Showing Posts For MrTastix.6842:

Concerned about Captain's airship passes.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


The idea of “convenience” is that it costs, but honestly the way it works now is likely only temporary and not at all inconvenient anyway.

The problem isn’t the item itself, it’s the way it’s marketed. The event doesn’t do a good job at explaining where the old services (and what) are located if one is looking for them, particularly because most people are prone to skipping that nonsense having been trained that well, most of it’s nonsense.

The item uses underhanded marketing tactics to manipulate people into buying an item they don’t actually need by confusing them with a lack of details coupled with the destruction of a major, capital city.

For those who don’t know of Vigil’s Keep it’s simple ignorance and nothing more, but there are far more people who aren’t aware of this mishap than those who are, simply because the ignorant far outweigh the knowledgeable in virtually all walks of life.

Evon Gnashblade - Hero of Lion's Arch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


Whilst I can understand Gnashblade’s frustration, you’re all incredibly foolish if you honestly think “Kiel” is to blame. She’s simply a scapegoat, a plot device that could be called under any other name with any other personality.

Had Gnashblade been voted in Kiel would be where standing where he is right now making the same complaints as he is, making our decision pretty pointless in the long-term.

Lion’s Arch was always going to be destroyed. ArenaNet has already stated that it was in the works far before much of what we’ve been parley to has happened. The person you voted for? It was nothing more than a cheap ruse to create tension, the actual person could be have anyone, the votes could have been rigged and none of it would have made a lick of difference.

Lion’s Arch would still be burning.

Cutthroat Politics was supposed to be fun. The story behind it really doesn’t mean much in the long-term.

15% Tax

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


As amusing as the public outcry would be if Evon decided to increase the tax further I really don’t think that’d be wise from an actual gameplay design standpoint. Kicking your players in the balls is not a good long-term design solution.

It might be “in-character” but you try using that as an excuse. People hate tax increases in real life so I think that the reaction to it in-game would be twice as bad.

And this is without taking into account the number of people who did support Evon.

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


If every ‘living story’ and ‘personal story’ is going to end in a 5 man dungeon, I’m done with this game. I left WoW because I was sick of grouping up to complete content. I thought GW2 would be different. I guess I was wrong.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully discovered the multiplayer portion of this Massively Multiplayer Online Game! What’s your reward? More snark from yours truly!

The problem I have with it is that the game is deceptively solo-friendly for much of the leveling experience. There’s no indication that you’re suddenly going to be tossed into a 5-man instance at the end of YOUR PERSONAL story.

Whilst I actually agree with this in regards to your PERSONAL story, I don’t feel it’s the same for public events and the game in general.

It’s not a singleplayer game, for Christ’s sake. MMOs become nothing without at least a little social interaction. Why bother playing an MMO if you can get similar combat (and better, in most cases) from a singleplayer game that’ll offer you the solo-experience you so desire?

I think I've just hit a wall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


You know the best part about GW2 being free?

There’s none of the irrational sense of guilt or loss people get when they try leaving a subscription-based game (and yes, it is irrational, because you don’t lose anything).

IMO, GW2 not RP friendly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


I would hardly call your points evidence of “discrimination” but as a role-player I understand some peoples frustrations.

The thing you need to understand is – which many RPers don’t seem to get – is that MMOs are games (and products) first and immersive stories second. Lore is great and lore is dandy but lore isn’t the primary selling point of the game. It’s not what puts money on the developers table (though it might on the writers!).

What this essentially means is that anything that would benefit roleplayers has a low priority in terms of importance. New gameplay features, game balancing and bug fixing are much more important because Guild Wars 2 is a -game-, not an interactive story.

On a personal level I think most roleplayers should really get over it. No game has ever given us the tools to create a completely immersible experience and so we should work with the hand we’ve been dealt. I always have and, quite frankly, my enjoyment and role-playing experience isn’t lessened because my chosen race/class’ lore isn’t as developed as I might like.

Blanks were made to be filled. So I filled them.

Why are thieves so hated?

in Thief

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


Generally, what Roughneck said is true.

All classes have something that makes them seem “overpowered” in specific situations. Likewise, there’s certain situations where all classes can feel “underpowered”, too.

Most of these situations are created by inexperienced/unskilled players who lack the patience or desire to learn from their mistakes. Instead of learning they simply coming to the forum and starting whining like a 3 year old baby.

There’s a very simple method to fixing the problem though. It’s called teamwork. Being a “hero” doesn’t exist in MMO’s (specifically in PvP), it just tends to annoy people and make you look unskilled.

If you don't attunement swap, your doing it wrong

in Elementalist

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


So either you use the four attunments and all of your abilities, or this profession is not for you and you’ll be better and happier with an other one.

This is, by and large, the common complaint I’ve seen amongst those who enjoy the Elementalist class (or want to).

The use of all four elements is a fine and dandy concept but it doesn’t work in practice when you realise how absolutely convoluted it is. No other class needs to rely so heavily on similar functions. No other class has nearly as much skills nor a dependency on many of them.

This is what makes the Elementalist class a very complex, very unrewarding class to play. The concept of the class interests me. The complexity of the class would too but since no other class is as complex and because the difficulty is unrewarding, why even bother?

Game balance is not just about fiddling with numbers. Continuity of class complexity and strategy also plays a role in it. This continuity is broken with the Elementalist since it’s so much more convoluted to play.

Feeling Isolated- No Offical Roleplay Server

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


The only reason I think an official “RP” server tag should even be implemented is for those who already know what the tag stands for and look for it to see what fellow roleplayers play on.

The tag itself won’t stop people from breaking character/immersion in standard chat channels, nor has it ever in other games, but it certainly helps remove any confusion as to what the roleplaying servers are, unofficial or otherwise.

Satisfaction Poll.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


I would love to see a poll like this in-game, rather than on the forums, so that more people can actually see it and give input.

Forum communities are always a minority of a games playerbase. But since having a poll in-game could potentially prove how horrible ArenaNet is at managing their games, I doubt we’d ever see something like it.

The game itself is pretty good but why bother is quality if not consistent across the board?

The one time event, and how i'm not gonna be in it

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


Having an event be repeatable for everyone sort of really kills the impetus behind it all. Coming from a guy who was there for opening events, one-day things, and personalized-instance-events in WoW, RO, and TERA, I can say that I subjectively vastly prefer the one-time events.

Yes, it might be terrible that you don’t get to participate in the event, but you’re missing the bigger point of it all – what you’re actually missing is the ability to join OTHER people in going through that sort of story.

To that end, what I’d honestly suggest is a slight modification of what Vahkris put forth: an instanced version of events for people to go back and re-experience isn’t a bad idea, but it’s incomplete, imo. Instead, expand it to a party concept, so that you;re at the very least doing the event with other people, much like the original event was. Make it a ticket, something that each player has to have in their inventory that gets consumed upon entering the instance, but let players – if possible – explore all the various areas that the original event opened up.

Things like one-time-only events definitely give the game a sensation of life that’s hard to find, but it’s admittedly hard to schedule things so everyone gets a chance. Short of running the event more than once – and somehow ensuring that people don’t get rewarded twice – I think having the ability to re-experience things after the fact is as good as it could get.

I’m not against the idea of an instanced version, I’m just saying that this entire problem never had to be an issue to begin with as there are decent alternatives than alienating an entire region.

I also don’t think making them repeatable would destroy the main attraction or immersion of the events since there’s already numerous things in-game that could destroy that anyway, and much of that is largely based on player perspective.

I honestly think that allowing them to be done when people choose or at numerous times of the day would potentially strengthen the event simply because more people would be able to do it and be hyped up for the thing.

The one time event, and how i'm not gonna be in it

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


The reason we chose the times that we did, when concurrency is at its peak, is precisely because it offers us the highest chance for the largest number of people to attend. By definition though, because concurrency rises and falls, that means it’s impossible for us to choose a time that offers us a chance for everyone to attend.

This wouldn’t even be a problem if there was no one-time only event to begin with, because if the event was repeatable throughout the day then people could do it on their own time, at any time of the day.

The fact that there is already events which can happen multiple times throughout the day is proof that a one-time event doesn’t need to exist at all.

One-time events simply do not work in an online game, especially one where players can play on any server, anywhere in the world (unlike say World of Warcraft, where EU accounts play on entirely separate servers to NA accounts), because it is virtually impossible to account for all time-zones and simply unfair to do so, even if you try to host the event at peak hours.

You and the rest of the team at ArenaNet can make as many excuses as you want but that won’t change the fact that one-time events do not need to be in the game since alternative, more region-friendly methods, already co-exist in the game right now.

The one time event, and how i'm not gonna be in it

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MrTastix.6842


All I heard when reading this was, me, me, me, me. :C The title of your thread kinda ruined it no offence.
“The one time event, and how I’M not gonna be in it”

Whilst I understand your point this doesn’t invalidate his.

Not everyone is going to skip days just for an event in an online game. People work, people study, and people shouldn’t be expected to skip an entire day for one event at all.

One-time events, regardless of the reward (whether a simple cinematic or an actual item of some sort) simply do not belong on a game played for hundreds of people spanning the entire globe.

Developers can make the excuse that they’re trying to cater to the largest online demographic at the time but that’s a straw-man argument, since if the event wasn’t a one-time event and spanned multiple times over the course of 1 or 2 days then there would be no need to cater to any one demographic.

For me, it’s largely the principle of the thing. I don’t care for this particular event as much as I do for the idea that it could happen for every single event, some of which could potentially reward some awesome content I’m probably going to miss out on just because of where I live.

Why should people be punished because of where they live? I can’t just up and go whenever I want, nor did I exactly choose to be born and raised in NZ.