Showing Posts For MojoGroove.8253:

Plz stop spamming the pro gamer crap in game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


At least let us opt out of all the ads for it.

My loading screen really? are the twitch numbers so bad?

roamers paradise

in WvW

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


Okay, so smaller problems?



Like or Dislike new WvW Bordelands

in WvW

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


Complexity does not = depth.
hugeness with no pop increase = does not make for fights.

Its honestly is a preplexing map. It takes so long to walk anywhere- how could you ever call for help on D? they would never get there in time?

roamers paradise

in WvW

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


You never mentioned fighting.

You mentioned exploring.

Is that better for a roamer?

Is walking 25 minutes accross the too large map better for a roamer?

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


Thats worse. markedly worse…..

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


Honestly, I was already on the fence about buying the xpac ……this made my decision a lot easier.

i flat regret the purchase. (this is the final straw not the reason)

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


this may be the straw that finally breaks me, you are not the fancy new thing anymore gw2. You need to do better.

Verify guild members have twofactor via api?

in API Development

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


im not sure that is possible… just asking?

The state of wvw in t2

in WvW

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


Well glicko wise they will never crack t1 this way, right?

there’s a laundry list of bandwagon servers that failed to move past t2.

the problem here is that due to the HOT lul and the pop changes we are very very stuck with this.

FA and SoS are the only ones paying a price for it.

The state of wvw in t2

in WvW

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


Add in [CL] to confirmed leaving FA.

The thing is its not de-stacking the top…. WTF is the point of any of this.

The state of wvw in t2

in WvW

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


Whats worse FA is bleeding actual WvW guilds and are still listed as full.

We cant even move people here if we wanted. ANet is f-ing t2 over.

Dragonhunter Changes for Next BWE!

in Guardian

Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


how about arrow speed?

Any pvp mode wrecks those slow arrows.

How about that its kinda of boring compared to the other elites thus far?