Showing Posts For Mr LazyDazy.8961:

Tournament matchmaking is horrible

in PvP

Posted by: Mr LazyDazy.8961

Mr LazyDazy.8961

make the mist have like it’s own server or something.. people from EU and NA is all in the same mist and then add overflow servers when there’s to many people.

''Solo'' Que etc

in PvP

Posted by: Mr LazyDazy.8961

Mr LazyDazy.8961

Like many others who are complaining I thought I would do the same. We need to tell ANET that we’re not happy about the current state of the game (PvP). I sugguest you tell all your PvP friends to make new topics, to discuss in current topics and complain, complain, complain.

Everytime I see a lead designer reply to one of the topics they dodge the simple questions we give them.

I normal don’t join the discussions in anything here, but I have a bad feeling of the future of the game. Things happens to slowly and they seem to focus on PvE only.

I had 9 of my friends buying this game. 7 of them left. They don’t like the PvP in this game and are kinda mad at me.

TL:DR: Tell your friends to join the discussion. We need to be heard.

12 gold gloves bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mr LazyDazy.8961

Mr LazyDazy.8961

I’m a poor soul, but I managed to get myself a few coins for 3 parts of tier 3 armor. But I was REALLY disappointed when I saw behaviour of my gloves in action.
They look awesome (imo) when I stand still, but when I’m using skills and so on it’s just.. look for yourself:

Here it’s normal:

Here it’s bugging:

Here as well:

I’m not sure if a refund is possible.. My biggest wish is that you can fix it of course but I don’t see that happening for such a ‘’small issue’’ but 12g is a lot to me. :)


Leaderboards for Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mr LazyDazy.8961

Mr LazyDazy.8961

The competition in PvE is against the game. I don’t suppose it could hurt to have a fastest times leaderboard, but does it really matter? People who care about that stuff will compare it with each other anyway.

How can we compare this without a leaderboard?

Would be a great event for Guilds to try beat other guilds/groups time.

Rewards each week for the top 3 best times etc.

Leaderboards for Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mr LazyDazy.8961

Mr LazyDazy.8961

I love the game, but for the PvE I don’t see any competition at all. I think Leaderboards would be great for those people including myself that love that kinda stuff. And then some kind of reward for the best weekly record, and the best overall time for completing the dungeon should be saved just for the competition.

I really hope to see this ingame, who share this idea?