Showing Posts For Moriel.1843:
There is something wrong, but it’s a user interface issue. At this point I’m at 83% and 1036 MB. Does the percentage done refer to the number of files instead of the total data size? If so I’d say that’s a confusing UI element. No one cares how many files there. All that matters to the download time is the total size of the data.
So it looks like I’ll get to play tonight after all, but I’ll still have spent an hour on the update, so my suggestions are still valid (assuming they are not already being done by the downloader).
I’ve been offline a couple of weeks due to family matters and was really looking forward to playing GW2 again tonight, but alas that will not be.
The lastest update is currently sitting at 4% (529 MB).
A 12 gigabyte update?
While I appreciate that new content can be large, this seems a little excessive, especially since I can’t play the game until this is done. At the current download speed I’m going to have to wait until tommorrow evening to the game, and on top of that I won’t be able to use my computer for any real work until then either since Windows is not my primary OS and I’m worried that a reboot in the middle of the download will result in some sort of corruption.
Please, look into ways to download content a little at a time during regular game play so that large updates can be distributed in advance of activation.
Also, does GW2 use any sort of binary patching mechanism, or does it require completely new copies of updated file to be downloaded? If binary patching is not already used, I highly recommend it, since it would cut down on the downloads a lot!
Not complaining. Just wanting to know if it was a mistake or not.
Honestly, if these things were not account bound I’d sell a lot of them or give them to my guildmates. I’ve not gotten a weapon skin for anything I really use, and tonics are kind of boring to me.
The storage and clothing items, though, make me squeak with joy, just like a Plush Griffon ripping out the clockwork heart of a Toy Princess!
<3 my griffon toy mini-pet!
I’ve seen that other people report not receiving any gifts from Tixx when they spoke to him in Lion’s Arch, but I actually did get the gifts the first time.
Just now, though, I received a second set of gifts from Tixx via in-game mail. What’s up with that?
I’ll admit that I don’t mind at all the thought of having two 15-slot boxes, but it doesn’t seem fair that I should get two while others might not have even one. I’m also worried that this is a bug and that one of those boxes will be yanked away from me shortly. So now I don’t feel safe putting anything in either box.
Has anyone else received gifts in the mail like this? Anyone else now have double gifts as a result?
The griffon toys in the Infinarium make an adorable squeak when they fight. They are so CUTE as they try to slaughter you and crash the airship.
So naturally I built a griffon mini-pet (my first mini-pet of any kind), and it is nice, but I was dissappointed that it does not squeak. I was also hoping that the Ventari mini-pet would go araound quoting the Tablet.
Hey ANet! Any chance to get these sounds added to the pets?
Who says golems can’t get drunk? Also, they aren’t robotic. They are magical. With magic, anything is possible.
I had not thought about the whole golem rebellion angle and it’s a good thought, but I don’t think that’s really it. For one thing some of Tixx’ krewe members complain that Toxx’ programming is not as good as it should be, and Tixx himself seems completely unsurprised when Toxx goes on her rampages. It’s as if he expects her to do this from time to time. As for the skritt, I just assumed that Tixx had recruited them to work in the workshop, but I admit that your suggestion is compelling.
One thing, though, that I do believe is this:
Toxx is drunk.
Think about it:
- When she starts fighting, Tixx says “better put her to sleep”. She just needs to sleep it off, you see.
- She says “Hic” a lot because she has the hiccups, a common affect of too much drinking.
- She says that she has the spirit of Wintersday in her. Well, maybe she’s really just had too much Wintersday spirits!
So that’s my story. Toxx got drunk on the Asuran equivalent of eggnog and things got a bit out of hand.
Yeah, something is going one game wide I think. In may game (on Ehmry Bay) we first noticed that Black Lion Trading Co was not working. I ignored it and went into a personal story instance, but about 10 minutes after the BL issue, I was kicked form the game and now can’t log in. The same error message was displayed in all cases: can’t conenct to login server.
Somewhere, right now, at ArenaNet, a sysadmin is having a bad night.
If you have a sylvari, the Cooks Clothing from the gem store actually looks pretty good imo.
I’ve seen it, but I’m not interested. I want something fancy.
What I really want are the Nightmare Court clothes. Those look wonderful! (Hey Anet! Those models are already in the game even, so they ought not to be too difficult to make available, hint, hint.)
Is there any way to get different town clothes? I’m really tired of the Sylvari leaf bikini, but the only other town clothes are a (very) few things in the gem store, none of which are very appealing.
If they add another RP server, it too will become full. What we really need is Role Playing instances of areas that you can manually enter from any server. Dungeons apparently already work this way to some extent, since last night I was in a party for Fractals of the Mists that included people from the Ehmry Bay and Tarnished Coast servers.
If we had RP instances, then people who want RP could enter it any time they wanted without having to wait weeks or months to change servers.
Home World: Ehmry Bay
Guild Name: Sieve Of Eratosthenes
Guild Website: none right now
In-Game Contact: Moriel.1843
Focus: No specific focus yet. We are still building ourselves up.
Quick Notes: We are a small guild right now with players enjoying all parts of the game. Events and dungeons are nice, but we also have players interested in PvP and WvW.
Ha! All this time I thought “kitten” was just some MMO slang. I’d almost pegged it as a derogatory term for newbies who got lot’s of help (like gifts of gear from a friend).
I can’t understand playing the game at all if you aren’t going to do the personal story, but for me, at least, the stories are what make games fun.
I also appreciate the little bit of Guild Wars lore that I get from the stories. I never played GW1, so the things I find out in game are really all I know. (I have looked up a few things on the wiki, but wikis are only really useful if you already know what you’re looking for. If you don’t even know the names of things, then it’s really incredibly hard to get useful information from a wiki.)
Is it possible to repeat a personal story quest that you have already done? (Without making a new character, of course.) I just did the battle where Claw Island is lost and it was really fun (and hard – took me two tries).
I’d love to do it again with my guildies now that I know what to expect from it.
I to would like to see us be able to knock enemies over ledges. It was irritating when I realzied that the mobs could do that to me, but I could not do that to them.
My fantasy is to have a perfect body and wear barely there clothing. starter armor is generic, all scholar classes start with same armor (just looks different on some races). Country armor has more coverage for those who want that.
Kindof. I already have some Country armor, but it is still extremely revealing and not really what I’d call armor.
And the starter armor is most definitely not “generic” It’s fetish wear. If that’s what you want then so be it. I don’t object to it being present in the game and one of the reasons I created a human mesmer in the first place was to have access to more interesting looking clothing options. (That and blink, which is awesome.)
All I want are more choices. Honestly, I wish each class/race had a choice of 2 or 3 different armors to start with. They would have the same stats, of course, but there could be something skimpy, something like normal clothing, and something very armor-like. That would not only satisfy the objections that I and others have raised, but it would also give people another way to customize their new character’s look besides just the color.
And like I said in an earlier post – the graphics assets to acheive this are in some cases already included in the game, so it would not be that difficult to make them available. (And for the record, when I say “not that difficult” I am speaking from 20 years experience as a programmer. I may not know the specifics of the GW2 toolset, but I’m not completely ignorant either.)
What bugs me the most is that it’s not even between male and female. If the set were equally revealing/tough-looking between the genders I would be 100% okay with it.
I hear you there.
Hey Areanet! How about a little beefcake to go along with that cheesecake?
I can’t really saying anything about GW2 being better or worse than other games since this is the first MMO that I’ve ever played. (I’ve always played single player RPGS before this.) Mostly I’m having a lot of fun, and there’s only a few things that I’d do differently. But this issue of female clothing just struck me as really transparently sexist, especialy since my primary character is a female sylvari ranger, for which all of the clothing is great. (Except for the “town clothes” which is basically a bikini. I’ve just ignored that since a) I suppose plants don’t feel a need for clothing, and b) the town clothes are entirely optional.)
Another thing that irks me about the human female armors is that a lot of the female NPCs have normal clothing on, which means that the models and textures I want actually exist in the game, they just aren’t available to choose from! That’s really irritating.
Kinda reminds me of this:!
Nice! The only thing that would make that better would be a reveal of a big hairy guy at the end playing that avatar.
Check your privilege
What do you mean? And who were you responding to?
Last night I made my first human character and it is a female Mesmer. I was greatly amused at default starter clothing.
Default male and female human mesmers
While they both look like Mardi Gras rejects, at least the male has sensible travel clothing that looks like it offers a little protection. In particular, notice that his skin is almost completely covered. The female, on the other hand, has been given a full set of battle lingerie, and is clearly ready for any bedroom combat that might arise.
I’ve been gaming since the early 80’s, so I’m accustomed to it, but really now, don’t you think it’s time to move beyond these juvenille sterotypes of women? The other classes have reasonable looking starting outfits, so why can’t the Mesmer, Thief, and Elementalist? If people want to dress up their characters in cheesecake outfits, let it be an option, not the default!
I almost didn’t bother posting this, but then another player in the game began telling me that my character had sexy legs and was beautiful to watch in combat. That was just a little creepy and it feels wrong that the default armor would invite that kind of behavior.
Suggestion: Make the login window show the number of megabytes remaining instead of number of giles remaining when a client update is being downloaded. That would be much more informative and allow people to get a better idea of how mucmh longer it will take to complete the download.
Thanks for the quick replies!
I haven’t come across any dungeons yet so that didn’t occur to me when reading the slang.
It sounds like I’m on the right track so far, so I’ll keep doing the personal story for a while.
KrAzZyJmAn: I am on Ehmry Bay in Caledon Forest at the moment
Hello everyone!
Guild Wars 2 if the first MMO I’ve ever played beyond just one day and so far I’m really enjoying it! However, there are a lot of things that I find mysterious and I was hoping to get some general tips and advice to get going. The “OMG If you only knew this – tips for new players” sticky thread is great, but here’s a few specific things that I still haven’t figured out.
1) What are the letters in brackets after people’s names in the game? As in “Derrick the Dread [OMG]”.
2) Should I do the Personal Story quest immediately or wait till I’m higher level? (I’m a level 12 Sylvari Ranger at the moment, and I’ve done a bit of the personal story, but I’m not that far into it from what I can tell.)
3) Is there a place in game to learn about what guilds there are on the server? The guild panel doesn’t seem to list them. It would be great if there was some sort of guild recruiting office where I could go to get a list of guilds that are seeking new memebers.
4) For that matter, should I not even bother looking for a guild until I’ve got more experience?
5) The slang people use is confusing. Is there a list of it? The only ones I’ve found online so far are older and not very big. As an example, I saw this last night: “LF1M TA EXP”. Hazarding a guess I’d say it means “looking for 1 member for temporary alliance to gain experience”. Is that right? How do I learn this stuff for real?
Thanks in advance for your help. Any general advice you have would also be much appreciated.