(edited by Mr Niice.2307)
Showing Posts For Mr Niice.2307:
Awesome, awesome, awesome really thanks!
Would love to get a reply from a gm regarding asc rings. If you check the amount of topics concerning the ascended rings its insane.
Even if the response is that they’re not gonna change it then it would be a informative for the people stacking those rings..
If ANet selects, they’ll have to be prepared to weather a storm of criticism from the people who think they’re already out of touch with the community.
If you leave it up to a Forum “vote” here, then you will only be getting the opinion of the forum-goers. (Not to mention you will have to MANUALLY tally up the results, and many people will chime in multiple times. No control.)
As I suggested in the other thread:
During the Beta testing, we were given little in-game questionnaires to help you guys decide what people liked, and disliked, and what needed work. That seems like a good way to reach a nice, sizable spectrum of gamers. Do you think your little questionnaire program could be adapted to quiz the community on their desires?
You can control that each account gets to vote only ONE time. Offer a checklist of “hot topics” we’d like to see addressed. Your computers can quickly tally up what topics are the most important to the community as a whole, not just the forum-goers.
Easier. Faster. More representative.
Totally agree! The hot topics, according to me, need to be selected by Arenanet because, as others have mentioned, the probability of it being constructive towards something that might actually show up is bigger.
Way to miss the sarcasm.
Yeah sorry, stupid of me. But in my defense its sometimes quite hard here to determine what is sarcasm and what is not.. :P
i cant really udnerstand u all
the vast majority of players wanted to get belindas greatsword
and we got it!!
gemstore rules!!!
This is quite oftopic but wanted to respond anyway.
Wouldn’t it be way more awesome if that sword could only be obtained by beating a very hard dungeon/boss/solo encounter where you can get the drop by rng and also obtain tokens by which you can buy the sword. This way it means something, now everyone can get it without even playing the game, sounds quite dull to me.
(edited by Mr Niice.2307)
Quite shocked about this interview indeed. Mainly because it demonstrates that there is not a clear line in what arenanet wants, taking other forum posts by devs into account, and that its not at all in line with what the players (Reddit, gw2 buddies, guilds and other random people ingame taht i speak with) want. Also because the reasoning for why Anet isnt doing certain stuff is so flawed that even a 14 year old can take down the reasoning with one simple question.
Just weant on teamspeak to speak with my gw2 buddies about the interview. After discussing it we were all really talking about taking a break from it all because were losing faith, kind of. Mainly because there are so many issues that remain unadressed and unfixed.
I hate being negative and I myself always disregarded these kind of negative posts, but there are so many issues. For example just a few problems (from my point of view): mesmer bug list with 40 bugged skills (some dev said that he had his eyes on the warden 5 months back, well still looking?), fractal hammer bug (been there to long), fractal rewards (got 120+ rings and 251 pristines and never dropped a fractal sword, bloody awesome), precursors, lack of replayable content (yes story can be replayed for story sake, but no rewards to be found there so no point).
Really hope that the feature pack will make the sun shine on gw2 again.
(edited by Mr Niice.2307)
Hey all!
We rolled Cliffside the last couple of days and encountered quite an irritating bug. Normally when someone falls down at the shoulders with the hammer it resets on top of the ledge at the shoulders, but now it doesn’t do that anymore.
We tried a couple of things to fix this. We tried to reset the hammer by all whiping, we tried it by leaving the fractals and we tried it by leave one downed and the other dead (cause you see the hammer on the platform at the legs for 0.5 seconds, when all are dead, before it dissapears). Nothing worked so we now ended up by disbanding the party at the third fractal on 49 two times in a row.
Would like to see the hammer being fixed after it being buggy for more than a year now.
Thanks in advance!
(edited by Mr Niice.2307)
Thanks! Will try. Will edit the post if anything changes.
Performed a system roll back and updated my gpu driver to the latest beta. Now everything works fine again, thanks!
(edited by Mr Niice.2307)
Hey all,
Yesterday everything worked fine, but after I woke up gw2 wasn’t working anymore.
The critical error notice gave me this information: http://pastebin.com/qGZB3NfY
I tried to run with -repair, admin privs, fresh launcher using the old gw2.data, using sweetfx and not using it, but nothing seemed to work.
If anyone knows what to do using my error log I would be very grateful!
Same here, SFR.
Same here.. Many people from my server (SFR) already gotten their chest, but nothing on my account. Switched characters, changed maps etc etc.
Fully agree with most of the possible quality of life updates! Would love to see a devs response concerning some of these.
Thanks so much!
Hey everyone!
Im in search for the item: primitive handwraps (light).
I’ve seen it in the wardrobe and really liked it, but cant find any information about it on the internet.
If anyone of you knows where to get it I would be most thankfull.
Proposal Overview
Multi-Stage Fractal Armor (In a manner similar to the fractal backpiece)Goal of Proposal
To add a reward that requires skill and dedication to obtain the top tier while giving less skilled players something to work towards, In a satisfying piece by piece manner.Proposal Functionality
note: Ideally this functions like the achievement unlocks window, in that once you unlock the tiers you can withdraw at will. If that’s not possible implement like in Pvp with traders gated behind fractal level.
The idea is that you have to do this once for your account.Basic armor unlocks
This is the base skin for the armor (equivalent being the exotic capacitor)
Fractal Level:
1, basic shoes
10,basic shoulders
20,basic helm
30, basic gloves
40, basic trousers
50, basic chestAssociated Risks
1. Technically fudgable by buying/being carried.
2. Some people may feel it unfair as they cannot reach it.Intermediate Proposal Functionality
The idea in this tier is to prevent people just joining at the end of the fractal for full rewards. This is mystic forged.Intermediate armor unlocks
This is the intermediate skin for the armor (equivalent being the beta capacitor) unlocked by combining the basic item with the other required items
Basic item + 1 pristine fractal relic + (item) fractal token + 1 Glob of Coagulated Mists Essence.The item fractal token is obtained by completing 5 unique fractal levels within the relevant tier (i.e 1-9 for the shoe token) all the boss fractals are grouped as 1.
So that’s full completion of 5 from the list of (Swamp,Asuran,Ascalon,Dredge,Grawl,Water,Cliffside,Aether,Molten,boss)Associated Risks
1. Technically fudgable by buying/being carried but slightly more time consuming on the fudger.
2. RNG on what fractals you get may delay genuine players from getting their intermediate armor.Advanced Proposal Functionality
This tier is meant to be for the top players and be completely unfudgeable, I however could not think of a satisfying way to do so.Advanced armor unlocks
This is the Advanced skin for the armor (equivalent being the maxed out capacitor) unlocked by combining the intermediate item with the other required items
intermediate item + 5 pristine fractal relic + 1 Shard Crystallized Mists Essence + X (can’t think of a suitable gate item)Associated Risks
1. Some people may be frustrated at being unable to acquire this skin.
2. If not visually satisfying enough may not be worn by those who earn it.
The idea for having fractal tier gear is awesome! This way the truly dedicated fractal players have a way of showing their progress outside fractals (if the looks are good).
But the reason why i quote this post is that i want to add a small feature.
Proposal Overview
Agony resistance infusion slots on fractal gear.
Goal of Proposal
To let players enjoy fractals without having to spend 100’s of gold on ascended gear in order to progress. Ofcourse people can do this if wanted, but it shouldnt be a necessity. A gear/money check should not be halting people to progress further, skill level is what matters. Thus the fractal gear should have AR infusion slots and therefore make ascended gear something extra instead of a necessity.
Associated Risks
The economy might get hit as people are not required to have ascended armor anymore.
(edited by Mr Niice.2307)
Hey all!
Just wanted to let you all know that the selfless potion can hardly be seen for characters with an afro (as can be seen from the screenshot).
If this could be fixed, it would be greatly appreciated!
(edited by Mr Niice.2307)
Just bought my halo, but i was up for a nasty surprise.
Simply take a look at the screenshot
Well if GW2 is a succes in China, we might get “even more” quality updates. Lets wait and see
ps, inb4 cantha!
Awesome job compiling this list of issues! Hope we, the mesmers, will someday see a quality of life improvement.
I´ve ran more than 900 fractals. I never recieved a fractal sword or a staff, which are weapons ive been looking for since me knowing about fractal skins.
Since the fractal update me and my friends have been doing the level 40 daily almost every day. Based on my experience i can agree on the fact that weapon boxes drop more often than fractal skins and the bloody awesome tonic never dropped..
Kinda starting to really dislike RNG. Why not make the fractal tonic sellable for like 100 pristine fractal relics. Why not make fractal skins craftable with the shards that are stacking up.. It can be so easy while the current system is so frustrating, except when youre lucky
(edited by Mr Niice.2307)
Hello all!
As less and less people play fractals, while its awesome, something has to change. Most people used to play fractals for their rings and backpacks. These people already have this and the people that play now are mostly in search for a specific fractal skin ( droprate low and hate the rng but thats a different matter ).
I’m suggesting more options to spend the fractal currencies (shards/relics and prestines) on. Perhaps make it possible to buy certain fractal skins for 2500 relics and or the possibility to buy t6 mats. I’m suggesting this because some that i know including myself ran more than 500+ fractals and still dont have the specific skin ( yes doing 48 allot ) and are stacking fractal currencies.
If youre wondering about the fact that this will decrease the prices of t6 mats, i dont think it will have a big impact because fractal relics are quite hard to get in large quantities.
If you like my idea please let me know if you support it.
Thanks already!
ps, make fractal rings worth selling/salvaging ^^
(edited by Mr Niice.2307)
Im not concerned about tagging, im just saying the projectile speed needs to be increased. This increases dps cause, as i stated earlier, most of the time people can outrun the projectile in WvWvW situations or in orr where mobs die in mather of seconds. If the projectile is increased in speed then you have more chance to hit and therefore you have a dps increase.
I know i can use other weapons for tagging, but this time im focussing on making the staff a better weapon to do this. I know i can use sword and gs.
Remember that this topic about increasing the projectile speed of WoC. I am not asking for a faster recharge or different conditions comming from WoC. I made this choice cause simply increasing the projectile speed already has a dps increase, with more conditions and faster recharge it will get turned down to fast.
Very glad to read so many people that feel the same way. I see multiple topics rising about this issue where people compare the staff’s attack with other weapons etc.
Kinda hope a arenanet official could respond if they are planning/will consider to change some stuff about woc.
Dear gw2 players,
This topic is purely made to discuss the fact that the purple projectile from WoC ( winds of chaos #1 ) is very slow.
I heard multiple people saying that Mesmers might be the worst class in tagging mobs cause of AoE and so on.
My question ( also kinda a suggestion ) is – does Arenanet need to increase the speed the purple projectile from staff skill nr1 woc( not the cd )?
When i walk in Orr and participate in events with my staff i’m having some problems. Ofcourse one can drop a chaos storm and shatter illusions, but sometimes im forced to use winds of chaos. To my surprise woc doesnt even hit the mob cause it dies faster then the speed of the projectile itself.
I think this would increase the fun playing with a staff and makes things just a bit easier. Im also kinda comparring it to the GS where it hits immediatly, and thats just nice ^^.
You can agree and disagree and then please state why.
Thanks in advance.
ps, sorry for my english.
(edited by Mr Niice.2307)