Showing Posts For MuddyTear.5703:

Buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MuddyTear.5703


Alright, thanks. If I wanted to uselessly waste and burn money for nothing, I’d rather do it myself. Shame anet decided to remove incentive to buy for people who owned the game for years. If I bought this, I’d just feel riped of, seing as I only wvw.

Shame, since I also lost any reason to spend gems. It’s a shame you need HoT to stand a chance roaming.

Shame that an 800gem char slot is what cost them a sale and future gem purchases.

(edited by MuddyTear.5703)

Buying HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MuddyTear.5703


Just a short question. If I buy HoT to upgrade an exsisting account, what do I get in compensation for not needing the base game. All I could find was what I would have gotten had I preordered, but nothing else.

Do late adopters still get the extra character slot when upgrading? Do I get anything?
This will determine whether I buy it or not. After all, I’m Canadian and that’s $70 for this…

So if I just loose half of that value, no way I could support that. Far as I’m concerned, that amounts to theivery so hense compensation is needed since I don’t need, nor want, the base game I already own.

Duels in the wrong place...

in WvW

Posted by: MuddyTear.5703


I laugh at your weakness, guy I’m dueling will allways rek you. Oh, it’s called solo roaming. Why 1v1’s happen everywhere. But the commmunity, never used to have so many excuses as to why you needed to 2, maybe even 3v1 that one roamer. Oh no he might take that tower, look out. Go find some even fights and stop being tower huging baddies. K thanks.

Error c0000094

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MuddyTear.5703


Been a while since I’ve got a crash. Unplug the power cord and log in on battery power and you’ll get no errors.. After you are in game, plug her back in.. I have no idea why that works, but what ever. Where I got that from..

(edited by MuddyTear.5703)

Ranger Pet F2 Ground Targeting?

in Ranger

Posted by: MuddyTear.5703


It’s because you have a certain utility skill equiped, I believe it’s Prayer to Lyssa or Prayer to Kormir or one of the human racials.

Yup.. Was Prayer to Kormir causing this bug, how very interesting..

Ranger Pet F2 Ground Targeting?

in Ranger

Posted by: MuddyTear.5703


Pretty much self explanatory. Why is my spider F2, which is passive, bringing up the ground aoe target circle like the arrow carts? So strange it is….

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: MuddyTear.5703


The ranger class can be usefull in wvw.. Mind you, total lack of blast finish completly nerfs the class for group play… But about your build… Beastmaster traiting…Much beter places for those points in wvw… As broken pet mechanice. lol F2 attack… And the pets realy bad survivabilty in aoe. Is why I say that… Bring a bear…swap to on seigeing to avoid long cd to… pro tip… I have a sweet custom build I made for wvw.. Never going to share… But with it I can run front line in 60v60 fights and live…The ranger built and played right can do everything but group support.. Be it large fight, small fights, or 1v1.. Yes, any class… 1V1

(edited by MuddyTear.5703)

Can log in to forums, but not launcher

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MuddyTear.5703


Just came up for me.. Completely Random, was in the game.. Got kicked with that can’t access log-in servers error… Now I can’t log in at all, just shows the trying circle thing.. This is frustrating…

3/22 GoM vs NSP vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: MuddyTear.5703


Posted on Behalf of TFG
Lowlands Keep Siege
1.) Longwalk
2.) First Door
3.) You guys Looked Shocked
4.) Lords Room
5.) Enjoying his prize, Commander Moontrance (Props to Commander X Braveheart, and to all the other people for the help)


(edited by MuddyTear.5703)

GoM at it again

in WvW

Posted by: MuddyTear.5703


Only thing I’ve seen is a few using our tower portals like they own them.. When they don’t.. As well as a few thiefs glitching over gates.. I just report them… The siege crap.. Don’t know who did it.. But don’t go QQ’n cheater when you have no idea if it was just a ten year old going nelson haha style..