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Connection Issues: July 11 and 12

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MonkyTales.2098


Count me in as well.

“Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Ive checked, everything on my pc works except gw2.

Thanks in advance for the fix!!

The Missing God on the outside!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MonkyTales.2098


Dear Anet,

Today I was revisiting Divinity’s Reach just to enjoy the city.
When I was walking outside the Temple of six gods, (that PoI next to that hall with the bloodstone throne of queen Jenna), I counted 5 stained glass windows!

On the inside we can see all 6 gods with all 6 a stained glass window, but on the outside the one of Grenth is missing.

I hope this helped a lot and can be fixed.

May God bless Arenanet!

kind regards,

play Warriors Orochi 3!

in Suggestions

Posted by: MonkyTales.2098


Dear Arenanet,

Ive always been a great fan since ive played all the campaigns of gw1 and now enjoying the world of tyria in gw2.

Fortunaly ive also enjoyed many other games and one game in particular next to gw is the series of Dynasty Warriors!

The diversity of every character in every new game that pops up just amazed me! the Armor styles, the weapons, the use of magic as infused in the weapon or for certain characters as true magic users.

Please play Warriors Orochi 3 and get sick ideas for the game. For example have I always seen Xu Huang as the sickest Dervish ever with a giant 2hand axe with which he erupts the ground with one of his combos in this game!

For the idea of weapons this game is sure to get some ideas.

this link shows gameplay of Xu Huang, His Musou attack is awesome!
this link shows gameplay of 3 great characters Zhao Yun spear, Zhuge Liang fan, magic user and Yukimura Sanada spear.

in this game you find characters figthing with the following crazy weapons:

Gauntlets!!! NORN GUARDIAN!!!
Wristbows and Wristswords!!!! THIEF!!!

Bladed yoyo and a clock which can yoyo with bladed hands!!!
a Fishingrod, Orbs, spearcannon, massive kitana’s, prayer beads, a guitar and flute for music magic!

Dogu’s which spit energy balls!!! PERFECT FOR ELE WITH ITS ATUNNEMENTS!!!

And many many many more! TO MUCH TO PUT IN THIS SUGGESTION!

Also are the armors of these characters really sick. They might be a much too Canthan but im sure Anet can take a blank look and creat their own fantasy tyrian style armor out of this!!

Now you can see that i am much to enthousiastic about this idea, but for me would it be like a great way for the game to play much more diverse now that we have an absolute great system with the so called weaponskills.

I would say, play the game, taste a litle of the characters, see how the DW series mixed weapons, magic and fighting style, and make the Dervish Xu Huang ive been dreaming of :p.

Oh and PS: what i also liked about gw1 was that it was not neccesary to take an elite skill. sometimes in gw2 I prefer to take an fourth utility skill because the elite skills in this game are something you guys really need to work on. :P

Werkse! (enjoy your time at work today!)


Account names in chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: MonkyTales.2098


Where is the “Like” button?

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: MonkyTales.2098


For an Expansion which plays in the North I would like to see that the Stone Dwarves of Deldrimor established a stronghold underground. This would be their city!
Next to that did we never ever seen a female dwarve in gw1.

For an Expansion which plays in the Maguuma I would like to see Tengu, With DoW as their capitol ofc!

For an Expansion into the Crystal Desert I would like to see something new that looks like the human race. Maybe now that Abaddon is dead, Kormir set the Margonites free and put them back to where once their homeland the crystal sea was. Because they were demons before they still resemble some of those purple aura aspects. Their cultural armor would be nomad like! Furthermore I believe Anet could make a great more imaginary race of this!

Bad Blood - a quest that ruins the game

in Personal Story

Posted by: MonkyTales.2098


I had no trouble with the jumping part at all.
I know what to do, I check the pattern of the wind and there I went.. 5 mins work!

It was clearly mentioned that you had to watch the flags so you could know when you had to run..