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"Purchase funds" covers gem custom exchange

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

Thanks for fixing it.

Minion Master

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

I think that evaluation is a little cut and dry. I do just fine.

I mean, in my opinion your giving up what I consider to be the strongest skill in the build maybe for Necros in general. The ability that allows you to have nearly unlimited life force. Also it helps your team by taking their conditions every 3 seconds (very fast) which you then have your pets give to your enemy. Trading all that for a skill on a fairly long cooldown that’s largely situational. I’m not saying it’s not a powerful skill, but I feel it has a lot less utility and synergy.

But thanks for your opinion. It would be boring if we all had the same spec.

(edited by Mr Smith.9173)

Minion Master

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

Well for me I don’t want my minions to die, the longer they stay alive the more conditions they give me increasing my lifeforce. As well as the longer they live the more conditions they give to my foes. So exploding them for a relatively low damage poison doesn’t seem like that great of a trade to me.

As far as being in Shroud too long, is that even possible? =)

I haven’t really used those skills to much to be honest, I can see the value in them, but personally (and spec is a personal choice of course) I wouldn’t trade what I have for them. And as for the minions I just resummon them. If my enemy wants them dead there isn’t a whole lot I can do to stop it. I’d rather stay in Shroud vs leaving Shroud to heal them a bit and have to wait for the timer to be able to return to Shroud. When I’m not in Shroud I feel very vulnerable.

And Dhuumfire ya know it’s a choice as well, I have used Death Perception and it’s pretty good especially if you use a power build, but for Celestial I just prefer Dhuum, and it’s really what builds the Corrupters Fervor which is a huge part of the survivability of this build. Without those stacks the build is a lot more squishy.

Anyways, I’m pleased you gave this build a look.

(edited by Mr Smith.9173)

Minion Master

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

This is my Spec, it works well for me.

The main goal is non-stop Shroud.

The pets I use because they do damage in shroud, transfer conditions to enemies and give you conditions in exchange for lifeforce. The only pet that has a rule is Flesh Golem. Summon it outside of the main combat area (but in range of it’s attack) someplace hard to attack. Both to keep it out of AoE and as an escape since you can use it as a teleport if things get too hot.

Basically I just use the staff. Mostly I just use staff basic attack to build Life Force. I don’t really use the skills except in certain situations.

I use 1 if there is a large clump of people it’s nice because it has a heal as well as a bleed. I use 2 mostly as a follow up to 1 but it’s not important. I use 3 only if I have a lot of conditions and Consume Conditions is down. And 4 I save to help downed teammates from being staked or enemies from raising their downed allies.

Blood Magic

Well of Blood: It’s the best of 3 for me. Might trade for Sig of Vamp but I really don’t cast any bleed

Vamp Aura: It’s ok low tier survivability with not a lot of better options.

Unholy Martyr: This is the whole reason to pick this tree, in Spvp it can pretty much give you unlimited shroud draw from pets and players.

Death Magic

Flesh of the Master: It’s ok keeps pets in the game a little longer, without it even minor aoe wipe them out. Shrouded Removal is a viable alternative that I used for quite a while.

Necromantic Corruption: This is pretty much the main trait for MM I wouldn’t take anything else as MM.

Corrupter’s Fervor: This is a really strong survivability trait, I consider it a must if you don’t take Shrouded Removal.

Soul Reaping

Unyielding Blast: This build is all about staying in Shroud so this is a strong trait for that. If you use it wisely you can hit multiple people.

Vital Persistence: This is also a must for staying in Shroud.

Dhuumfire: This is a solid trait. Burning is pretty strong and it adds to the damage pretty nicely especially in situations when you can’t constantly attack like vs rogues and other people who hide or get behind you.

(edited by Mr Smith.9173)

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

I support any actions Anet or any company does to support equality.

It’s unfortunate that this should even be an issue. Just treat others as you would like to be treated and accept that every person is an individual with equal rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

(edited by Mr Smith.9173)

Revert Burning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

Diminishing returns on stacking is whats needed, and or simply reducing the number of stacks certain skills apply per application on a case by case basis. A lot of classes use burning and it’s well balanced for them.

Ascended Gear - Anet please fix this.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

Just want to clarify since I saw this come up a couple of times in this thread and we haven’t actually released our full official patch notes for 6/23 yet….

Ascended Gear will be staying 5% better than Exotic Gear. Gear beyond the tiers we already have are not going to be added and our existing tiers won’t change, they won’t be our main end-game form of progression for your characters/account for all the reasons we’ve covered before – it isn’t what we think Gw2 is about.

Masteries is being added to PvE to help provide this system as our form of progression for PvE moving forward, and the WvW ability system exists for WvW and will be what we use to expand WvW in the future.

To more directly answer some of your point….We are adding a system that lets you change the stats for your ascended gear (weapons and armor) next Tuesday – which will cost a combination of 10 spirit shards, piece you don’t want anymore, 5 ectos, and an exotic insignia of the stats you want to convert to. Legendary Gear will remain the gear that can freely change stats any time.

(Edited to clarify weapons and armor)

That’s really good news and reassuring.

I have to be honest i’ve been beginning to fear there was a change in philosophy at Anet about things along the line of P2W and giving value to the customer even when other things might be more profitable.

I really want to continue to be able to have GW2 on a pedestal of how to do a F2P and that it can be done in a way that is fair for it’s customers.

What if Silverwastes had been an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

Well, my feeling thus far is that GW2 has been a extremely good value. But I understand your concern and I to some extent share it.

I bought the game at launch and I haven’t had to pay anything (though I have) since nor have they implemented any aggressive P2W, and on top of that the rate at which you can earn the cash shop items is very fair comparatively . So thus far I have been very happy and I trust they will provide a good value.

I can understand if they need to fill the coffers a bit to keep the ship sailing.

As long as it’s reasonably priced and isn’t and isn’t an excuse to just add higher tier gear to obsolete the old stuff and they don’t add a bunch of stuff that’s like “you have to buy me to continue playing the game” i’ll be satisfied.

I will be disappointed though if it’s the end of free content updates or if the only content updates become locked by a paywalls of expansions.

I feel like Anet has done right by it’s players thus far so I’d like to trust they will continue on that path into the future.

Edited to add: I would prefer if they also offered the expansion for gems though. If for no other reason than to keep the adoption rate up. Perhaps a staggered launch, maybe six months after public release add a gems HoT upgrade.

(edited by Mr Smith.9173)

Lion's Arch Poll Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

Ya know I felt kinda bad after I called for a poll on renaming Dragonhunter (it wasn’t fair and I know you guys are working kitten all these things and I trust that they’ll be great), but I’m glad you put up a poll for the Lion Arch stuff. It’s fun and gets the fans involved so, great choice. I’m looking forward to seeing the new Lions Arch i’m sure it’ll look great and it’ll be a welcome change.

(edited by Mr Smith.9173)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

Haha it’s funny that so many people dislike it.

But honestly when I read it, and it was the first thing I read. I was thinking “that’s a bad name”.

Anet you can’t have a Dragonhunter until you add spears or lances to the game, i’m sorry but those are the rules of fantasy. Both Western (pictures of knights facing off with dragons mounted on armored steeds wielding lances). To Eastern fantasy gaming lore like Final Fantasy Dragoons.

I honestly suggest taking a bunch of the suggestions from this thread and having a poll to rename the class, of course you should have Dragonhunter as an option. Changing the name is such a small thing to make the fans happy in the long term, it’s a good deal.

(edited by Mr Smith.9173)

Increased Bleeding Stacks

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

If your looking for suggestions, mine would be to have each spell have it’s own stack.

This would solve both problems with condition builds. In PVE conditions are limiting the ability of people to properly work together. And in PVP the main problem is how easy it is to nullify a condition build because 1 or 100 stacks are cleared with a single cast.

I’m really glad you guys are looking into this issue.

Developer Livestream Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mr Smith.9173

Mr Smith.9173

Is there a plan to add an automated LFG system?

When I ask this I mean with specific choices for dungeons and stages. Example: I could just set my account to LFG FotM 10, and when 5 people are found it would automatically group us.

Preferably linking all the servers.

(edited by Mr Smith.9173)