Showing Posts For Morgause.9625:

I just don't understand this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Thanks Flitzie and Astral, although it’s a shame they were removed because of ‘NPE’ – as a new player at the time, I found them helpful and always knew where to find them.

But, like taste, I guess there’s no accounting for logic.

I just don't understand this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Thank you for your kind offer, Adaephon. I’m on Isle of Janthir but won’t be on til tomorrow night.

@Artemis: Not at all, but I’d expect to at least understand something by the 30’s, not waffle and fudge my way through kind of aimlessly.

I just don't understand this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Thanks, Zoid – but where are they? The two I’d been using last time I played, were Queensdale and the one in the Norn starting area – they weren’t there when I logged in today?

I just don't understand this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Having purchased the game earlier this year, I created a few characters – the highest currently being a lvl 32 (?) ranger – but I stopped playing the game some months ago because I just couldn’t understand it.

Sure, I did the rounds of a few events – which were the only things I enjoyed and could vaguely understand about the game – but then they were snatched away, leaving me feeling like, ’what’s the point?’

So I came back yesterday to give it another shot and lo and behold, it appears that trading posts have also been snatched away. I have no idea where they’ve gone or what the reasoning behind their removal was, nor could I find any information anywhere (that didn’t involve walls of unrelated text) to explain it one way or ther other. In fact, walls of text that don’t get to the point up front make me want to stab myself in the eye with my car keys.

I don’t understand 1/10th of the convos in chat, the whole professions thing feels frustrating and seems illogical, and if there’s dungeons in the game, I’ve no idea where they are or at what level one can enter or how to join a group for the purpose.

The only reason I’d initially purchased GW2 was to give me something to do on WoW’s maintenance nights, but I was half hoping it would be something I could divide my spare time with between it and WoW. I wanted to give the game a fair go, but it’s difficult to do when it seems to be so ‘info-unfriendly’ and disorganized (?).

Am I just exceptionally thick?

I was able to understand the basic mechanics of WoW from day one – everything in there is so crystal clear – but GW2 is a very different kettle of fish. I really want to like it, but it’s a struggle.

Am I the only one with the same impressions?

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


ArenaNet: Please rollback this change!

Totally agree with Mistdemon (and other comments along the same lines).

Why is it that when it comes to anything ‘software’, developers are constantly ‘fixin’ what ain’t broken’.

Why is that? Why can’t they ever seem to leave anything good alone?

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Sooo, why doesn’t my game give everything bobbleheads?

I envy you!

Option To 'Hide' Hideous Headgear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


No, the ‘hairstyle’ is fine, the check box wasn’t displaying whether I had the helm on or not…but after equipping and then removing it a few times, it suddenly displayed.

Thanks everyone for your help

Option To 'Hide' Hideous Headgear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


@Naoz Kaho…I don’t think it’s part of the hairstyle, because it can actually be ‘hidden’, as previous replies have pointed out – the box just wasn’t displaying for me initially, but it is now.

Option To 'Hide' Hideous Headgear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


And now the box has suddenly appeared – after putting the helm on and off a few times O.o

Option To 'Hide' Hideous Headgear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Here’s the screenshot – no iddy biddy box to tick on mine:


Option To 'Hide' Hideous Headgear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Thank you, VergilDeZaniah – the screenshot confirms that I don’t have that option in my headgear slot

Option To 'Hide' Hideous Headgear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Sorry FrostSpectre, but the option others have described isn’t appearing for me – I did search extensively before posting, though.

Option To 'Hide' Hideous Headgear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Oh wait….nope, no such option in my headgear slot

Option To 'Hide' Hideous Headgear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


ZudetGambeous……love you to bits! Thank you very much!

Option To 'Hide' Hideous Headgear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Am I the only one wishing there was a simple box to tick under ‘options’ to ‘hide headgear’ (or ‘hide helm’)?

If headgear is absolutely mandatory apparel for stats sake, then wouldn’t it seem like a helpful option to include? I know of at least one other major MMO that recognizes the hideousness of headgear and provides that option for players.

I’ve not seen any headgear (yet) that enhanced the appearance of an otherwise great looking gear set – they all seem to make characters look a bit daft, if not clownish.

Either that, or perhaps remove the face and hair appearance options in the character creation screen, because after spending the time and effort to create a character, the majority of headgear one then encounters either hides faces entirely, or makes them look grotesque, so it would seem like a disheartening waste of time and effort.

Or is it just me?

Font size/chat panel visibility issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


You’re very welcome! Glad it has helped out

On a side note, the fact that support did not reference these options to see if they would fit your needs is pretty disappointing.

It is a bit disappointing, yes, but thankful for the forum help

Font size/chat panel visibility issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Those options are available to everyone and are not in the Game Options (F11) screen. At the very bottom left of your chat box click on the little chat bubble with the sideways triangle in it to make the chat go into ‘always up, opaque mode’. You should then also see the little ‘gear’ icon in the top left of the chat box where the chat text size setting is located.

Found it! Thank you very much! Makes things so much easier

Font size/chat panel visibility issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Thanks StinVec…are those options only available if I’m in a guild (I’m not atm)? Can’t seem to find it under the general ‘options’ menu, unless I’m missing it somewhere?

Font size/chat panel visibility issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Clicking the chat bubble in the bottom left gives the chat an opaque background and text does not fade out after a set amount of time.

Clicking the Chat Options ‘gear’ gives the option to increase chat text size.

Choosing a larger Interface Size in the graphics options also increases the size of most (if not all) UI text.

Font size/chat panel visibility issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


Thanks, Inimicus – glad it’s not just me experiencing the issue.

Font size/chat panel visibility issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morgause.9625


After searching the ‘options’ menu, I contacted support to ask whether there was some way to:

a) increase the font size in-game (it’s somewhat difficult to read quest objectives/chats/achievements/crafting/etc, etc, etc),


b) allow players to darken the background colour of the chat panel to – at the very least – make chat clearly visible and easier to see/read, rather than the current pale coloured font blending into/being lost in the colours of the game scenery.

Their reply was, ‘no, but feel free to make suggestions in the forum’.

I very much wanted to like to GW2 – for the most part, it seems visually beautiful – but it’s small, overlooked issues like these that are making it difficult to appreciate.

Just as an example (please don’t take offense!), in WoW (the only mmo I’ve played until now), you can right click the ‘general’ tab at the top of the chat pane and you’re given a list of options (amongst others) to ‘increase font size’ to any size you like, and to change/darken the background colour of the chat panel to black (or any colour one desires).

These are two simple options that I feel can make the difference between enjoying a game and abandoning it out of frustration.

Personally, I wish I’d known about the lack of these two options before purchasing GW2, but I share the lesson learned with friends who have visual impairments so they can see the problems for themselves and make a more informed choice about which game(s) to spend their money on. Not all players are 9 year olds with 20/20 vision…