Showing Posts For Morgenes.6985:

Abaddons Mouthwash/ Fort Knox/ Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Thanks to ADAC for some interesting fights in AG borderland today.
Gotta say u guys in a choke is a deathtrap, but I guess that comes with the 40-60man warrior/guardian train ^^

Just fyi, even if it looks like we’re 40-60 people at our guild raids, we’re mostly about 30-40.
Only in very very rare cases we run with more than 40 people.

It always looks like that ingame and even in the video you posted, but that’s always the case, because of the long server name, pets, minis and so on. At some points, when you look at the people and not the red names you can see, that we weren’t that many.

Nevertheless you guys weren’t as much as we were and did a very good job there.

@warr/guard train: Sadly we lack in ranged classes, mostly only about 2-4 elementalists, 2-4 necros and 2-4 mesmers and alltogether 4-6 thief, ingis, rangers during our raids. Compared to the 5-8 warrs, 5-8 guards you can really call it a meeletrain. This is our typical formation and also shows, that we’re very rarely more than 40 people. (mostly about 30-36 people)

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Elona Reach vs Aurora Glade vs Abaddon's Mouth

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Sorry that we can’t match the numbers your produce ADAC, always a good laugh when we see your guild group of 60+ running around Finally understood what you guys mean by that you try to run solo! Only reason would be that if you guys get into a borderland, there isn’t room for anyone else?
Btw. we also got some nice screenies of your huge blob from today aswell, to bad that the screenie you show, you’ve lost over half your group already^^

As you can see on the minimap:
Only 3 dead people on open field. (We lost most people after that screen, when we enganged again and got flanked by you at the gate, hats off! And no, they didn’t port to spawn as we tried to get our people up again, if the situation lets us)
And only about 6 more on the wall, but afaik they weren’t from our guild, there were also some [xXx] guys who took the tower a few minutes before.

So what you see on the screen were probably all of us.

And we don’t run solo in primetime. You can see a lot of solo or small groups in the morning and afternoon.
And sometimes we also run with the map zerg as we want to help the community.
We don’t want to be an elitist guild who always runs alone and doesn’t help the rest to improve. (Abaddon needs a lot of improvement besides karma train)

So please stop it, Propaganda is something only germans (and north koreans) can do properly. xD

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Elona Reach vs Aurora Glade vs Abaddon's Mouth

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Nice fights @Eternal, Aurora BL and Abba BL this evening.
Especially the 3 way on Aurora BL with 2 Aurora blobs, [Fire] guild group (not on the screen, as they were waiting at the tunnel in that moment) and Suspects and GL from Elona.


[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

(edited by Morgenes.6985)

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


I really hope Gandara doesn’t get Servers like Elona Reach or BB, because your cries will reach a new level then.
Compared to Elona (or better Vizunah) blobs, Abaddons blobs are small scale groups.

And @ Judge: Personally I would like to have some gvgs but can’t do it alone and the others from ADAC don’t seem to be interested in that kind of gaming.
But if you don’t do gvg doesn’t mean you can’t fight each other. We really had some nice fights against Red Guard a few weeks ago (and even won the half of them, with around same number of people)

@Eldanesh: I really would like to see you fight against Simerja. She has around 5 gazillion kills with her thief. I guess she could post screens of every person in gw you know and you are going meet in the next few years. But she is female, so she doens’t need to show how big her kitten is unlike someone else her with inferiority complex.

Besides that some people her seem to be slow off the mark, because we already stated that we don’t fight 1vs1 specced thiefs with support spec, but still comments like "Seems to me every time I launched a surprise attack on an ADAC member they just kept running, and they didn’t seem all that into it at all. " get written.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


gladly theres no picture of me under a ram. (checked them all)

Still no big deal killing support/zerg traited chars with an 1vs1 traited thief.
Or killing those who are trying to catch up to the rest of the group. (we don’t turn around for a single thief)

btw lot of judges posting here, you mad guys?
and grammar kitten above me, blaming others for not speaking correct english, as its not their mother tongue is pretty childish.

Hey there captain correctness.

The very fact you have ‘zerg traited’ characters is the very reason you’re under rams. Zerg traited. Giggity.

My humour tumour compels me to advise you, the correctness guy, that while the thief that ultimately killed your comradions was indeed his toon, it was in fact at the time being played by his cat, Muffty.

He puts Tuna on Steal, Catnip on Backstab and cream on stomp. Muffty eats the Tuna, then the Catnip, and licks the cream. Boom! ADAC, dead.

He has to take over to place the ram though, Muffty has no opposable thumbs and struggles with the mouse. The Irony! A cat who struggles with a mouse!

Also, while the above is a work of fiction the screenshots are a work of fact, and that fact remains; a number exists between 1 and blob. Should we ever encounter more ADAC than 1, and fewer than blob, we’d be delighted for a fight. Win or lose, it doesn’t matter, just a fight for fun.

But while you talk the talk, and walk the somewhat crowed and zerglike walk, the ramming will continue.

You’re the new LION.

Hi there mister uberpwnzor, priest of the ramgod, ultimate destroyer of all astrayed ADAC members.

Sadly I have a zerg build. It’s because when we’re doing the maplead, someone has to take care of the zerglings with berz gear who pop in seconds. Sad but true.

And my cat tries to play gw too, but he’s not as smart as yours, only thing he does is jumping and typing weird messages into chat.
stupid cat.

My favorite class atm is engineer, but you have to be gently to me, as I’m only playing him for about two weeks now. So please don’t push too hard, I’m afraid your dagger is too big for my asuras little … .

btw. Why weren’t you on Gandalf BL yesterday when we ran with guild group? We only saw your big blob (couldn’t peek a judge between those 50 Gandaras)
As you’re so interested in fighting us, you should have informed yourself.

If we meet again I’ll tell you every day where we are, so you can get your GvG on open field. (as already said we’re not into organised gvg as we love the thrill of being surprised and the tactics that comes with other terrain than the flat plain behind the windmill)

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


gladly theres no picture of me under a ram. (checked them all)

Still no big deal killing support/zerg traited chars with an 1vs1 traited thief.
Or killing those who are trying to catch up to the rest of the group. (we don’t turn around for a single thief)

btw lot of judges posting here, you mad guys?
and grammar kitten above me, blaming others for not speaking correct english, as its not their mother tongue is pretty childish.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

(edited by Morgenes.6985)

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Yeah he’s like a chihuahua running after someone barking and trying to bite into the calves. And when you turn around and start to fight back he goes poof and waits till you turn around again. Nice watch dog you have there. xD

But ok he managed to kill some of us (including me s two times) and didn’t die, so good kd ratio.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Respect to the warrior from Tchu (and his IC guardian friend) this morning on Abbadon BL, real good fighting and you can handle your warrior very well.

And to the thief from judge who annoyed us the whole day “man you’re really an annoying harassment!”
Sorry that we’re ignoring you most of the time, but we have better to do, than trying to kill an perma stealth thief.

btw. the gandara-reset this morning (whole BL except of hills) was done with about 6-8 guys.
And we ran this noon mostly with 5-12 people, so don’t say we’re only blobbing.

fyi this evening ADAC will run guild internal (20-35 people). Sadly I can’t join before 9 pm because of WT training.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Gandalf vs Blobaddons vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Is [ADAC] (which i’m realiably informed stands for [Aim Das Arrow Carts]) up for some GvG this week? 10v10. JDGE vs ADAC, bring your 10 best?

And to cast the net wider, any MS guilds up for some?

First of all: ADAC is the german AA respectively AAA (motoring organisations)

2nd: Afaik we don’t do GvG, as we’re more into random encounters on the battlefield.
It’s much more interesting when you have to adapt on different situations (gaps, surprise attacks, and so on) then doing arranged gvgs.

But you can contact Belma ingame (she’s our secretary ^^ ) maybe she can arrange an appointment with our leaders.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Like Phobos already said, we’re running an internal raid every tuesday and thursday.

First problem is, randoms tend to follow us, when they see us.
Second problem is, as a fairly new guild on abbadon we don’t want to do a solo thing, so our coms often do the maplead.

Most of us want to do more internal raids, but as already said, we don’t want to seclude ourselfs from the rest of the community.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Gandalf - Blobadons Mouth - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


What is so priceless about that video?
We see a group of wannabees handholding a zerg that already outnumber their opponents by themselves.. You now broke the stupidty-meter guys, enough of this bs please

I´m not entirely sure if you watched the right vid or if you´re trollin? Outnumbering? srsly? Stop lying to to yourself just to justify you “blob-blah-blah-blah”

Did you link the right video?
First fight is FSV with fairly even numbers – a good fight but your not outnumbered (they have 10, its easy enough to count).
A fairly even fight against pugs in garrison but you’ve got siege – yawn
A fairly even fight against pugs at briar in which you nearly wipe, decentish fight all the same
Blob wars at bay and vale – yawn

I ran on all borders until around 22-23:00 and i couldnt find a fight with numbers smaller than 20.

You missed our two guild groups on FSP border.
We ran with about 20-30 people from 19-22 when we had to merge because of blobing from FSP and Gandaras side.

But kudos to Dius, I know you didn’t run, it was Kale I was mentioning in my post.
Dius you really have guts.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Gandalf - Blobadons Mouth - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


So today [Fame] and [ADAC]/[CE] (both about 20-30 people, but mostly in different corners of the map) where trying to give you some real good fights and we were only running around with these two guild groups on Shiverpeaks BL!

So what happened:

1. The all mighty pro small scale group of shiverpeak (about our size) did run away all the time like chicken and when we finally managed to catch them they exploded in seconds like balloons in a needleplant.

2. After some time and about 300km of chasing suddenly we encounterd the revenge of Far Blobapeak and Blobara.
Our small guild group sometimes had to fight one blob after another or both blobs at the same time.

3. We realized that you guys are only loudmouths and talk about the bad german blobzis, but when we give you the chance to get good fights you only run and then start to blob yourself.

So guys please stop whining and fight when we give you the chance, otherwise, we will start to blob again, since you really don’t want to fight. You’re just searching for an excuse for your bad performance.
btw. Kale (or whatever you are called). Wtf, are you practising for olympics marathon or why did you run like speedy gonzales whenever you were facing us with the same size of people. (You made our commander really mad, cause we had to chase you over the whole map. We just wanted to have a fair fight)

Anyway, good fights until you blobbed the kitten out of us.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Gandalf - Blobadons Mouth - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


We’re just adapting the playstyle of the most successful server of europe.

But we also got some (not many) halfway skilled guilds. You can ask Red Guard who they are.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Gandalf - Blobadons Mouth - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Beware the Blobzis!

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Augury vs Baruch vs Abaddon

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Thanks 4 the nice fights !
uncensored with all wipes and some nice victories

CE,ADAC and fX … we had a lot of fun

Yeah we had a lot of fun against RG yesterday and found out, that we still have to learn much more

I was proposing to ask for a gvg against them so that we can learn some more, but most of us don’t want to do arranged “gvg”, because it’s always something else, when you have to adapt on the different situations when facing an enemy guild somewhere on the battlefield. (See situations at the gap of our spawntower, where none of us decided to attack, or at the bridge to ruins where we tried to lure each other (and RG finally wiped us).

Still hope to get such good fights against some Baruch guilds this week. Afaik we are on augury rock today, but I’m afraid Brewthal has to do the maplead today, so I guess we unfortunately will blob. (which is absolutely not my playstyle, but if you don’t activate your com your still getting all the randoms, because there is no other out there)

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

(edited by Morgenes.6985)

Augury vs Baruch vs Abaddon

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Serious question, anyone saw an A’Mouth guild running alone?

ADAC and FAME do it sometimes (at least yesterday they did).

Yes we do, but when we do this with 20 people, we get steamrolled by 50+ Baruch blobs, which forces us to gather some randoms to get at least 40 people.

It’s not that we want to blob, we get forced to blob because of your 50+ guild troops.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Augury vs Baruch vs Abaddon

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Hahaha , Baruch Bucht!

Give me German game version for more lolz

I found the rifle meta more disturbing

Haha stupid german, playing with rifle, when he can use an axe at the distance of 1200! -.- typical shot in the dark.
btw. I would rather play with english language, but those kitten Abaddon blob zerglings always say the german words for towers and camps and I always have to guess where they want me to go then ^^

At all the excuses:
Whats the difference, between a 3 guild blob with 60 peeps and a 10 guild blob peeps?
Or between the blobs we field at primetime and the blobs Baruch fields 24/7, don’t you have to take a siesta at noon.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morgenes, Brennos, Morti, Morgana

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

(edited by Morgenes.6985)

Augury vs Baruch vs Abaddon

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


Fear the mighty Abaddon blob……. (see attachements)

Short overview of servers I have played on (p), or played against (a).

(a) Vizunah – blobbing
(p) SFR – blobbing
(p) Elona Reach – blobbing
(a) Desolation – blobbing
(p) Kodash – blobbing
(a) Jade Sea – blobbing
(a) Gandara – blobbing
(a) Riverside – blobbing
(a) Fort Ranik – blobbing
(a) Piken Square – blobbing
(a) Far Shiverpeaks – blobbing
(p) Millers Sound – blobbing

Some people really have no idea what WvW is about or live in their own little world filled with rainbows, unicorns and bees flying around flowers when it comes to appraise their own server.


[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Augury vs Baruch vs Abaddon

in Match-ups

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


So only Abaddon is blobbing?
Every time we run with 20 peeps guild squad we meet 50+ blobs from AR or BB.

So we can say the same thing from you guys.
Only thing is, we don’t have that many big wvw guilds so, you will only see us (sometimes with CE and/or fx), DP, Fame, or LNS running around with guild squads.
The rest will always gather, since they don’t have the manpower to run around in organized guild groups.

With best regards

Kayel Elduril – [ADAC] – Abaddon

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!

Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Morgenes.6985


1. realm-ranks to buy WvW-only skins, killing animations and skills.
2. bigger maps
3. inferior buff gives more hp, bring back orb but with rewards as the inferior buff is now.

[ADAC] Kayel, Morti, Morgenes, Brennos, Morgana
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!