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help me with my ranger pvp!!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


Depends on whether you mean WVW or sPvP when you say PvP. I can provide some general advice for sPvP:

  • One of your weapon sets should definitely be Shortbow. Damage output is higher than any other weapon available to the class, and the bleeds are solid.
  • Axe/Warhorn is a really solid secondary choice for sPvP because Warhorn 5 provides Swiftness for getting from point to point quickly and is a solid group buff. It’s my secondary set of choice in sPvP. In WvW, Longbow is the best secondary weapon because of its range and AoE capability.
  • As tempting as it might be, don’t use Greatsword. After nerfs, its damage is lower than Shortbow and is melee range versus 1200 range.
  • One of your pets should be a Wolf. AoE fear is very strong for controlling points and preventing enemies from stomping allies.
  • Put at least 20 points into Marksmanship for the Piercing Arrows Trait. It’s one of the only talents I consider absolutely mandatory in PvP. It’s a huge damage increase and gives you incidental AoE damage in group fights.
  • Shared Anguish and Hide in Plain Sight in the Wilderness Survival Tree are both amazing Traits for sPvP. Less good in WvW, but in sPvP they’ll save your bacon against people trying to lock you down with CC and burst you to death while you’re incapacitated. I consider at least one of these talents mandatory. I run both.
  • Don’t bother trying to make a pet based build. Pet AI is too wonky for it to be viable. Aside from being a glorified DoT, your pet’s most important role is in soaking up damage and providing some extra cc.
  • Unless you’re planning to play a total solo roamer build, run Healing Spring as your heal. It’s the best group heal in the game, providing heals for your allies as well as AoE condition removal. It’s very strong for point defense as well.
  • Quickening Zephyr and Sharpening Stone (in that order) are your biggest dps utilities available. If you want to play a burst damage spec, run at least QZ, and probably both. Flame Trap is also good DPS, but I wouldn’t run it unless you’re running a trap build supported by traits.
  • I consider Signet of Renewal mandatory in competitive sPvP. It removes a condition every 10 seconds, and on use it will remove all conditions from you. This is amazing against people playing condition based builds, Necros and Engis in particular.
  • Lightning Reflexes is a very popular survival utility, as it breaks stuns and evades. Personally, I prefer Protect Me in that role. Lightning Reflexes doesn’t break immobilizes, which are some of the most common ways that Thieves and Warriors will set you up for huge burst. As long as you have an active pet, Protect Me will give you 6 seconds of damage immunity, regardless of the cc being used against you. Both utilities are strong; use both and see what you like.
  • I prefer Rampage as One as my elite utility. It provides Swiftness when you need it, and more importantly, it’s the Ranger’s only means of gaining Stability, which can be vital for stomping downed enemies.

There’s a whole lot more to be said, obviously, but hopefully this stuff will help you get started.

How can I thank you? Thanks to you I won 3 tourneys in a row. Just… thank you so much.

Can I ask something? Which traits you think its better besides the 20 points at Marksmenship?

Level 80 Character Deleted?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


Are you from Ehmry Bay or Stormbluff ? I think I remember you. Cowkiller sounds familiar.

Level 80 Warriors - What Weapons Do You Use And Why?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


Anything, Warriors are just OP at PvP even with a candle as weapon.

Caud Manor Explorable - 1st choice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


Most of the dungeons are just stupidly hard- literally the only word I can come up with for 99% of the dungeons is “broken”. One in particular is the 1st choice in Caudacus’ Manor explorable. When you go down into the caves there’s literally 20 enemies in each room, most of which are silvers, and you can’t even pull one or two at a time- you need to pull all of them. When they get in range, which they always do, they kill you instantly because there’s 20 of them attacking you. We’ve had to cheese our way past it, but we’re wondering if either Arenanet’s dungeon team is just really bad, or we’re just not seeing some obvious method to getting past the 20-man silver elite mobs.

If there is something we’re missing, then I’d like to apologize to Arenanet’s dungeon team, if not, you guys are really, really bad at making dungeons fun, challenging, and playable all at the same time. Because there’s literally nothing within the realm of game mechanics that can get you through some of these explorables, and even if you can get through them, it takes HOURS of waypoint zerging in your underwear so you don’t pay repair costs.

I just second that. Nothing to add.

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


I only played as Ranger by now, I got level 64 and now playing sPvP. I find it pretty good when you are not at 1v1 situations or I’m just playing it wrong because I can’t really win against a Mesmer/Warrior/Thief when I’m not using a double bow build (longbow&shortbow). I might try a Defender or a Warrior, but my hatred against those classes does not allow me to do it.

Elementalist downed state... why?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


I laugh at someone who play as Elementalist and find this class fragile. You guys just don’t know how to play as it. I’ve faced a lot of Eles at tourneys and sPvP and I can say: Elementalists are a pain in the neck to kill. They have that invulnerable form plus healing state and a lot of CC’s. Practise more.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


My friend's account compromised, no serial key.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


He should have writed that down on a paper, just saying.

Level 80 Character Deleted?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


What? 1 week rollback? I will go back to level 30.

Display name change

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


Well, that’s sad. Thanks anyway.

Display name change

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


I wan’t to change my character’s name. Is this possible?

Is there a way to change the character's name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Movezigg.1238




im pretty sure, no there isnt. however, it would be a nice feature to add. one of the “gem services purchases” things…i kinda wish i had given my engineer a last name now"


Is there a way to change the character's name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


Shameless bump.

Is there a way to change the character's name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


Just for information.