Showing Posts For Moriquendi.4209:

WvW guild chat- "population balance"

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


A year in development and they didn’t start with probably the biggest issue, population imbalance. I’m sure this will go well.

World vs World Holiday Sneak Peek

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Thanks for letting us know that Anet won’t start caring about WvW until the same time Camelot Unchained enters it’s first Beta.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Ticket #631791

Original ticket sent 17 days ago, have had a few responses, last one being 3 days ago. Would really appreciate a definitive answer.

Xmutation Splitter/Ascending Back Piece

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


A while back I transmuted my Prototype Fractal Capacitor to a different character. I first transmuted it onto a back strap received from a plush charr then transmuted it again onto a karma back piece. I’m wondering if a splitter will return to me the original fractal back piece or will I get the back piece skin on the strap and the karma one? Is it even possible to ascend your back piece after transmuting it?

(edited by Moriquendi.4209)

11/1 SBI/IoJ/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Just want to give a shout-out to that rogue from SBI that I was fighting at 11:20pm est tonight. Well played. Epic Mesmer vs. Thief fight. We both had to stop and kill a few people that stumbled into our duel near the garrison bay side. Much respect. Hope you find this post.

-Harley Northstar – Yaks Bend

Thanks for the fight! I thought you had me a few times during it, that confusion. Sorry about those two SBI who came back and interrupted it for the second time.

Why isn't WvWvW rank accountbound?

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Isn’t it nice knowing you can do something for 5 minutes on one character and you will be rewarded with an account bound title? Don’t worry though, the hundreds of hours you spent accumulating ranks in WvW will suddenly be ripped from you the second you log into an alt. #thatlogic

Account bound rank
Character bound abilties

9/13 BP|YB|SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Why is SBI so bad? Discuss.

Borlis Pass: 3 493
Yak’s Bend: 3 507
Stormbluff Isle: 4 745

Why is BP currently losing to a bad server? Discuss.

8/30/2013 BP/SBI/DH

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Just witnessed this 50 on 50. Was cheering for BP but they didn’t come out on top. In all fairness SBI dropped a number of balistas and did have the bridge choke advantage.

Meanwhile DDLG was breaking down the north gates in hills for a successful capture.

Wow, the numbers you guys have is unbelievable!

Idk, we had about 20 DDLG and maybe 30 on the commander. I think we just have better guild coordination during primetime and we’ve been working with our pugs and the whole server is learning to move together in the same way guild groups do.
I think if you guys coordinated your attacks with your guilds and split up your 80 man blob instead of map hopping with an entire queue you could present more of a challenge during this time slot.

You’re giving us advice? Lol..

It’s amazing how one server has attracted so many terrible guilds. The only reason you’re winning right now is because of coverage and numbers, not skill. SBI does not have skill and will never have skill.

Edit: Oh remind me, how many guilds have xferred to SBI? And how many of you guys tried recruiting BP guilds to SBI?

Stay classy SBI.

At least you’re not bitter!

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


My Mesmer, Ramboette


Hidden faces in Asura's fro

in Asura

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Am I the only one that sees it?


in Match-ups

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


A bunch of SBI were unintentionally pushed through a gate due to a glitch that as far as I know has yet to be fixed. Then they killed you.

Clearly this calls for screenshots galore accusing SBI as a whole for being exploiters; never mind the fact that screenshots have been posted of it happening to BP as well. However, since it’s BP, it is in fact not an exploit when it happens to them and should be glazed over and irrelevant in this discussion.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Also just LOL at SBIs eternal crew last night typical karma train and predictable, props too moon trance for sneaking SM while SBI failed miserably to take a paper mendons with probably 50 people(underestimate)! Hilarious seeing them all run after a supply trap went off and they no longer had supp! Also just as predictable they went straight for NSP keep after taking SM which than switched to us taking SM and you guys losing it again only to be retaken be retaken by SBI only to almost be taken again…SBI is like SMs overly attached girlfriend

Makes digs towards SBI’s karma train/love for SM then brags about taking SM every chance you get. Thanks for keeping the hypocrisy fresh on the topic; not sure what we’d do without it.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Wait, I thought all BPs are suppose to be pure and all skills only. Such dirty act couldn’t possibly be conducted by a real BP WvWer.

On a second, it would be much easier to label BP as a cheating server instead of believing that the majority of BP wouldn’t do such a thing. I guess BP is nothing more than a bunch of cheaters.

Actually, we had the mez stay dead inside at the gate and had a few people stay there and keep you distracted while we broke down the south gates and took bay. Not our fault that you all got distracted and we walked in elsewhere.

And which gate did you go through to get into AP?

SBI randomly gets through a gate due to a glitch that occurs with all servers on all gates and we’re exploiters; BP intentionally resing mesmers on a gate and it’s strategy.

(edited by Moriquendi.4209)

Please Gut the down system in WvW already.

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


The downed system really hurts servers who are severely outmanned. Fighting 15v70 knowing anyone you down will just be instant res’d/rally’d is not fun. Mobs should not give rallies nor should 1 person dying rally more than 1 person.

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Nice job on DB’s EB keep Mag!

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


80 v 15, I’d hope so…. But wait, we just 15 v 80. Insert screen shot 2 posts up.

Yes, insert the screenshot showing roughly 20 SoS and roughly 30 SBI. You may want to focus on your inability to count before referring people to the proof that only proves you lie.

PPT Cap/Night Capping solution

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Get more players to cover your time zone, otherwise no thanks.

Yes because it’s just that easy!

Why is it up to the GW2 players to bring in people to their server, and why is it accepted that this is the only way to fix this issue? It’s a poorly designed system when it’s up to the player base to balance a key part to the game. If people would like to help bring players in then by all means go for it, however, it should not be the sole solution to a horrible imbalance in population problems.

Tier 4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/10/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


So you died in a 3 way fight. Odd…very odd…

Remove PvDoors

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


I’m not sure PvD should completely be removed; I’m more in favor of a further decrease in PvD damage. One of my biggest issues with WvW is the amount of damage a player can do to a door and also through a door. At the moment it is impossible to repair a gate that is being zerged down unless you feel like dying a quick death while all 5-10 people defending can do nothing but watch. With the removal/reduction of PvD, players will actually be able to make use of the repair option that seems to be there just to taunt you.

19/4/2013 SoS CD SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Having the ability to provide proof seems to be beyond you. It’s ok though, the splendid paint job you’ve made for us should suffice.

Mesmers dying on gate

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Watched this happen the other day. We had 2 there trying to counter the res but there was nothing we could really do. (Thief stealthed the gate on top of the mes’s stealth after they were up) By the time we knew where they were a port was already up. I would really like to see this fixed, if not you might as well just remove the walls/gates and just have a lord’s room for each structure.

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Other than having just watched CD res a dead mesmer from the (MOON) guild from inside the gate at bay, the reset has been great so far. Looking forward to the rest of the week and fights to come!

(edited by Moriquendi.4209)