inside the rooms. I’ve died and died and died… Finaly i managed to destroy the ships just to die again during the cutscene (not the first time this happened. cutscenes need to be fixed as well). Then i got resurrected under water but the camera was still locked on my previous position on deck. I see myself swimming in the water but can’t complete the quest because i cant what’s going on around me. Screw that game! Give me back the friggin money for armor-repairs and teleports! Redioulous!

LOL and after i wrote this and tried to switch back into the game it just crashed. OMG! Please only release a game “when it’s done” next time! I’m just sick of it.

Oh and i almost forgot about the voices. Sometimes they are played, sometimes not.

(edited by Moira Dryade.6498)

Personal Story | level 80 | Against the corruption | blocked at Cathedral

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

lol yeah after 2 attempts I did 3 more tries naked just to save on repairs.

Just after a few hours around Orr i play naked because the costs for repairs are ridiculous and it’s so hard for me that I die at least once in 10 minutes. I can’t afford the repairs.

Back to topic. I stoped playing until the bug is fixed.

Personal Story | level 80 | Against the corruption | blocked at Cathedral

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

Still not working. Somehow I feel to be ignored.
More and more people are getting into the high-level parts of the personal story. Instead of fixing meaningless bugs with events they should finaly fix the personal story because it’s the main part of the game in pve. I don’t even care about events. I just want to play the story. Next time they better release a game only when it’s done.

(edited by Moira Dryade.6498)

Personal Story | level 80 | Against the corruption | blocked at Cathedral

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

This bug is known for at least 1 week and still not fixed.
I’ve wasted almost 3 hours and tons of cash to repair my armor for that quest until I just gave up.
Please do somethingkitten